
Long Time Member
anyone addicted to online poker? i sure am. a few years ago i won 9 grand online and ever since ive been hooked. at least i can be on MM at the same time
I don't like playing online. I like to be able to see those I'm playing against. $9,000 isn't too shabby!! Good job. And I can see how it can become very habit forming. It's right there at your finger tips.

play bodog alot. just play holdem for play money. it passes the time when living out of a motel. never played for real money or in person.
I used to play Party Poker on line, play money. The hands that that puter kicks out, especially on the river, are just too unreal for me to believe that it is totally random. i simply just don't trust them. I was up a couple million when i quit and i get the feeling that lots of guys do that when playing for "fun" money, if you get my drift.

Kills time in a entertaining way though, if that's what you're looking for. A real game, with live people, 3-6? deal me in for $60. i'm game, who's got the big blind?

I used to play quite a bit, and won a few thousand bucks. I quit for a while, and the last time I tried to play I got stymied. They wouldn't let me deposit money because I live in the US. If anyone knows a way around that I'd love to hear it.
i play on pokerstars and you can still deposit money into your poker account but you cant use a credit card. i use my checking account. its called an E check. pretty easy to do.
Pokerstars E Check is the best i've seen. Can get money into your account quick.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
I've never risked a dime playing but have played in the "for fun"sites. Too many idiots going all in on every hand - you can't really run a bluff or force someone into folding in that case so it was just the luck of the cards and it wasn't all that much fun. Besides, I have better things to waste my time with.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
the free games are a joke! but when you start getting into serious money then it becomes more of a poker game. and the bluffs start working
Well, that's exactly why I won't play. Don't gamble for money, but I will play for kitchen and latrine duty in hunting camp!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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