Old hunting magazines



I am sure this has been discussed several times on here but I am wondering what everyone does with all their old hunting magazines? I feel it is such a waste to just chuck them in the trash.

Any ideas?

do you have old Trophy Hunter magazines? I am looking for one specific issue.
>do you have old Trophy Hunter
>magazines? I am looking for
>one specific issue.

Which one? Got a good pile in the man cave.
I save them for awhile and then usually take them to work and let others help themselves to them. Other times if there is a particular article I want to save I'll take it out and save it in a three ring binder. I also gave a huge stack away once on craigslist. The guy that got them was new to hunting and was thrilled to get them.
I have bought several Outdoor Life magazines on ebay that are from 40-80 years old. Really fun to read and look at the advertisments.
+1. I believe mine are from the 50's that I bought.

I have 5 different magazines subscriptions. I bring them to my room at school and let the kids take them and read and keep them. It Works in my area but probably not everywhere.
Ive got a problem with this-save em all-Ive even got a complete set of outdoorlife back to the teens. My wife certainly doesnt understand. Have all the modern mags like muley crazy and huntinfool and relook at those quite often. fun-
DRHorn, I will get the issue number. I believe it is from 2004. I will be in touch later today.
Except for Huntin' Fool mags, I through the rest in the garbage. Probably a mistake but I am disorganized enough as it is lol...
LAST EDITED ON Nov-30-11 AT 06:34PM (MST)[p]Thanks for all your responses. I am newly wed and lucky for me (total sarcasm) my wife has decided to clean up all my boxes of hunting mags. I haven't been through them for some time so I don't think it's a battle I want to fight!!

I just can't handle the thought of throwing them away!

Does anyone know if savers, goodwill, salvation army, or Deseret industries will take them?

Little joe get an issue number but I am pretty sure all my Trophy Hunter mags are 2005 to present.

I am looking for the Spring 2004 edition of Trophy Hunter. Thanks for checking.

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