Olympic Fencing????????????


Long Time Member
Sorry folks, this event is BORING!!!

I would rather watch full comtact Scrabble any day!

They don't bleed! They never cut off s single candle and there's no running up and down stairs!

How would you go about grooming the average 10 year old redneck into an Olympis Fencing medal contender?
Surely they have a name writing contest right? Like "Z" for Zorro.
They don't even get to talk crap to each other while they fight! Do any of them have a ridiculous french accent?
Crapp, I thought there was a new event! Grabbed my fencing pliers and was ready to try out, dang sure could get fence up and tight too.

This is about as ignorant as curling, aka mopping!
They could liven it up if they could do that Zorro move where they make a couple of swipes and the female opponents top falls off.
I'm with NMHUNTNUT - gimme some steel posts and a roll of Red Brand - and we're talkin' World Class fencing.

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
OK........consider me officially spanked for my rude comments about Olympic swordplay.

The US team has racked up like 7 medals in these cutlery events. Who are these people? Cossack immigrants?

I find that amazing, what with all those Europeans having a thousand years of warfare, involving pretty much only knives of various design.....before guns were invented.

American history basically began after firearms were invented and we hardly had to do any knife fighting .....until the Italian immigrants began importing switchblades.

On the other side of the score sheet.....we didn't get a sniff of a medal in archery. Camo, tree stands and doe urine were not allowed, so I guess we were doomed from the start.
nickman, LOL! that's funny!

I liked the womens diving. Well, not so much the diving itself, but we got to watch them take a shower after their dive!:)

Have you ever tried fencing? It can be quite a work out and a lot of fun. I fenced in college for a couple of years (in between football) and it really helps your concentration. It is pretty boring to watch though.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

If I had the choise between Fencing and the WNBA or MLS. I take fencing all day.

"If it moves shoot it again"

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