Old Marine and his Food...lookout!


Don't Mess With A Marine Who's Trying To Eat

Police investigate the scene -

The 71-year-old retired Marine who opened fire on two robbers at a
Plantation, FL , sub shop late Wednesday, killing one and critically
wounding the other, is described as John Lovell, a former pilot for two

He doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, he works out everyday. Lovell was a man
of action Wednesday night.

According to Plantation police, two masked gunmen came into the Subway at
1949 N. Pine Rd. Just after 11 p.m. There was a lone diner -- Lovell, who
was finishing his meal. After robbing the cashier, the two men attempted to
shove Lovell into a bathroom and rob him as well. They got his money.

But then Lovell pulled his handgun, opened fire, shooting one of the thieves
in the head and chest and the other in the head.

When police arrived, they found one of the men in the shop. K-9 units found
the other in the bushes of a nearby business. They also found cash strewn
around the front of the sandwich shop according to Detective Robert Rettig
of the Plantation Police Department.

Both men were taken to Broward General Medical Center, where one, Donicio
Arrindell, 22, of North Lauderdale died. The other, 21-year-old Frederick
Gadson of Fort Lauderdale is in critical but stable condition.

A longtime friend of Lovell, was not surprised to hear what happened.
''He'd give you the shirt off his back and he'd be mad if someone tried to
take the shirt off your back,'' he said.

Lovell worked as a pilot for the Marines, flying former Presidents John F.
Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. He later worked as a pilot for Pan Am and
Delta. Lovell is not married and does not have children.

He is not expected to be charged, authorities said ''He was in fear for his
life,'' Rettig said. ' These criminals ought to realize that most men in
their 70's have military backgrounds and aren't intimidated by idiots.'

Something tells me this old Marine wasn't 'in fear' even though his life was
definitely at risk. The only thing he could be charged with is
participating in an unfair fight. One 71 - year young Marine against two
punks. Two head shots and one center - body- mass shot - good shooting!.

That'll teach them not to get between a Marine and his meal.

Don't you just love a story with a happy ending?

(Florida law allows law abiding citizens to carry a concealed weapon.)
Another reason why this old retired cop is 100% in favor of any law abiding citizen having the right to carry a concealed firearm. The only thing I would want with that is training provided by the agency providing the CCW in the laws of deadly force and passing a shooting test at the range.
Alot of citizens are not aware that armed law abiding citizens are 10 to 1 on the cops in shooting criminals with LEGAL deadly force.
Send that former Marine a bottle of LA. hot sauce to go with his meal. I know you remember the hot sauce with your C-rats Kilowatt.


You're right, but let's not get carried away with this training crap. I've got very good friends on the SWAT team.....I can beat them in ANY shooting situation...range or field; apparently any weapon. MANY of us don't need less experience "officials" training us.

BUT, hooray for the marine in the sandwich shop. Thousands more of them would improve our country.
Glad to hear it.

Now I bet a 71 year old anti gun liberal would just lay on the floor and fear for his life wondering, why am I being robbed at gun point? If only they would have passed a law makeing guns illegal. Didn't these two young men see the sign on the front door that says this is a ...gun free zone ?

My kinda guy...
I know alot of cops you may have a problem beating. Maybe the department those friends work for are a little lax on firearms training, I know that many departments moan about the funds it takes to properly train their personnel. Then again I have seen some cops that never like firearms training, and it is a bear to get them to exceed past the basic min. score.
I still feel that a citizen must be tested or trained to a min. level before they are allowed to carry a concealed weapon. I have trained over a hundred citizens in handguns, and some of them flat scared the crap out of me with their gun handling and hitting the dirt 12 feet in front of them. The target was 15 yards in front.
Since you feel that you do not need training, can you draw a concealed weapon from under a coat, engage 7 knock down targets at 25 yards and do it in 3 seconds from start, hands away from gun and last target falls. If you can do that, you do not need further training.

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