Off-the-record, record book animals?



LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-09 AT 03:48AM (MST)[p]How many of you know of somebody with a record book animal, that is not, and will never be in the record books for whatever reason? My great uncle has 3 mule deer and 2 antelope that are in this category. All three are mounted. Two of the deer are typicals around 200 and one non-typical that is 250+. The two antelopes are around 80. All of these were taken in Idaho about 30-40 years ago. The reason he never wanted them in the books is because he didn't want to draw attention to the good hunting in He is old and a little senile and when I tell him that it is no longer an issue, he gets a little defensive and thinks that I am trying to trick him. He will not allow any pictures until after "they put my wrinkled, biblical donkey in a pine box".lol

He also a lynx and a wolverine hide that he claims are both from the Palisades Dam, Idaho area.

My best bud is like that. He just took a 200" main frame 7X7 and though he's happy about it, no big deal, does not want it or any other of his many huge animals posted or measured for the books. The guy's a hunting machine, hunts hard, super great vision, an excellent shot with "anything" under pressure, and i got to say a tad lucky.

Hoping some of his luck rubs off on me during our Wy trip to start next week!

I know of many as well, for me and most of the people that i hunt with there is/was a time when it is important and even a goal.
Then you reach a point in you hunting career that it just doesnt matter so much anymore.
Dont get me wrong, I still get a great high out of taking a book animal....just dont care if I see my name in print.
I would bet my best rifle that the top ten big game animals taken in this country, of any species, are not in the books.

It is a known fact that, what was clearly the world record largemouth bass, was eaten by the guy who caught it. Same with the whitetail deer.

There was a bar in Green River that had an antelope rack with 22" horns, 22 inches was stolen and who has ever seen it since.

Ever been in a Elks Lodge in a older community?

I wouldn't want to think about how many record book elk have been "dumped" during a remodel of some of those old lodges.

Up until about 20 years ago, not that many guys cared what those "snooty" Boone and Crockett guys were even talking about.

Many, many hunters still don't care. Width, height and the number of points, are the end of the discussion.

When I was a kid, "Santa" landed his 8 raindeer on the roof at the courthouse in our town on Christmas eve and the eight sets of antlers were all over 30 inches wide. I know this for a fact, because as I got older, I was one of the "helpers" shaking the racks on the roof.

"Rudolph's" rack was a typical 8x8 mount, that easy went 38" wide. Even had a red light bulb in his nose.

I was 40 years old by the time I ever thought about scoring any of them.

A fire in the storeroom destroyed many sets of great antlers donated over the years for the show. May have been two dozen racks in there over 30 inches.

Even now, the replacement racks are way impressive.
I have an Uncle that has hunted on EVERY continent in the world....has taken MANY MANY record book animals....some in the top 10....and has NEVER and NEVER will enter a single thing into the record books!!!!!

I think record books have RUINED this sport and turned it into a money grubbing sport that will soon only be available to the rich....what happened to the time you were just glad to shoot a nice animal.... :(
I have several that would more than make the books, and prefer to never put them in...have never had them scored, other than friends.

Personally, dont need my name on a ledger to tell me it was a great hunt...and a great animal...

but that is just me...
Yep know of a few, even have one! I love the thought of the guys that HAS TO SHHOT THE NEW WORLD RECORD... will never know. It is all personel choice, but I love what was said before..I done need my name in a book to tell me it was a great hunt
LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-09 AT 11:19AM (MST)[p]I have a ton of respect for guys who kill big animals and want no recognition for it. I have been caught up in the "score craze" from time to time, but IMO it has really taken the fun out of hunting. I'm trying to wean myself from it completely, so hunts can be more enjoyable!

