
All this oil lying right beneath our very own homes and we're paying $5 a gallon to the camel jockeys for it .....go figure.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-08 AT 07:03PM (MST)[p]I got a better one my family has 3 wells on our land in the 4 corners area... Welp none of the wells have been on for a year now due to my g-ma passing and everything is in probate... Freaking BS is all I can say.... Atleast the tanks are full waiting to be drained hurry the hell up I need some money..
All I can say is thank the Lord we live in the USA. At least landowners own the minerals and get a royalty. In places like Canada and most foreign countries the govt gets all the $.
my momz side of the family gets about 150k a year from royalties from a well. and i just heard that my aunt on my dads side got a check for 88k for royalties on a piece of land she forgot she owned. this is in south louisiana
I bet if everybody read the fine print on their property titles 85% of Americans nowadays don't own the mineral rights to their property. If handed down thru the family generations chances are you still do.

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