Official Pronghorn score


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-21-09 AT 01:36PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-21-09 AT 01:31?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Oct-21-09 AT 01:08?PM (MST)

Had my speed goat measured for the SCI book and it scored 88
2/8. Had him green scored in the field at 90 and change ,so we were pretty close. Next up this weekend is Boone and Crocett.You can see the pic under this years big buck contest as "Big Northern Nevada Pronghorn. YEE Haa my first book animal!!!

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Wow - that thing is a beast!! Congrats on a great buck - got to love the mass on that one. DO you have any other pics to post, like to see them if you do.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-09 AT 06:49AM (MST)[p]Unfortunately the other pictures wouldn't be good to post. Hit him in the head and the profile isn't good to post.Sorry. He was 16" tall and the right prong was 8 1/2" and had been broken off. Carried his mass real well
That may well be the finest antelope I've ever seen! The prongs are incredible.
congratulations...shows how damn hard it really is to put one in "the book" doesn't it?....shrinking bastards !!

any better pictures?

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
shrinking bastid's is right! I have one I hope to have scored tomorrow. he grossed over 85, I haven't put a tape back on him,so it will be a surprise!

My buck last year grossed 83-7/8, he squeaked in at an even 82.

How did you take care of the hornes after the kill? they do shrink, but 90 to 83 is excessive.
Just boiled the horns off and placed in a paper bag in the closet. Didn't realize in the field that there was deductions for not being symetrical. That is why the SCI score is higher ,no deductions.

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