One more chance


Long Time Member
Three guys died and stood before the pearly gate. The first guys big sin was his love of food. The second guys sin was his love of money, and the third guys downfall was he was gay.

St. Peter decides to give all three men a second chance, but warned them that the first time they sinned they would immediatly be brought back up to face the judgement.

Back on earth, the three men were walking along and came upon a donut shop. The first guy just couldn't help himself. He bought one and as soon as he took a bite, POOF! He disappeared.

The two remaining guys kept walking and the second guy spotted a quarter on the ground. He just couldn't help himself. As soon as he bent over to pick it up, POOF! the gay guy disappeared!

I don't dare ask where he disappeared too.

.......not sure i wanna know!! Lol


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