On-Line NR Sheep and Goat Apps for Colorado???



Went on-line and printed Non-Res. Brochure. Everything printed out nicely except the paper app.? In none of the on-line brochures does it even show the app. with the boxes to fill out?
Says in all info I could find, that NR's could print out everything that was needed? Anybody else having this issue? Or, does anyone know what I am doing wrong?


Dave Wood
[email protected]
I assume you are talking about Colorado. If so, you need to call and have them send you the book with applications. They don't want to use self printed applications in their scanner, I guess.
Thanks Guys. I usually get the proc in the mail. Since it is due on April 2 and I didn't have it yet, I assumed they were not sending them out this year. Figured they wanted us to print it out ourselves. Which is what they tell you to do on their website. Everything prints out nicely except the app. Go figure? Guess I'll just wait.

Goodluck on your draws.

You definitely should have gotten the brochure by now. I would call and ask them to send you one. They were mailed out in late January, I believe. (303)297-1192

I could scan and email one to you, but I would be afraid of them not accepting it for some reason.
Thanks for the number Oak. I sent them an email and they said they received it, but I think I will still call them on Monday. I should get one in enough time to beat the deadline.

If my memory is not completely shot, CDOW does not "unlock" a printable application until less than a week left. I think they say that the "scanability" of them is not a reliable, and they are trying to get applicants to use the ones in the booklet. If you have applied for them before, you should have gotten the booklet along time ago.

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