One for Kilo, Eel and Outdoor Writer

Im not an " old fart " but I love the classics, I use to listen to them with my Dad, and Grandpa, I love just about every song, but This one, Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White, this song gets on my nerves ughhh .......Long story ....:)
Well, like it or not, I can say there was nothing on there I was not familiar with......I sold half that shyt at a yard sale in 1977.
I still have 120 old 45's in a case that go back to the early 50's..........two of them are 45's with 2 songs per side.....collectors would love to get them as they are ELVIS.

It took me back---
Ya, I'm an old fart, and most of the time can't speak the same language as the young men on this web site.

Steve Cheuvront
I liked the Burma shave fence slogans, used to love watching for those as a kid. I sometimes wonder if they are still up somewhere?

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.

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