Off To The Eternal Pasture


Very Active Member
It's been a good ride! Ol? Guy was one heck of a horse. Sadly, his time has come. He was tough, I mean TOUGH! And tenderhearted. He wouldn't win no beauty contest. But, I'll tell ya, he'd carry anyone, pack anything, and give you his all every time. He?s been on every one of our summer pack trips. Packed out a bunch of elk. And log a whole lot of backcountry miles. He?s graced a lot of the trip photos I've posted on here. Here?s to a lot of good memories. You?ll be missed Guy!









My sympathies go out to you. It's hard losing an old friend. I'm in the same tuff spot. There's a bond built when you have a horse that you can trust in any situation. I have a gilding that I've ridden for the last 11 years that was un broke when I rode him in the hills for the first time. He had already bucked off the first guide that tried to ride him. He never flinched when I threw a leg over him and we've been together ever since. He's carried me through some of the roughest country I've ever ridden a horse and brought me out of the hills when I stayed too long and the snow was chest deep. I've ridden a lot of horses but there's something about these once in a life time horses. Sorry for your loss.
I hope you find another Gem like him.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
d13, I find comedy an important part of life but I don't think that was exactly the proper thing to say. Thats kinda like me telling you I sure hope when your wife dies its a slow painful death and she goes to hell whem its all done. Not cool!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
My sympathies to you!!! Great looking pictures. Hope you find another to fill his shoes to some extent!!!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-10 AT 10:04AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-10 AT 10:02?AM (MST)

I have never owned a horse or really been around them that much, and I would not allow my kids to own a dog because I didn't want what came with it. But many years ago I got my daughter a dog that I ended up with right out of the gate. I didn't want the dog, didn't need the dog, and was frustrated as heck. But within a month I fell in love with him and he is now my best friend. So although I've never owned a horse, I do think I understand the bond between you and your horse and the great memories you shared with him. Not a horse on earth could fill his shoes, nor would you ever want them filled.

It's great we at least have the memories that will last us the rest of our lives. Otherwise how could one continue?

Good luck to you and rejoice in the fact you had such a great horse and was able to share so much together. That will be a part of you until the day you once again get to ride him.


Here's the dog I share that same bond with as he meets is very first horse. It sounds to me they share the same qualities in so many ways.
Those are great pictures, and you've got some wonderful memories of a great companion. I know how you feel, as my black lab is now 13 years old and her time is not long. It's never easy to lose our hunting partners, but they've given us much to remember and you'll be able to keep his memories alive for as long as you live. Good luck with your next horse, hope he's as good of a partner for your.
Be it dog or horse or even man, when you settle up the score,
the best that can be said by all;
"they don't make 'em like that anymore".
I'm sorry for your loss. Its tough losing a hunting pard like that. Those
kind of horses are hard to come by and I hope its a while before
I have to part with mine.

I remember seeing him in past pictures. Sorry to hear that he's crossed over to the other side. The good ones are worth thier weight in gold. fatrooster.
Those pics (especially the last one) are an awesome tribute to a great
hunting partner. My sympathies Forkwest.

p.s. d13er maybe you need to figure out when not to be such a pr!ck
oh sure you've never used glue..

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

The problem is after you have the horse of a life time every horse you ride after that will be compaired to him, and you will never fill his shoes. Ive ben there, I had to put a horse like that down before his time with a broken leg. Im sure you will find another you like though but it wont be the same. I put more value on a animal like that than some people I know.

Happy Trails and good luck to find another.
JB you should be more carefull about being a wiener in overtightened briefs. I had a friend who found his dead hampster and other friend said he was a sisy. First buddy with dead hampster kicked other in pants and he lost a nut. When he got out of the hospital he was less offensive to others.
Sorry to hear about your friend. I know the feeling, I had to put one of mine down a couple of months ago. Terra, she was a great horse, one of the better trail horses I have had. I had her the better part of 20 years and Elkslayer had her for a few during a period when I could not afford the feed. He gave her back to me a few years ago so the little ones could ride her. I think she was pushing 31 or 32. Last month I had to put one of my dogs down. Hank was a ten year old Black Lab. He suffered progressive nerve damage from injuries that resulted from a couple of dogs attacking him while he was hooked up to his run line. It never seems to get any easier, putting down our animals when the time comes. I guess the hurt we feel is what makes us human. I think the one mistake God made was not allowing our animals to live as long as we do, then again I am sure he did that so we would enjoy them to the fullest while we have them.

Dude, I usually track with you, but that was wrong! I tend to value the lives of my animals more than that of most humans. Some think I'm a little warped, might have a little to do with where and the way I've lived. What I've learned in life is that animals are loyal to you to the death, most humans don't know the definition of loyal.


I'm a thinking the Kali life is working on D13er?
No way in HELL am I gonna let my kids on this site anymore,he might offend them.
It's a sad day when you lose a good horse or dog...sorry to hear about that Forkwest. I hope you find another just as good as Guy. I usually let the off-color statements on here just go on by....but the 'glue' post I can't let seems character is lacking here at times and this was one of them. That should have never made it on the screen in my opinion.
sorry for your loss.we had 2 put our old dog down its tough.have had lots of horses. got one 25 now someday he will go. half the country around will be sad. my kids,there frends have all rode pal. he is still going strong but no more hunting trips to colo for him. he has earned to just run around with other horses. my grandson is 6 months old we put him on ol pal he just smiled.
Not much of a horse guy but I can relate for sure. Good animals are tough to beat and I'm sure the horse was a great one. Sorry to hear but the memories will be something to hold on to for a long time.
>glue is important too
>great post/pic, thanks for sharing

What an ugly comment! Not much common sense, sensitivity or intelligence!
Sure sorry for your lose 'Forkie....

Real hard to replace the ole reliable day in--day out packstring lead.

Hang in there man...

Jake, that sucks big time. We have ejoyed your pics and clips for years and I'm sorry to hear about the horse. Not many folks understand what goes into training a horse, and they don't always work out. A guy can go through a half dozen horses before he finds one that works out, and you can have a dozen more before you find a gem. Good luck on the new quest, and thanks for sharing your pics inn this tribute.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-10 AT 01:45PM (MST)[p]You'll probably never replace him........or share the same bond and its tough to realize that. I think he was a good looking horse if you ask me.
D13er, horse man or not share some simpathy and look at the tribute this guy is trying to provide for faithful hunting companion!

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
ForkWest, Great looking horse and really enjoyed the Pic's!

Sorry to hear of your loss!

My first horse was also my Dad's first horse. She(babe) wasn't much as she had got to be 32 and though she still liked to be ridden, fed a little grain, and combed, she didn't much care to be away from the barn and her friends too long. Her big time was when the neighbors brought theirs to help gather, mother-up and seperate the calves for branding. Even as an old gal, she could pick up her feet and cut out a calf with the best of them.

We went on many a long ride and at times you could hardly get her to break into a gallop but hang on tight on the way back home though, the old gal could find an extra gear when she knew she was going home. I found her laying down sleeping one morning...but she wasn't sleeping. That was my first hard encounter with the loss of a loved one! I feel for you bud!!!


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