On the run


Very Active Member
With stories about these people like the militia guy in Montana ( has he been caught yet?) , Robert Fisher and this Knapp fella now running around in the hills how is it that hunters have not come across them at one time or another? It appears Knapp is making enough mistakes now that he will get caught and most likely it will turn out really bad. Fisher on the other hand is still at large, how is it he hasn't at least been seen? You would think anywhere a hunter might go that his camp would get raided of food and things like clothing etc. etc.. Hey boots wear out. Knapp has covered 1000 square miles?? That's a lot of boot wear. He is raiding cabins so it makes since he is getting boots and so on from them. What about these guy?s that aren't?

So this sparks a curious question. If you were on the run or even if you just wanted to disappear in the wild, where would you go and how would you most likely survive??

I would be on survivor "one world". Some of those chicks are hot.... and that little sweater-wearing guy....well....would disappear.

Other than that I have no idea. I'd have to think about it for awhile.

if I were on the run and like that would ever happen, I'd go to some big city. Everyone hates everyone and no one really gives a crap about the guy next to them. So many people it would be easy to blend in and disapear.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
I would go somewhere that I was already familiar with that had access to somewhat large towns to be able to blend in with people when needed but still have access to large tracts of wilderness. Would want a place where I could gain lower elevation in the winter but still not be an area where lots of people would be accessing.
I think it would be rather easy to "disappear in the woods".

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
It seem the guy in Ut picked a good spot.
He been on the run up there for 5 years.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I'd be "up the creek" because when my boots wore out I'd never find the size 14 to replace them. Not to mention the 2x/3x Tall jackets I need.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-12 AT 03:34PM (MST)[p]ZEKE!
I could just see you on survivor. Remember that one guy on the first survivor? walked around neked all the time.....
I'm with Knapp... Find an area with a lot of cabins in it... I wouldn't leave any trace I had been there other than missing food, or clothes... But who remembers exactly what was in the fridge the last time they left their cabin..? Or what was in the drawers..? No one...

Rich people leave all kinds of luxuries in their cabins you could easily survive off of... When you start vandalizing, and stealing stuff they're gonna miss (rifles, etc.) that's when you're gonna be found out...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
If I could make it up there, I would go to Prince of Wales Island AK. There are about a dozen little towns that you could get supplies from. With the tourists that come up there fishing all the time you would not be noticed as too out of place if you showed up in the town every few months. In the summer the weather is very nice, a lot like Hawaii, and the winter doesn't get too bad either.

All the roads between the town are paved, which makes it easy to get around, and there is a lot of wilderness you could run to, which is also easy to access because of all the streams. I could easily disappear up there for a decade.
Browningrage and pookiebar, Those are the kind of responses I was thinking of. I think one other option also might be picking a national park where hunting isn't allowed or getting back into a wilderness area where not many hunters may go. Yes Knapp did some things right but he allowed himself to get exposed. If he would have stayed harmless with no damage other than the breaking in he probably wouldn't be sought after so much or the blame may have went somewhere else.

Personally I think I would stake out isolated hunting camps from a distance. Get a count of how many are there at the camp and find out when they all left in the mornings. Hit them fast and hard and get out while their out stomping the hills. Heck hunters are gonna have pretty much everything one would need to survive on in the wilderness probably including dehydrated foods and such. Other than that living off the land itself including trapping and taking an occasional deer? when it season of course, ha ha ha LOL. What about shelters too? Knapp also screwed up by leaving evidence. I'm pretty sure I would be looking for a natural cave with a good vantage point. Probably have different escape routes and also be sure that I had any evidence of living in it down to a minimum if it was possible.


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