
Long Time Member
My first SmokePole was a CHEAP CVA!

Back in the Day of the Hawkins!

Accurate SOB with a Round Ball!

Won't Shoot Slugs/Conicals for SQUAT!

Back in the Day I always Figured CVA to be CHEAP!

So You Boy's Shooting the New CVA Accura 2's?

Anybody having any Accuracy with Heavier Conicals?

I want Major KNOCK-DOWN!(Sorry REDDOG!:D)

The Accura 2's (From what I've Read!) seem to be real accurate & consistent!

What's the Difference between the Accura & the Accura 2's?

Never thought I'd ever in My Life consider another CVA Gun but:

They make them in Silver!:D

You Guys claim the Barrels are the Best on the Market!

You Claim they are Accurate!

Please Post up more Info & Thanks!

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ok here is my take, i started 20 years ago with an old hawkin 50 cal, it rolled balls ok out to 100 yards, but between hang fires or just flat out no fire i now use it as a digging bar,, i am now shooting a CVA accura 2. 50 cal. I am no expert in the muzz world but right out the box i was impressed, i cleaned it up, dropped 2 tabs of pyrodex set a power belt in the bottom and lit it off. Hit paper at 100 yards . Took it home cleaned it up and ordered a TC 1 power scope, mounted the scope, over 200 rounds later, gun goes off when and where pointed. 2 inch group at 100 yds, and little drop at 200 yds , trigger is clean and crisp, clean up is fast, what else can i say, Freedomrocks

Need more Info Boys!

Please CHIME in!

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I don't recall many reports of guys using the CVA break open muzzleloaders with the big lead that you want to shoot. However they have great reports about accuracy with just about any sabot combo and with the full bore size all copper "Thor" projectiles.
Lots of reading here if your interested ->

There are a couple guys on the forum above that have CVA's that might test your bull4ets in their rifles if you supplied the bullets??

Also consider this, the CVA's have 1 in 28" twist barrels, the old Whites that really shoot big lead full bore bullets great usually were supplied with 1 in 24" twist barrels.

Idahoron on here is shooting cast lead bullets that weight probably over 440 in 1 in 28" twist barrels with good accuracy.
The triggers are supposed to suck. One of the best suggested modifications for a better pull is to adapt a Remington 700 Walker Patent Firing system to it! :}
My experience with Accura V2: 100gr. Blackhorn and Hornady SST's work wonders and group well but you need to buy the Blackhorn specific breech plug or you will get hang fires. We tested many different loads between 3 Accuras and this is my personal favorite. Sweet shooting gun for sure with this load I am disappointed in myself if I can't cover five shots with my fist at 100 yards and a 1x scope.
Post your request on the muzzleloading forum. Frontiergander will tell you all you need to know about the Accura and the differences between models, as well as the trigger.

He does know his CVA rifles well and I would pretty much take his word on how they operate. About other matters, always verify with other sources, as he tends to have blinders on in certain muzzleloader matters.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I shot 4 out of 5 shots through the same hole at 100 yards the other day and pulled the fifth shot. It was a whole inch away from the other 4.I have had the CVA accura for years and it always shot great about 1-1.5 inch groups.I was shooting 110 grains of 777 and a 250 grain barnes bullet in a sabot. The main difference between the Accura and the V2 version is the breech plug. Mine has the old school breech plug but still comes out super easy at the end of the season. Trigger is awesome. If I were to get another muzzleloader it would probably be some version of the Accura. I haven't shot any heavy bullets in it...never had the need. All the deer I've killed have been one shot kills.
The trigger comment was an attempt at humor. There is another thread where strong opinions on the 700 trigger were voiced. :)
>The trigger comment was an attempt
>at humor. There is another
>thread where strong opinions on
>the 700 trigger were voiced.

Yes Fudd!

I knew you were being SMART!:D

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