Olympian suspended


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17-Year-Old Future Olympian Disciplined For Shotgun Shells In Vehicle: In yet another case of over reactive, one-size-fits-all, "zero-tolerance" enforcement, Arizona high school senior and shotgun-shooting Olympic hopeful Kim Peters was recently charged by local school officials with "possession of a dangerous instrument" and subsequently suspended, an October 29 azcentral.com article reports.

read about it here

I get the fact that the law is strict, but come on! She is an Olypian in the sport of Shotgun Shooting and needed to go to school.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
My how things have changed I used to go to school with deer rifles in my truck window during the deer hunt.

We also used to get out of school the Friday before the deer hunt started so we could go hunting with our families. it was like a holiday.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-07 AT 08:18PM (MST)[p]You have to be kidding me, thats one of the stupidest things ive ever heard in my life! But people here in the Vernal are starting to get the same way. Last year i had a friend of mine get suspended from school just because he had a airsoft gun in his truck cause we were gonna go have airsoft wars after school. Stuff like this just pisses me off.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-07 AT 02:13PM (MST)[p]wow, that's BS for sure, I cant believe they did not do a lockdown and call in the bomb squad, and snipers . . .

What a bunch of crap. When I was a kid, I worked on guns in wood shop class. . . takem' to school and walkem' right in the door. . .

I'd hate for that to still be the policy however. Too many wackos out there to let them bring guns to school.

They should have just shot that beeeatch and asked questions later. . .

He he he. . .
Its a school what did you expect. Libs are running the place. It was ok for her to have the cigs not the shells lol.

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