
LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-04 AT 01:20PM (MST)[p]This is how I keep my trigger finger warm, during the offseason. These pictures are from Saturday 01-10 and Sunday 01-11 last week. Needless to say, it was two of the best hunting days, I've had for geese in a long ass time. We limited 14 guys out on Saturday, 42 geese, and then on Sunday limited 8 guys out, 24 geese. Sixty-six in two days, in Idaho is pretty damn good, considering the limit is only 3 per person. Thought I'd just share the pics with ya.

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this is Saturday, a picture of 42 as they lay.

another picture from saturday

one more for the record

and this is sunday..24
That some good goose shooting. Our geese all left because of the snow and cold :-( Anyway congrats on the goose hunt.

What kind of Dekes do you use? Also what kind of blinds? I am thinking of upgrading to bigfoots and getting a couple final approach blinds.

Nice job! That looks like some fun huntin! Unforutnately I'm done with everything untill turkey this April. Sure wish I could go out for some webfooters again this year.
Thanks guys for the comments. Ya, that was some pretty killer shooting that day. I haven't seen geese in this area, like they are right now, for a long time. There are tons of hoonkers here right now. far as decoys, I myself have 8 dozen big foots. One of my buddies went with us on this day, and our spread was about 8 dozen big foots, and about 3 dozen shells. They key around here, is being able to let the geese hit a field for 3-4 days, and get comfortable. But its hard, cuz there are alot of guys that hunt around here. We use mostly big foots, one of the guys I hunt with bought some of the new hardcore decoys. The look really good, but they should for 500 bucks a dozen. As far as durablity and looks, I don't think you can beat big foots. We usually try to hide in a ditch or something with natural cover, fence lines, breaks, center pivots. But if we get in a field with good corn stalks, or grain stubble, then we will use our Final Approach Blinds and Avery Finisher Blinds. But most of our work goes into calling, decoy spreads, and scouting. But anyways, thanks for the comments. I hope to share some more pictures with ya.

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