One more question: .270 or .300 Win



I only have three rifles, my wife will use either the .270 or a .243 - whichever she feels more comfortable with. My .270 has a 20" barrel so I do lose velocity, but I have taken deer size game out to 300 yards. I shoot my .300 very well as I have had the stock modified to my arm length and put on a decelerator pad. I have a Leupold VXIII B&C Edition scope on it so i have cross hair measurements at 200, 300, 400, et cetera. Not sure I could shoot 400 or farther, but....

The .270 has a Zeiss Conquest 3x9x40 on it. I wasn't sure if we should share the rifle or each take our own.

My wife normally shoots a Winchester M70 featherlight in.270.
She has shot a number of bucks with it.
One time she used my .300 Weatherby ultralight, she killed a real nice 4x4 blacktail.
She was so excited she never felt the recoil.
For antelope, my wife shoots a .243, I shoot a .270. They aren't hard to bring down with their thin skin and a well placed shot. All 3 of your guns will work fine, take whatever you guys shoot well.
HH makes a good point about her being so excited she won't feel anything, just make sure you don't pound her out on the range so she flinches at the moment of truth.
Good luck, antelope are a blast and are beautiful animals!


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