
Long Time Member
Enough said.


Courtesy of the internet.
That actor is pretty good . I liked him in Con Air and a couple other movies I can't think of the name right now .
LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-11 AT 11:53PM (MST)[p]Bad as he is, he can't pour concrete in THAT outfit!

Last time I saw that guy, he was standing on a corner in Pacoima and that coat had knock off Rolexs'. Now he has switched to cuttlery!

WOW! I guarantee, you won't want to see that butt ten years from now!
It's only about 2 plates of "Rosarita Refrieds" away from requiring a taillight right already!
His name is Danny Trejo and has made many fine action
films. He is well known in the film industry.

Does any body know what movie that picture is from ? I can't think of a movie I have seen where he is some kind of knife fightin dude .
>Talk about racial stereotyping.

lol.....what did Davey Crockett say that morning at the Alamo when he saw all those mexicans outside??

>The movie is called "El Machete".
>It's available now in DVD.

Thanks . I don't remember ever hearing any body talk about that movie being good or bad , and I don't remember seeing any previews for it . Guess I'll check it out on netflix .
No! racial sterotyping would be saying, Just like a Mexican armed with a knife while going to a gun fight. To make it even worse is that he is carrying a bunch of Jim Frost specials made with 400 steel.

The comments made by one particular poster was loud and clear.
I did not read them wrong. They stand for what they are.

The cure to a bad ass Mexican


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

LAST EDITED ON Jan-21-11 AT 07:36AM (MST)[p]EL Dorado, loosen your panties a little!

Is that a picture of you? I doubt it.

Did I pick on that Mexican guy......who has made millions portraying himself as the consumate Mexican?....Yes I did, and would do so in any venue.

Did I pick on that big butted girl? Yes, but Ray Charles knows what is in store for that booty!

Is it racist? Probably. Is it funny? Hell yes, it's funny! How do guys like Paul Rodriquez, Mencia, etc, etc, etc, become millionaires? They pick on Mexicans! When they quit, I'll quit!

I have half a dozen Mexican American in laws.....we bash each other constantly. They are Catholics to boot, don't get me started!

In Mexico they make jokes about Gringos......Ethnic jokes are as old as Moses....the Jew that couldn't swim!...You can't stop them so you might as well giggle.

Here: Who's your favorite Mexican?

Any of them that have NEVER been north of the Rio Grande!

But hey, start a political movement so that it is wrong to use the "M" worked for those other guys!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-21-11 AT 10:09AM (MST) by kilowatt (moderator)[p]Note to self.....Ignore threads by ELDORADO from now on.

Most people probably remember him from "Desperado". There was a couple other things to remember from that movie also ;-)

I don't think he is. I think Eldorado is Flounder or a cohort of his trying to liven things up a bit here. He has posted in every forum about all sorts of topics. He's just searching the web, posting random pics. Nothing wrong with it, just a different M.O than Homee.
Not sure where this Mexican fits other than in my dreams!


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