Old Railroad Books


Years ago my stepfather passed away and somehow i inherited all his MANY MANY old railroad books.
I am interested in getting rid of these because they aren't doing anyone any good sitting on shelves out in my garage. I KNOW someone out there would die (i know he'd like to come BACK alive to have them!) to have these. I'm sure they are collectables.
Can anyone point me in a direction as to where to pass them along into the right hands?

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Antique Road Show!!!! HAHAH j/k man. Maybe check ebay or google "rare train books"


Later, Brandon
A guy I work with is a Rail Road...uh I wanna say groupy...but I think it's more of a technical history buff. He's done a lot of consulting for the RRs and still does. I'll hit him up at work. Definitely don't just dump them...Someone will be interested.

Thanks a ton Jim!
These are all hardcover books about narrow guage train stuff in Colorado. All are in excellent condition, too many names and years to list here, but you can PM me and i'll give a phone number and go over them with anyone interested.
I know this stuff will be of great value to someone.....just not me.

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Interesting. He was just up in CO checking out some old RR or other. I'll let him know and get you guys connected.

I sent you a PM with Brad's contact info. Hope it helps.


LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-07 AT 08:53PM (MST)[p]I work for the railroad. I'm a locomotive engineer and we call people that are obsessed with railroading "foamers". Due to the fact that they foam at the mouth when it comes to trains and railroad stuff. Put the books up for sale on e-bay. You could sell them under the catagory of "collectibles" transportation. I'm sure you won't have a hard time selling them. There are tons of "foamers" out there.
LOL, "foamers" that's exactly what my co-worker used to describe the RR buffs...
My father retired from the railroad after 35 years of "service". He says he wouldn't ride another train, even if they offered to pay HIM!

Gotta love the retirement checks though!


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