Old Marine Kicks Punk..........


Former marine takes a bite out of crime
March 27, 2008

A youthful delinquent perhaps duped by his target's elderly appearance chose the wrong victim for a would-be robbery when he threatened an 84-year-old man with a knife and demanded his wallet Wednesday afternoon, Santa Rosa Police said.

The victim, rather than cower, put down some grocery bags he was toting and informed his assailant he was a former U.S. Marine who had fought in three wars and been threatened by knives and bayonets before, police said.

He then told the teen he'd be sorry if he came any closer. He proved it when the boy stepped toward him and was kicked in the groin, police said.

The boy, estimated at 15 or 16 years old, was left doubled over on the sidewalk there on Fourth Street near Talbot Avenue around 1:15 p.m., police said.

The victim, whose name was not released, went to the Police Department about 45 minutes later and reported the incident, police said.

His assailant remained at large Thursday morning, police said.

Anyone with information about the incident is asked to call police at
Great artical, and Great job by the good Old Marine Corp.

Semper Fi!!!

Here's another old Marine story.

When My Parents retired they wanted to become fluent in Spanish. They went to Guatemala to enter a immersion spanish language program. After about a month ther was a loud knock on the door in the middle of the night of the apartment they had rented. My Father cautiously opened the door and was confronted by a Guatamalan thug with holding a club with a nail driven through the end of it. He wanted all their money and the camera. Dad had one of those 4 D cell mag light flashlights in his hand and stepped inside the thugs reach and knocked him unconcious with two blows to the head. They then left to get a policeman and when they returned the thug was gone. There was a piece of scalp with hair in it stuck in the threaded end of the flashlight. Dad is a Korean War era Veteran.\
Here's my Dad's Photo from 1950

That's a great story,
Saw a bumper sticker the other day.

"Still a marine just not as lean but still just as mean"
>Good story !
>I wonder what he'd charge to
>give T
> a swift kick to the
>sack ?



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