On the way to work..


Long Time Member
Yesterday morning as I was getting in my truck to leave for work I heard a coyote yip. It sounded real close so I went back into the house and grabbed the T3 and ran to the edge of the wash. The yipping stopped about that time and I figured I had been busted. A few seconds later this old coyote with a limp moved into view at about 75 yards. DRT


The picture was taken in the afternoon as I didn't want to be late for work.
Nice I bet work was alot nicer today too. Are you just about done with the harvest or just starting.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Gator, the wave is about to break on us. Final cutting of alfalfa will be next week as well as the start of dry bean harvest. Followed by soybeans and corn and then planting fall small grains..

And yes, I did have smile on my face most of the day.
Glad to see that Sparkey is still getting even with those yotes. I bet he'll never forget the time they almost got him. Good on you for saving him.


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About two weeks from starting soys here beanman and it should be the best yield I ever have had. My father will start while I chase the mulies of southern wyoming.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-10 AT 07:25PM (MST)[p]Ya know. Generally the only person that likes your dog is You. In the case of Sparky I think we have all kinda adopted him.

Drifty are you a Tofu pimp or what????

That fall farming will sure burn up all the daylight and then some.
Silage cutting time is around the corner.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Sparky reminds me of the pictures that were floating around on cyber space with the mule kicking the crap out of that Wolf that was dead.
Go get them Sparky. Sparky gets the last bite in though.

Nice shooting Fred and bag a few more.


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