Oil spill cleanup


Long Time Member
This will be great if it will work on a large scale. I wonder what it leaves behind though? Drinkable?

LAST EDITED ON Jun-05-10 AT 09:57AM (MST)[p]Probably a good idea, but Hazmat suits and Handi-Wipes makes for better television and fits Obama's agenda better.

Hair also makes a good oil boom.

Nice to see Bobcat made a donation.

looks like it worked great. unfortunatly 2 guys in coverals aren't going to get a whole lot of backing. it could have been a good day to where a shirt and tie just so some people wont think of them as hillbillies. "ya'll, this here is just plain ol' hay! and we could just take u hayee spreader, swoosh it around a bit, a pick it up."

but just the idea? seems to easy for this goverment. and i dont believe it will have a high enough price tag to get any attention.
They needed to consult a couple of old time plumbers to cap that well off. My old Boss could have had that sucker capped off in a week! He couldn't read so well or fit in at a corporate meeting but when it came to anything mechanical, guys like him from the old school could fix anything!!

Then again maybe not. Just seems that even at that depth, it's still just a plumbing problem that needs fixing...

LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-10 AT 11:01AM (MST)[p]I wouldn't even dare guess how much pressure that well has to be pushing that much oil and gas against 5 miles of hydrostatic pressure! I know it would be difficult to cap at surface let alone what it would take to cap a well 5 miles deep! Seriously complicates things.a lot of people think that a barrel is 55 gallons, that's a drum. A barrel is 42 gallons. There's a lot of oilfield terminology that the general public does not understand.

....if it is simple, thought of by a lowly civilian, cheap, and NON union....it won't even be considered by the federal government.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing


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