??? of the Day ... How many of you.......


Founder Since 1999
How many of you archers out there are still shooting regularly during this off-season time? How often?

I have to admit, I've only shot once in the past 3 months. I need to do a better job of shooting during the off-season.

Brian Latturner
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Been too busy hunting with a rifle to shoot my bow lately. Probably shot once a month at most. That will change after the first of the year.
While daily shooting is probably best, I have no problem taking some time off and then picking back up again. I believe in practice, but am not obsessed with becoming the next tournament archery champion.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-14 AT 04:08PM (MST)[p] If I find that I will be hunting with a bow this year, I will pick it up then to shoot... I don't really think that shooting my bow 2000 times versus only 1000 times will make a difference on my shot... And shooting for 3 months straight prior to the archery opener in August seems like more than enough...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I still shoot 2 times a week, until the snow gets to deep. Usually sunday for an hour or to. and 30 min to an hour with my grand kids during the week
I use to shoot year round up until 2008. Now I shoot two or three 3d matches a year and targets for a couple of weeks before opening day.

Unlike in years past, the equipment is so good I don't have to practice as much.
Try to shoot league every Wednesday. The West Elk Archers shoot 3-D 1 Sunday a month. Hope to "Travel" to some 3-d's in January. GJ and Mote Vista. Vernal road trip in March?? any body have a firm date for Vernal yet?
Still shoot 3-4 times a week even if it is only for a few minutes... 20-25 shots. I find it keeps my old muscles tuned,too easy to get injured at my age if I don't shoot a little bit year round.
Switched to traditional about 2 weeks ago. I just wasn't having fun shooting a compound bow anymore. Too mechanical. Having fun shooting a longbow now and have shot everyday for 2 weeks. Now, if I can put 2 out of 4 in the black dot (8 yards in garage) I am happy, 3 or 4 and I am pumped. I shot a compound for 30 years, just burned out.
Got burned out in 1998 with compounds and built a longbow that winter with the help of a friend. Shot 3d's and practiced all spring and summer. That fall I killed a typical 10 with a couple of kickers at 20 yards that scored 162. Sneaked right in to his bed after spotting him at 3/4 of a mile. That's one of my best memories from 40+ years of hunting. Good luck on your new adventure!!
I was a tournament archer before I was a bowhunter so I shoot a lot over the year. Prep for bowhunting is maybe 50 arrows.
I've been shooting every time I go to my cabin, which is about once a week.

This last year I was out of the groove and had to work pretty hard to get the old muscles into shape this last season. So, never again will I go that long without shooting every week.


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