Off Season Fun


Very Active Member
I thought that it might be kind of fun to do a little off season field judging. I posted a video of a buck that we ran into a few times during our scouting and hunting trips. I don't know what he officially scores but lets here some ideas.
This might be a good opportunity to share tips or techniques on field judging with each other so that we can keep our keen field judging eyes in shape.

In my opinion this is what a 70" goat looks like. I get him right at 70". This is an averaged size goat that you will see on most units, or maybe on some units a better than average goat.

Let's hear what you think. Am I off? or right on?

I have a few other videos of antelope that I will post later. Let's see your pics and videos as well. I know buglinbilly has a ton!

"Half of being smart, is knowing what you're dumb about."
Thanks for posting that. My son should have a good antelope hunt this fall, so we are spending our time figuring out how to judge a goat.
Average 13 inch goat with avg mass on bottom for age and thin on top...not 70 inches yet, a good average 14 incher will go 70 or a really thick 12-13 incher...I'm saying 67-68.
Daughter's 14 2/8 inch antelope from last year...mass all the way to the top and prongs that curve in and out...78 B&C. I'll post more later, I have a ton.


Here's two more for comparison. Both Wyoming one 15 2/8 both horns...78 1/8 net B&C. Bottom one 15 4/8 largest horn...73 4/8 net B&C.


Here's a nice 13 1/2 inch 76 5/8 B&C net buck from Wyoming...lots of mass...other bucks for comparison.


Here's a couple of 14 inchers first just a typical one from Montana...69 B&C net. Another from Wyoming...better prong and mass...73 5/8 B&C net.




Here's a Montana 12 1/2 incher right at 70 B&C net.



Here's a 15 7/8 from Monatana w/ no prongs,,,still 73 4/8 B&C net.



Hope this helps, some fron 12 4/8 - 16 6/8 to compare!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-11 AT 08:04PM (MST)[p]Here's some New Mexico goats from a fellow MMer (I have his permission to load)...this one is a beast!!!!



More New Mexico to follow from him tomorrow!
This is Great! Keep 'em coming! I love how you posted the others to compare with your mounted goats.

"Half of being smart, is knowing what you're dumb about."
Here's another nice antelope buck from 264mag (2009). This New Mexico buck has 16 inch horns and goes 78 6/8 B&C net...look at those prongs!!

Those are some dandies.
Bowhunt, what unit did your son draw?

"Half of being smart, is knowing what you're dumb about."

You may want to recheck your net scores...they cant be an odd numbered fraction...ever.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-11 AT 05:01PM (MST)[p]I am editing this, as I just figured out why BuzzH said the fraction always had to be even. It's because of the way B&C does their deducts. If everything is symetrical the score will be even and if they aren't, the deducts, when subtracted, will make it come out that way. I actually had to do several fake scores on the B&C website to figure it out, DUH! Anyway, there is at least one record book goat on this site that was just scored officially by both organizations. The SCI was a net of 87 7/8" the way they score, while the B&C method had it grossing 85 5/8" and because of 1 3/8" of deducts, it did net an even fraction at 84 2/8" using their system. Dang, I seem to learn something every day on this BB and this one was thanks to BuzzH!!! Now if I could just get him to see that I'm correct on the wolf issue we would be even, LMAO!!!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-11 AT 11:16AM (MST)[p]

That one tapes out right around 80 inches. New Mexico 2007 goat.

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