one happy customer



I recently bought a pair of vortex razors and loved them, but after a while I noticed that they would not focus right. So I sent them and figured I would see if the warranty was as good as they say. Well vortex didn't only fix them but sent me a whole new pair! Apparently the others were beyond repair. The thing that really got me is that they even went to the extent of putting new rings on for my bino system. Needless to say I was very satisfied by the service I received.

Just Living the Dream
That sounds really good but what if you had discovered that they wouldn't work right in the middle of a precious hunt? Fixing them is great and it's nice when a company backs their products but when i read a post like yours, makes me doubtful of the product quality in the first place. Thanks for the report!

My son had the same issue and sent them in and received a new pair within a couple of days. Excellent service from what I see!
Just got a new Vortex rifle scope and can't wait to try it out on my new Christensen Arms rifle, but still waiting for it to be built.
My dad bought a pair of binos last year and loves them!
It's nice to see a company back their product like they say they will.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-08 AT 00:08AM (MST)[p]They can do that because they are made in china for 2 bucks a pair.....J/K....LOL

Excellent service doesn't mean quality, gave mine to my son and bought another golden ring....
kkk hes been hiding at strawberry wit me ;-) jk actually where have ya been cam i thought we were gonna go lookin a couple of times im gettin poor cant afford gas anymore i been out so much i gotta bum rides from ppl!

Bury me in the hills so i can fertilize the grass and grow bigger animals for the rest of ya
hey jenn they have been keeping me pretty busy at strawberry and i think i got my chat pass revoked (cant get in anymore) ha ha cameron i am in the same boat i work for the state remember. i did make it out on wednesday but didnt see anything but the F*****G sheep!!!! hoping to get out a few more times before the archery hunt.

Just Living The Dream
35 bulls this morning and not one of them would even tempt a trigger finger haha oh and a possibility of a wolf aint $hittin ya kinda scary thinkin they made it this far south scared us to death when we come round the corner and it was standin in the road

Bury me in the hills so i can fertilize the grass and grow bigger animals for the rest of ya

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