Once in a lifetime.


Long Time Member
Talked to an old hunting buddy tonight that I hadn't talked to in months. We got litter mates, GWP females a long time ago. I thought mine was gonna be 12 in February. After hunting her this week, several 4 hour hunts, I thought I might be off by a year or 2. I asked him and he told me his had passed away of old age but would have been 12 this February.

He lives in the Sacto Valley and since the pheasant hunting has declined, he didn't hunt her much the last few years.

Guess the daily hikes and trailing behind the horses doesn't only keep mine in shape but prolonged her life. I feel very fortunate that I was able to share the last 12 years with her. Only regret was all the times the first few years I chased waterfowl with her at home instead of upland game.
Cali I have a hunting buddy who is considering getting a GWP because they are good for both upland and waterfowl. He's a little bigger on the waterfowl hunting though. I had GWP but only used it for upland. How do they messure up to a lab in the marsh?
In the late 60's my grandfather had one that he trained for NAVHDA trails and you'd never lose a bird with that dog. Part of the training was to turn the dog loose on a domestic duck. Only he gave the duck a 15 minute head start. Dog would chase the duck, swimming for over an hour before he'd shoot the duck. I dropped a widgeon in 30+ winds one day in about 14"s of water. Cripple swam in a 1/2 circle about 50 yards to get to cover. Damn dog followed exactly where the duck had swam. So yea, they'll retrieve waterfowl BUT in my opinion, they can't handle the water like a lab or chessie.

I'm the biggest GWP advocate there is. I used to hunt the refuges in the Sacto Valley, dog neck deep in water for hours in December. Closest land 100's of yards away. I wouldn't do that to a GWP. If you did most of your waterfowl hunting where there is dry land plus hunted upland game, I'd recommend the GWP but not for the true, hardcore waterfowl hunter.

Getting back to your original question, you won't get the dramatic dives into the water like a lab but you'll get a better nose. Chukar hunting, no comparision. Have chukar hunted with GWPs since 89, hundreds of hunts and had one foot injury. That was a cut on the side, not the pad and not a wear through. That covers 3 different dogs. Large feet for their size.

They will do anything ask of them though, including big game.

I've posted before how my female treed a big lion in Sept, 04.

My male that I got as a 3 year old is very agressive. He has killed 3 skunks in the last 3 months, Stinky's his new name. He'll meet you at your car, teeth showing and barking. Has torn a couple of sweat shirts but never broken skin. Lets the kids crawl all over him but won't let smart strangers out of the car unless one of us are there telling him its OK. In my case, mile from the pavement and 400 yds past the last house, I'm good with that. Would be a nuiance or liablilty in a residential area.

I think he's a product of his upbringing. He was a rescued dog that was negelected, not abused. Not real comfortable with people but the 3 I got as pups were introduced to strangers as pups ( soccor games,little league games, visting at friend's houses, etc.) and none of them ever had ANY incidents. Read up on them and it's well documented they are protective over their families.
Thanks alot Cali I appreciate you sharing your knowledge of the GWP with me. I think my hunting partner is going to go ahead and get one. We saw a guy with one this weekend and the thing was awesome so i think he's sold. thanks again.

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