Onedryboot/horny man all units



You guys helped me out, low posts and all I am grateful for your help. JB148
Hey man, I just gave you a few good places to look, and you did the rest! You put in the time and hard work!

P.M. sent
I didnt post that to burn ODB. He pointed me in a direction I went with it. It may have been disinformation I dont know. I found an elk. JB

I actually tried to point you in a direction where you would never see an elk. but you defied all odds and found the only one! Good job :)
One last thing, Onedryboot didnt give into NR pressure. He was kind enought to point me in a direction. That is all. JB
No worries man.

Your bull was hard earned!!! Wish I could have stuck around long enough to help you get off the mtn. That place has become a ZOO! Way too many tags. From here on out Im going to start going back to the old stomping grounds where we use to see nice deer but have now become infested with elk.

FYI; my young cousin missed a 5 point bull on the youth hunt. So leaving you and helping him wasnt all in vain.

I hope your family is well.

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