Oh hell no!


Long Time Member
HSUS hosted a "web conference" yesterday. Check out the following statement.

As Fish and Game Commission president Mike Sutton pointed out during the panel, California's wildlife face other threats in addition to poaching. In some cases, said Sutton, actual legal hunting or harvesting of wildlife may cause greater overall problems. "I actually believe legal hunting that's not sustainable may be a more pervasive problem in California," said Sutton.

Here's the link to the entire article. http://www.kcet.org/...nimals-too.html

How hypocritical is this (Dan Richards anyone?) Everyone should be pissed and calling for his ouster!
This state is soo damn stupid. They got to have something to point a finger at, so lets point it at the hunters! The ones that bring all the money in for there so called game management programs! I have hunted in this state for over 30yrs and never had a run in with Fish & Game until last weekend hog hunting. I shot a hog in a canyon, went to get it, and when I returned to the jeep with my hog quartered on my pack the game warden was waiting at the jeep for me. Gave me a ticket because I had left my wallet in the jeep and didn't have it on the pig.
snoop, couldn't get your link to work. Thanks for the heads up!

Muley, he gottcha! Some might have given you the benefit of doubt, guess they need to balance the budget somehow! Tuff break but...

What's a ticket like that cost?


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Clearly, unsustainable hunting would be a problem if and where it exists, but I would love to see the data that leads him to conclude that legal hunting plays a greater role than poaching, or automobile losses, or losses due to development and habitat destruction, etc. Perhaps an official in his position should reconsider the wisdom of publicly airing unsubstantiated conjecture as if it were the sort of science upon which he might act.
IMO, it's all about the Predators!

I've attended most of the fish and Game involved meetings in the area for years now and it's as if the word Predator is not in the DFG vocabulary. They just don't care to talk about them. To the point that it draws me to believe that the HSUS influence has an agenda to insure plenty of food animals to justify their programs to reintroduce and support more large predators.

If some had their way, The animals we hunters contribute plenty to possibly tag each year would instead be supported by the States General Fund and eaten by lions, coyotes, bears, and lets not forget,.. Wolves too!

Snoop, good luck with that!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
>IMO, it's all about the Predators!
>I've attended most of the fish
>and Game involved meetings in
>the area for years now
>and it's as if the
>word Predator is not in
>the DFG vocabulary. They just
>don't care to talk about
>them. To the point that
>it draws me to believe
>that the HSUS influence has
>an agenda to insure plenty
>of food animals to justify
>their programs to reintroduce and
>support more large predators.
>If some had their way, The
>animals we hunters contribute plenty
>to possibly tag each year
>would instead be supported by
>the States General Fund and
>eaten by lions, coyotes, bears,
>and lets not forget,.. Wolves
>Snoop, good luck with that!
>"It's all about knowing what your
>firearms practical limitations are and
>combining that with your own
>personal limitations!"
Hell with it! Let's not forget the CA. Grizzly ,we could bring in a half dozen big Browns from Kodiak Island. That would turn out pretty interesting.
That could where this is headed. "With all the causes of game mortality, there just is not enough left to have a sport hunt. Oh, darn! Sorry hunters!"

Hey Joey wait till u guys get the wolves.... These guys have been infiltrating the game n fish dpt for years isn't it time we get some of our guys in those positions of influence, as if it'll do any good.

I don't thing the hunter is out numbered their kind just have more resources n are willing to fight for what they believe I don't see the same fight in the average hunter.

I'll never forget back in the 90's we had a muzz hunt on the Oregon boarder in Cali. In its 3rd year 12 PETA protested the hunt n that was it no more muzz hunt, that's all it took n not peep From any hunters....
Well, there have been calls for resignation by Bill Karr of Western Outdoor News and Jim Matthews, but we still need to call, email or write something. Sutton is, and has always been, a sorry wannabe. He needs to go.
>That could where this is headed.
>"With all the causes of
>game mortality, there just is
>not enough left to have
>a sport hunt. Oh, darn!
>Sorry hunters!"
But Eel we have pigs to hunt and the game Dept loves them because their is no management and it's all profit for them.

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