Oh no!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-09 AT 11:14AM (MST)[p]I don't no but you should be used to it by now. I heard on the Kona trip that D13er held 1911 for Ransom. And then everybody switched.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Didn't mean to hiJACK (just for you Feleno) your thread Rans but that is the kind of opportunity ya wait a lifetime for. :)

When we went on a cruise in the Carribean a couple years ago my wife was hoping we'd get caught by pirates. Given the fact that pirates sometimes steal the women and sell them into slavery, I was hoping so to. :)

Yes Ransom, I am going to hell.
>Didn't mean to hiJACK (just for
>you Feleno) your thread Rans
>but that is the kind
>of opportunity ya wait a
>lifetime for. :)
>When we went on a cruise
>in the Carribean a couple
>years ago my wife was
>hoping we'd get caught by
>pirates. Given the fact that
>pirates sometimes steal the women
>and sell them into slavery,
>I was hoping so to.
> :)
>Yes Ransom, I am going to

LOL and take Feleno and Hardway with you when you go.
Somebody get the ointment out....Ransom just got BURNED!!!


One of the best lines I've heard in a long time. Congrats NV!
>Somebody get the ointment out....Ransom just
>got BURNED!!!
>One of the best lines I've
>heard in a long time.
>Congrats NV!

Take Wis with you too.
Just cuz my door doesn't swing both ways doesn't mean you have to get nasty, Ransom. But, I guess that's the way you like it...


The Gay Pirates of Kona Bay!

Ransom....Is this your boat????

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

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