I have three muledeer, an elk, a bear and an antelope that make Pope and Young. They'll never be in the record book.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
Where were the "reindeer" racks located if you don't mind me asking? I love hearing stories like this!
Scores are killing the sport, anyone who got an elk survey in Utah can see where the DWR(utah) is being pressured to take elk hunting, all limited entry, all trophy animals, what a shame. Killed a 6x6 in the late season(manti) last year, never scored, don't care, had a blast, took a nice animal, spent a week in the mtns with friends and family. Who did Dr. Denny spend his hunt with last year? Strangers. His scored better(obviously) but I got the better experience, guaranteed!
I haven't ever had the chance, but don't think I would enter one if I got one.
I don't mind scores, or the books though. I think it gives me a goal to shoot for and helps me get a feel for how big someone else's trophy really is.
As far as not showing the antlers or pictures to anyone, that seems stupid to me. Like I said, I haven't ever shot a great one, but have always enjoyed looking at other's successes. Deer are cool, and a lot of fun to look at. That's the only reason I like to go into Cabelas.
I believe you can appropriately share your success with others without being a braggart.
In defense of those that would enter their animal in the Book(s), what difference is it from when a successful trophy hunter hunts and takes huge animals only to choose not to put them in said Book?

Both guys are hunting trophy animals right? Both guys are putting in for tuff draws and LE units. Both guys are taking better than average animals off public ground with General Season tags when they don't draw. I just don't buy the blanket statement that score or the "Book" has ruined hunting. Contribute, yes, but there are many factors including sites just like this one that put more and more hunters afield who get to see less and less quality animals in their shrinking available hunting areas.

Myself, if i get a animal large and uniform enough to make the B&C All Time Record Book, bet your last dollar, my name is going to be in there!

A friend of mine killed a hog of a muley buck around the 200" mark this year during the archery season and cut the antlers off of the head and put them in the garage. I think thats all he plans to do with them. fatrooster.
I myself have several B&C animals but have never put any in the "book" don't need to I know what they score. I scored for years with a friend of mine it is my belief that less than 1/3 of the animals we scored are entered. Too much trouble for the average joe I guess involves getting things notorized plus the cost.Plus unscored animals are worth much more if they aten't entered in the books. I guess I should've said scored animals that aren't entered.I have wrote on here many times put the animal in the book with no hunters name, would elimate a lot of problems. Our old buddy Kurt Darner has a buck that would be the new B&C typical world record if scored.
I think that all of us has that competitive and proud spirit, it just varies on where we display it from one to the next. I have a buddy that is as hardcore as they come with hunters and is against the books and yadda yadda, but if you knock him out on a bad beat in a hold em' game he's got ya wrestled to the ground and givin ya the sharp fingers in the ribs. Hunting is just a multi-faceted sport that can get competitive a lot of different ways.

When the hunting season is over after the last goose has fallen in January, we'll start something else; basketball, racquetball, fantasy sports, fishing, whatever it is, we'll still want to take it to our buddies real good cause that's just "OUR" nature.

My personal take on it is if at the end of the day I can look at what I have in front of me; a good buck, pile of ducks, bull elk or a giant bass as long as I'm proud of it then I'm happy.
I personally don't think it is wrong to enter an animal in the book. For most it is an acomplishment that they set out to do. It is the way the hunter handles the "book" thing that matters to me. It is a complete turn-off when all you talk about are numbers/score/gross/net. I enjoy reading the books, looking at the trends and seeing the history of the ups and downs especially of mule deer.

My father-in-law has about 30 blacktails on his barn wall and I would think that at least 10 of them are book bucks. He has no interest in scoring any of them, some are monsters from the 60's and 70's.

I used to look at the book the same way as most of you are right now but after looking at it in a different perspective, more of a management perspective I can honestly say that all the record books have improved the opportunity for trophy animals, State organizations use these books for a measure of their management success or atleast they should, to see what works and what doesnt, what the weather was like from year to year and the number of trophys that were entered in such year. The only other way to do this in the west is to start making successful hunters check their animals in after harvest. And to be honest that is something that would be way too time consuming and a huge cost for the state. I say that if you were lucky enough, hunted hard enough, and did it 100% legal you owe it too yourself and to the animal to honor it in the book.
My .02$
I for one put everything that will make it, in the book. whenever someone shots a really big deer/elk then doesn't show people or as said above "cuts the horns off and puts them in his garage" i automatically think it is poached. that may be the wrong attitude but that's the way it is. why shoot a huge animal then stuff him away? I'm still young and maybe missing something important to the logic.

"Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid."
- John Wayne
One year I was in WY and had a flat tire and no spare because the spare was already on the truck, along comes this guy and he told me he had a tire machine and air compressor at his ranch so we took the tire off and went to his place to fix the tires. We got talking about hunting, he said he has hunted his whole life and took us into his house to see his mounts that he learned how to mount from his dad. In his house he had more trophy, huge mounts on the walls than I have ever seen, elk, deer ,antalope, mt Lion, Sheep and not one of them in the book. He had a huge drop tine whitetail, one of many, that his son said scored 218 in. Him, his son or the Granddad couldn't have cared less about a record book....Very impressive.
As Bigmoosie mentioned, Kurt Darner had a friend named Lee that killed a huge typical scoring 229, that Lee never had scored. When he died, he left it to Kurt, and Kurt had it scored. Story is, as long as Kurt owned it, B&C wouldn't accept it or recognize it.

I agree with most of you. I have only two animal that I have ever mounted. Many others that i could have but I still have their racks. I get asked alot why I don't sell the racks but I have too much respect for them to commercialize these animals. Several years ago I was rewarded for hunting in one area all my life by being able to take an exceptional buck. What i mean by this is that he was well over forty inches, with all kinds of character. I took him on a wednesday and it almost ruined the rest of my hunt, I still had an elk tag. I tried to hide him from the outfitter that worked in my are but they found me trying to load him in the morning and stormed past me into my camp without even asking to stand and stare with their clients. I told them to get a good look because he was leaving the mountain in the next hour. This ruined a day of hunting because I couldn't event leave camp to elk hunt for fear of someone stealing him. I was able to get into the elk but because I had lost a day I couldn't harvest one and pack him out in time to leave. The taxidermist who did the work for me said that he had been contacted by many people wanting to see the deer, and wondered who I had been telling. I told nobody but family members. This buck will never be in any book or displayed in the public because many will only want to kill a buck like him rather than see him. Unbelievably when i harvested this buck I never really saw much of his horns untill he was on the ground. I was saddened in a way that I had taken him when he was so majestic. Love to hunt hate to kill.
"Love to hunt hate to kill"

Then go buy a camera and just take pictures. Why do something you don't enjoy?

"Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid."
- John Wayne
LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-09 AT 09:58AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-09 AT 09:56?AM (MST)

Yelum, Thanks for clearing that up, was curious!!

Godscountry said; "Love to hunt hate to kill."

+1, i have long felt the same way. Neat story!! That said, any chance that you could post up a pic of that bad boy for just us MM guys to see? :)

edit; Hunting-Oregon, "Love to hunt hate to kill." it's a certain feeling many hunters get, myself included, after putting many many nice animals on the ground. It's not enough a feeling, at least in me, to give up the rewarding feeling, longing, and drive for the "hunt" but i too sometimes feel remorse for the animal, it's a good thing IMO.

I don't "hate the kill" but have come to see it as just one part of hunting. But it is the part that defines what we do as "hunting" so I have no remorse in the killing-only more and more reverance as the years go by...
No question there are a ton of animals that are tops in the book that nobody but a select few will ever get to see and appreciate. I totally understand many guys don't want people knowing anything, they don't want their spots spoiled or whatever.
Personally, I could care less where someone gets a big bull or buck, I just like seeing them. In the past two days I have seen pictures of three bulls killed in the same district I hunt that are unreal huge. None of these guys are going to enter them. One would make the Utah guys even stand up and take notice. And it will go on this guys wall, and that will be it.
Me. I've got close to a dozen P&Y bucks and bulls that will never be entered including what would be the #5 archery Roosevelt for Washington. I stopped caring about entering them years ago. I can't see paying to have my critters in some book for someone who dosent know me to look at a score. Really means nothing.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

"I have an Uncle that has hunted on EVERY continent in the world....has taken MANY MANY record book animals....some in the top 10....and has NEVER and NEVER will enter a single thing into the record books!!!!!"

I know a guy that fits that exact description.
Might be the same guy!
A good example of someone that killed a large typical buck and never had it mounted or entered in the books, is one killed in Colorado in 1958. This buck was not scored until 1998 when a friend of his wanted to get it measured. It scored net 215 3/8 and currently ranks as the number 3 buck in Colorado and I believe the 6th largest in the world. I have personally seen this buck and it is a hog. You can see it in the book "Colorado's Biggest Bucks and Bulls" next to the world record Burris buck.


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