??? of the Day ... Which Once-in-a-Lifetime Tag?


Founder Since 1999
My wife wants to get her a moose, I'm applying for goat. The question of the day.....which Once-in-a-Lifetime species are you applying for each year? Do you have points for any other OIL speices?
Bison, Moose, Sheep, Goat ...... whatcha' hoping for?

Brian Latturner
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Got my goat after about 15 years. Now in for Moose pool and will never draw unless real lucky in the random draw. However, my wife does have 19 points for moose here in Utah - getting close!!!
I'm currently applying for Rocky or Cali bighorn sheep. I'm up to 5 or 6 points so I should draw this year for sure!

Lucky me, I've already max-drawn for desert sheep and max-drawn for mtn goat.

I'm really not holding out much hope for a BH tag, ever, because of my advancing age, but will continue to play the game.

I am with Zeke! I have 9 points going into this years draw for Desert Bighorn Sheep. So if Zeke should draw I am for sure a shoe in! LOL

I have no other OIL points in Utah. Just playing the sheep game for now. Once I draw I cannot decide to play the Rocky or Goat.

BH Sheep now, with about 10pts.
But I also have 11 for Moose, just cant find a unit to apply in that I like ( public land, DIY, ect ).
20 points on Bison. In it for the long haul I guess. 1 point for Mountain goat. Ya I screwed up one year and put in for a goat. We saw a good goat on the mountain a few years back. If I wouldn't have done that. I would have probable drawn my Bison tag already. :)
I'm SOOOOOOOO lucky to have got the moose done last year!

I now have 4 sheep points from years back--On to desert sheep.

Thanks for rubbing it! I'm stuck in moose with 15 points, enough not to give up, but not enough to ever get me a tag. If I could trade em in 2 for 1 for goat points, I'd do it in a second.
Brian, you know as good as anyone. Don't let your wife invest valuable hunting years waiting on moose. Get her in for goats where she at least has a chance. If she's that hell bent on moose, save $ a few years and go kill a giant Yukon up north.
I think it's ebb and flow.
The moose numbers are down right now but they might be up, way up, in 5-10 years from now.
The moose numbers stabilized and rebounded in some units in Wyoming. Could happen here too.
Goat numbers are still really good. Sheep numbers are always a little sketchy since predators and disease can work them over very easily.
Stay the course unless you're really young!
Here's to the best for us all,
LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-15 AT 10:28PM (MST)[p]I have 18 Desert Sheep points.

What I would really like to see is the state of Utah change the species specific OIL point into a OIL point that is non-species specific. Basically allowing a person to change the OIL species they apply for from year to year. When I started applying for DBS I was in my teens and didn't really know much about any of the other OIL animals. I had seen DBS on the desert east of my house and so thats what I started applying. Now 18 years later, my tastes have changed and I would really like to change. Only problem is, you are pretty much point bound to stick with it once you start.

It is also not fair to people that put in lots of years for a species and then due to circumstances not in their control the numbers plummet and tags are slashed. (Moose)

I know there are some people that are against this because they are getting close to drawing, but in the long run I think it would benefit everyone.
I have been lucky enough to have drawn 3 of my OIL tags so far (Bison, Moose, & Rocky Mountain goat) I now have 11 pts. for Rocky Mountain Bighorn and 4 pts. for Deserts. I'm planning on having enough luck to draw both of them in my life. I'ld rather be lucky than have max pts. anytime! Best of "LUCK" to all of you in this years draw.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-15 AT 10:20AM (MST)[p]I drew Moose back in '97 and Mtn Goat this last year. I'm too old to ever think that I could get to max points and draw any other OIL hunt again in Utah. So, I'm probably done with the OIL pool (that could change in Feb when we actually start applying though).

I did start my daughter in the Moose pool when she was 14 (11 pts now). So, I will have that hunt to go with her some day.

I stayed the course with Desert Sheep and finally cashed in this past year. I was the last in my pool to draw, but then somebody has to be the last...right? I have actually applied for over 40 years for desert sheep going back to pre-points years. The sheep bug is deep in my soul so I will go to Rocky Sheep in this draw. If 40 years is what it takes then I will be a Rocky Centurion!
10 NR Desert bighorn points for me, plus some goat, moose and bison points.
NRA Life Member

Lefties are the only ones in their right minds--and I ain't talkin' politics!
well i luced out in 08 and drew a moose with 1 pt. the next year i put in for bison and decided to forego that while im young and try for a more physical hunt while i still can since then ive been putting in desert bighorn. prob never draw another OIL anyway. moose would be a great hunt for yur wife. I enjoyed mine and wanna do it again someday!
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