OK, Turtle hunters, who was it...

Dammit... Now how is the double secret high fence land owner hunting turtle ranch in Utah going to get started
I heard the package they found was a decoy, as they knew the authorities were on to them. Lucky for turtle hunting enthusiasts, the shell game was not discovered. I mean, hiding them in ?snack food boxes??how obvious. Sadly, some soldiers for the cause must take one for the team.

With any hope, the next high dollar, high fence trophy shell backed ranch will be established in an undisclosed location in the Rocky Mountains. Some may complain about the price of these once in a lifetime hunts, but with the thrill of being that close to death at every moment, it is well worth it.

I knew a guy whose cousin went on such a hunt. He promised to tell us all the details of how we could go on the hunt during the next season, but he never came back. We like to think that he up there somewhere guarding the secret locations of those trying to establish ranches to give the "average DIY guy" a chance at such a magnificent creature.

I guess until then we can only dream.....{sigh}
Turtles are like drugs. Sure, a few are discovered and confiscated, but for everyone discovered, 1000 more get through. It does raise the price of a turtle hunt though.

As long as there is a demand, there will be turtles.

Not to worry.


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

Well as disgraceful as this is I must say that not even Eelgrass would stoop to this level, but yes, their is no holding back the tidal wave of turtles being smuggled in. With all the big money hunts going on and high fenced hunts, it was really just a matter of time.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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