Onions and Christmas Trees


Long Time Member
An older couple seated at the dinner table engaged in some small talk. The husband told his wife, 'you know, as a woman goes through various stages of life, she can be compared with produce.'

The wife looked and inquired of him to explain this notion. The husband continued, 'when I first met you, you know, it was like two melons, so firm and round and fully packed. In your 40's, it changed to pears. Still ample and firm but a little more tear dropped. Then, after your 50's, they turned to onions.' 'Onions?' the wife said taking insult to his comments. 'Yeah, I look at them and cry.'

'Well,' the wife exclaimed, 'men are similar to trees.' 'When I first met you, you were like a big oak, solid firm hardwood. In your 40's you were somewhat like a willow. Still substantial but a little more flexible. After your 50's you turned into a Christmas tree.' 'A Christmas tree?' asked the man. 'Yes, basically it is dead and just does not know it yet, and the little balls are just for decoration.'

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