Officers swarm rugged Utah canyon


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.., hunting shooter
MOAB, Utah ? Officers swarmed a rugged Utah canyon west of Moab Saturday, searching for a man who shot and critically wounded a park ranger.

SWAT teams moved into the canyon near the Colorado River while boats patrolled the banks and a helicopter watched from above. Sharpshooters had surrounded lined the ridges overnight as authorities waited for sunrise to go after the suspect, Grand County Sheriff Jim Nyland said.

The state park law officer was in critical condition after being shot three times Friday night while patrolling the popular Poison Spider Mesa Trail, Parks spokeswoman Deena Loyola said.

Nyland told The Associated Press that a man confronted the ranger in the parking lot shortly before 9 p.m. He said the ranger was shot in the arm, leg and the stomach area.

"The park ranger was able to call in on the radio and advised that he was shot," the sheriff's office said in a statement on its website.

Nyland said the officer underwent surgery at St. Mary's hospital in Grand Junction, Colo., but he didn't have further details on his condition. The hospital's media department declined to comment.

Authorities are focusing on the canyon ? about 20 miles west of Moab in east-central Utah ? because the suspect's silver Pontiac Grand Am was found nearby, about eight miles southwest of the shooting site. They're not sure whether the suspect is alone.

Investigators were still piecing together what occurred but said the shooting likely happened while the suspect was parking or during a traffic stop.

It wasn't immediately clear what sparked the violence and Nyland said authorities still haven't been able to interview the injured lawman.

Loyola said the officer, whose name wasn't released, was speaking to medics and at the hospital.

"We're taking that as a good sign," she said.

The Poison Spider Mesa trail to the south of Moab is among Utah's best-known biking runs with enthusiasts calling it an especially challenging but scenic loop that rises more than 1,000 feet into the surrounding countryside.<<<

wth is the matter with people?
That's pretty jacked up. I hope the Ranger is ok. Leaves me curious as to why the Ranger was shot. Maybe the guy had drugs or was poaching or something.

"Get that corn out of my face"

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