Off to the volcano


Long Time Member
The fishing was terrible yesterday and there's only one way to improve our luck which is to throw D13er in the volcano. He thinks we are throwing 1911 in but 1911 has been buying all the beer and JB is too cheap so in he goes.
Now for my question, what should JB eat for his last meal?

I would think some of the more gas producing foods (beans, cabbage, etc) would be good so you would get a flash effect. It would make for better photos of the event.
Just a suggestion..
Take along a couple of virgins and throw them in the volcano. Tell 'em I said "thanks for nothin".

>what should JB eat for his last meal?

Kelli Pickler? Oh wrong thread, sorry.
You can't throw him in the Volcano before he has a chance to try out that tip on hunting Elk wallows you just turned him on to..... Terry
Ransom, throwing JB into the volcano won't help the fishing. It has to be a virgin.

Gee, I hope it's not too late. Oh well.


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