One of my best Mounts to date :

I probably like the Detail in the LEft Waterfall the best :



People, they thin' I don't know a Buttload of Crap About the Gosple, but I do. (Nacho Libre)
looks good, its nice to see different idea's. when i seen that pic of the boys in the tub, i was thinkin they were either really dirty or one of them took a chit! funny.

Dude, if that is one of your best mounts, I need to talk to your wife. I was hoping this thread was not about flying liver, deer, elk, and such.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-08 AT 05:01PM (MST)[p]HARLEQUINS! I knew it!:) Way cool, Moosie! As someone who knows and appriciates where those birds live and what it takes to get them, let me just say you're doing them proud! They deserve a special place in any collection.

Edit: nice Bufflehead (butterball) too!
KTC, Sorry dude... here is my wife I took a picture of last month with the Kido's in the background.


I have different pedestals and poses for that mount but I haven't decided which one I like best ;)

Thanx EEL and every one else. I have a couple of cool mounts in my head.. (Besides the wife) that I want to try to do. Over the next couple years we're gonig to push the envelope on some. Don't want some of the ideas out yet but should be cool.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to getting this one home :)


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
Ok now you made me feel bad Moosie! I give you some chit and you post a pic of your lovely wife!:) That trumps any remaining "mount" jokes.

Looks like your family just came home from services? That is how we dress in Tardville.;-) You have probably seen Brow look like that a time or two?

Ok, ok, the flying liver looks sweet BTW!
HAHA.. Make the jokes, I'm a big boy :) Notice I don't care much what people type, I still sleep at night .. BUUahaha !!

My wife is LDS, goes to church and the temple and the kids go to church too. I'm not religious but we have a good mariage. I let her go to church, she lets me hunt :) I do all the activities (Orchards, scouts, setup of activities, Etc) but jsut not a Churchy guy. She was heading out to church that morning and I thought she looked OK so I snapped a Picture :)

She's the only desert I can eat and not get cavities ;) (I'm sure that might be over some line somewere ?!?!! :) )

I have yet to see Browtine in a dress.. Except that one date we went on.... But I wasn't aware anyone else knew about it *wink*


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
Oh I will make jokes at Moose-Knuckles, but never, ever, never, ever, a man's pretty wife. Those jokes are off limits!

Your wife sounds like a great person, just like mine. She goes to church and takes the kids so I can have quiet time.;-) Are you playing the ignorant card like I am? My wife will save me in the end if I need saving. I know nothing!;-)

Browtine wears dresses? I was talking about the white shirt and black tie on your son. I had no idea Browtine was a cross-dresser? How does he look with a shiny bald head? Probable pretty nasty!?! You dated her? Ha!

Now bt is going to jump in and kick the chit out of me! Ha!
BTW Knuckles, when we gonna see the elk mount complete? You one point, 5 year waiting period, drawing bastard! IDB says you got my Oryx tag? Give it back or we are gonna have troubles Poosie!;-)
UHHH yah, the white shirt, Thats what I meant too ;)

My wife might save me. But if I ever let her out of my site she'll realize there might be someone better... but I doubt it ;)

I PWN Browtine, Although I can't hold much over his head any more.... Mostly becasue it blinds me when the suns out :)


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
I did draw an Oryx tag with Bugler. I don't put in for many draws out of respect for you guys. I draw everything :) :)

I'll have the mount done in a month or so. I will definately post pictures. Don't I always ...BUUahahaha !!


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
That's a nice looking mount.
I think it's cool how some can push the envelope and let their creativity come to life. Some cool new techniques have come out of your ideas it seems like.


You a great/creative taxidermist. That "Ice" is unique and I really like it.

Do you have any life size bear mounts? I am trying to come up with some ideas for a life size mount on my bear. Thanks

That is a cool mount and scenery. You got a good taxi who must like making habitat with the mounts. Not all of them care for that kind of detail!


I would be careful depending on the size of your home? Stuff like a live bear with habitat could get big real fast! I saw one standing on his hind legs looking up a quakie stump? Look at lots of bear photos of live bears? There may be a picture of something you like and can re-create? What about how he was before you shot him?

It is tough to make taxi decisions. If you screw up there are no do-overs!
I have a bear mount. A life size. It's "OK". It's up on the wall. I'll get a picture. I plan on doing 2 more, one for an Idaho bear "Hum-V" I shot and another for a little Brown bear i took in Kign Salmon. I have a pretty cool idea for the Brown bear. Kind of like KTC said. It was how I seen him when I took him. Over some fish at the edge of the water. They do get big FAST !!! They take up alot of room. I'm out of room right now with just a couple mounts I have. Need to get more room..... :)


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!

Great suggetions; your points are well taken. The reason I asked Moosie is because I am trying to get a lot of ideas. I just built a house and I do have some room. However, I dont plan on doing too many life size mounts.

I was thinking of just doing a rug. However, the from of my bear (large white patch) is what I think makes it unique. Also, it has a rub mark near the shoulder and I think the life size will look better.


I appreciate you getting me a pic. You have a good taxidermist and some great ideas.
Cool mount man, you have lots of time on your hands my friend!! Not that that is a bad thing!
Skyline.... I'm running 200 MPH from 7AM back again till 11PM or midnight or like tonight 1:30PM I finally log on to check out the weather, some porn and the hunting forums :). We all have time on our hands. Even in the dozens of activiies I do I still have time. More people should realize that and live life... (Just don''t give up the net ;) )

Woodruff, I haven't had "time" to take and post a pic ..... *wink*

Haven't forgot... Still need to make my Africa Packing list. <2 weeks and I haven't even shot my gun or made a list to go yet...... *SIGH*


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-08 AT 10:37PM (MST)[p]Priorities ? Not sure what those are ;)

OK,,,, Some mounts. Here is a couple deer and my newest duck mount down at my moms house (I bought my mom and dad a house 4 doors down from mine. Sounds like alot of money but she babysits every friday so it's worth it. I can also store some mounts down there :)





I suck at taking pictures indoors.... but this is from my front door looking to the left :


(Yes, that's a 65" TV.. and NO.. I don't watch TV. But did you see the stadium seating I brought in for the superbowl :) )

Here is a link to that :



Here's my Bear Mount :



I have another Room with Mounts but not many. I have 2 other Cool duck mounts but I just brought them back to the taxidermist tonight to get some changes on them. One, My 2nd to oldest "accidentally" kicked off the wall when I was on a hunting trip to Wyoming last year.... *sigh* good just I love kids. :) I still wonder if Mom was throwing a "Daddy's out hunting" fit and the boyz covered for her.... :)


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
Why don't you ever kill anything Moosie?;-)

I like your room even if it is full of dead liver!;-)
Dang nice place, Here we thought you was all fluff, Keep up the good stuff.

The house down the street will be a good investment in a few years too.
I would be stupid if I didn't put my 2 cents in here about Oscars taxidermist. The guy may have good ideas and do some good work. BUT.... The guy is shady as they come. He has had 3 of my capes for 2 years now and tells me every 30 days that they will be here soon and that he'll call you in 30 days. I'll call 45 days later and still nothing. I need light a fire under this guys arse somehow.


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