One Republican chastizing the Demo's

He may have a point. Bush sucked at business,and he's put us a kajillion dollars in debt.
Ya we know how you feel about Bush, Dude. I fail to see how romney's criticism of the 3 dem candidates have anything to do with Bush though. My point of this article is that Romney has put them behind the 8ball and they can only call him a communist rather than defend their views? Unless you are referring to the Katrina disaster, and I view that as a local disaster for not accepting Bush's offer to help before the hurricane even arrived, Bush suggested that the Mayor of New Orleans evacuate the city and she refused to alert her own people because she thought Bush was pushing his wieght around in a local, as yet to be, disaster?
I will, however, agree that Romney is being a bit like Kerry and flip flopping on some issues.
Tell me doesn't have a valid point:

"It would be helpful to have a person leading the country who understands how the economy works and has actually managed something," the former Massachusetts governor told reporters after a GOP fundraiser. "In the case of the three Democratic front-runners, not one of them has managed even a corner store, let alone a state or a city."

His statements are a bit conflicting though. He DOES seem to be a flip flopper. I can't stand that! I don't really know how he feels about immigration and that bothers me.
Wouldn't hurt if the leader of this country had a scientific and economic background and some of morality. Where do we find this person? Monster Muley?
"I don't want the guys who ran the (Hurricane) Katrina cleanup running my health care system."

how true Wow scarry!
>Wouldn't hurt if the leader of
>this country had a scientific
>and economic background and some
>of morality. Where do
>we find this person? Monster

I would say Mitt fits this criteria pretty well. He has the economic background and he has the morality down pact as well. He is smart and has succeeded everywhere he has been. Let's hear the liberals question Mitts IQ and smarts or his morality. Can you say squeaky clean?

Don?t you all find it amusing that all of these candidates continually berate the others plans but never say what their?s is. None of them are going to stick their neck out until they secure their parties nomination. Once that happens we'll finally get to hear what they really think. For now each one will drift like a feather which ever way the polls blow.

Post Script: Personaly I think Clinton and Rommney act the most presidential right now. By that I mean the most focused and least likley to get rattled.

Rus, the berating and brow beating is the fun part, it puts everyone on the defense, with their responses almost certainly showing their true character.
I do agree with you though, nobody will show their intent until the nomination has been decided.
Does anyone one else get the impression that the timing of these candidacy anouncements have been used to derail the Bush administrations ability to accomplish anything for the remaining 2 years?
Sure would be nice to have them all voted out and a bunch of new people voted in that would actually get something done "for the people of the people".

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