Oldest Wyoming Muley Buck


Very Active Member

This is my oldest Wyoming muley. His cape was light colored, he had a huge head and barely a tooth in his head. Post yours.
You, Sir, are a killer when it comes to nice mulies. He's also got a huge neck on him like that other monster. I'd post a picture of my best, but he's barely in the mid 150s and you'd laugh after all the big ones you've taken!
Post what you got. I just wanted to change the topic away from the usual back and forth criticism and attacks. Not intended as a d--- measuring contest. Trust me, I could post my widest two point (2012), most pathetic 3x3 (2010), most busted up 4x1, narrowest 4x4 with eyeguards (about 15" with deep forks). I would never laugh at a muley buck unless I shot it. I wish I could post a picture of the biggest bucks I have seen during hunting season that evaded me because I was too slow,old,fat or just stupid. Those would be some dandys.

Got him right at dark in 2006. He has huge front forks and decent mass, but is nothing like those ones you've taken. I'm proud of him though and am still trying to best him!

Thats a great buck, TOPGUN! MH....you sure shoot some nice deer consistently. Congrats...

M'Balz Es Hari
I have this guys head in the freezer still(have not had him aged but he was an old guy). He had almost no teeth at all. Spotted him from 2 miles away and closed the distance to only 12 yards... There is a pic of the country, wide open white sox sure show up. In the picture with the socks, note the buck is only about 20 yards to my left head down feeding...

Great bucks guys and thanks for changing the subject. Those white socks are great. Had a friend who always bowhunted in high top white basketball shoes. We could really see him when he was stalking. Great looking country, too.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-13 AT 07:23PM (MST)[p]A lot of great bucks. Thanks for starting these posts Mightyhunter. Everyone wants a real hog, but the focus on inches and amount of bone seems to take the focus of the hunt and why we enjoy it. My buck this last fall (on another thread) wasn't a monster, but I still really enjoyed the hunt and got a great adrenaline rush when I got him.

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