Old Train Ride.......Ely, NV


Had a Voicemail this AM on cell when I left house, so pulled over to find out who. Well lo and behold.....Dcup said to call him back so I did.
Said he could not find that BIG 17" lope for me but seen some nice Lope Bucks none the less. We talked abit and said he was going to show Lil Jef how the Real Old West was when the Injuns attacked a train how they fought back.
Not sure what that was suppose to mean. Do you think he might try to smuggle some guns on train and start shooting at the sight of the "bad" Injuns? He is taking that old train ride out of Ely, NV

Lil Jef is learning a lot in just under a week away from his MOM while in the company of his Dad.........LOL

I am sure that JB's wife would be mollified if she really knew all the things that Jef Jr. was learning this week!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Lol, No DNA needed to confirm those 2 are father and son :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

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