Ok Heres one



Ok This freind Of mines Wife Is 6 Months Pregnant and She Was on Her way To work and a fawn Run out in front of her and she was unable to avoid it there was a woman from N.J. Behind Her and she skids her car side ways in the road and jumps out and starts yell at the lady who hit it then goes over lays on her head on this fawn and starts talking to it and kissing it then asks the lady that hit it to help her take it to the vetand wants her number to call her and find out how it turns ot well needless to say she didnt take it to vet but had an officer come out and put it out of its sufferingand now she is getting harassed buy all the tree huggers.my thought is go back to N.J. You Tree Hugging Freaks.What do You Guys Think
Jersey Beach!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
This happened in UT?

Wow. I was totally unaware of the vast migration from New Jersey to Utah. Crazy. Glad they are driving right through Colorado I guess.

Did she look skanky? Her name wasn't snooky...was it?


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
With out a doubt one of the best posts ever. Just one question... is the pregnant chick hot?

Get all the parties together and have an archery shoot using one of those life sized deer decoys.

Then have BuckSnort cook one of his famous smoked venison roasts.

That lady from NJ will be out trying to hit every deer she sees.

>Ok This freind Of mines
>Wife Is 6 Months Pregnant
>and She Was on Her
>way To work and a
>fawn Run out in front
>of her and she was
>unable to avoid it there
>was a woman from N.J.
>Behind Her and she skids
>her car side ways in
>the road and jumps out
>and starts yell at the
>lady who hit it then
>goes over lays on her
>head on this fawn and
>starts talking to it and
>kissing it then asks the
>lady that hit it to
>help her take it to
>the vetand wants her number
>to call her and find
>out how it turns ot
>well needless to say she
>didnt take it to
>vet but had an officer
>come out and put it
>out of its sufferingand now
>she is getting harassed buy
>all the tree huggers.my thought
>is go back to N.J.
>You Tree Hugging Freaks.What do
>You Guys Think

Uhh... Is it me or is this the longest run-on sentence ever typewritten in the history of keyboard existence? 142 words in the first sentence! Unbelievable! Your teachers would be proud!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
I'm not sure what californian tree hugger you're referring to but if it is directed at me you are completely mistaken as I am the farthest thing from a tree hugger as one could get because I hate environmentalist whackos because they want to shut down anything and everything that has to do with the environment so you are completely wrong by saying that after I was simply pointing out that you typed the longest run-on sentence in history but as you can see I am going to out do you by posting a longer run-on sentence than yours explaining how idiotic it is to stereotype people from California as tree huggers especially when there are many great hunters on this site that are from California who would be offended by your dumb comment and could easily come back with one of their own saying that you must be from Utah because your obviously an uneducated by-product of a polygamist mormon family but even they could be wrong about this as no one really knows but the obvious thin skin that you exhibit could be another proving factor as when one is jokingly poking fun at your punctuational handicap you should acknowledge your educational deficiencies by laughing back at yourself instead of bringing out the typical stereotypical california tree hugger load of crap but it is apparent that you lack the ability to determine when someone is just f--king with you so carry on with your thread and good luck in the 4th grade.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
And this is why, I try not to use those 25 cent words
on here it get a fellar in trouble as long as I use those 10 cent words I'm fine.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Hell that sentence is rather short compared to what Nigel Tomm wrote. His masterpiece has 2,403,109 words in a single sentence.
HOLY #####!! My sis-in-law's girlfriend is honestly visiting from Jersey and she's staying with us right now til the 24th...well that's what her plan WAS!! Time to give her the boot...

>HOLY #####!! My sis-in-law's girlfriend is
>honestly visiting from Jersey and
>she's staying with us right
>now til the 24th...well that's
>what her plan WAS!! Time
>to give her the boot...

Is she hot? maybe it's time for that hidden shower cam ?


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.

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