? of the day --- Are Scouting Drones in Our Future?


Founder Since 1999
So the other day, I saw the report that Amazon was working on a project for using drones to deliver packages. So the question is, do you guys see this in the future of hunt scouting?

Who would have ever guessed "Google Earth" 15 years ago?

Drones ... Will the day come that some will be able to sit at home at the PC in their underwear and scout a remote mountain 100 miles away?


Brian Latturner
Will you LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook! I need a friend....
For scouting yes it will be a factor in time as they get more developed and cheaper. There will be laws passed to prevent their use just prior to and during seasons though.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
Not sure about your state but Colorado is already adding them as illegal to use for such activity.
When the Clown Posse comes across the border and tries to use them here they will find many willing to target practice on the new technology.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-14 AT 10:19AM (MST)[p]You should talk to Amanda, Brian! The other day she posted some cool video on her site, courtesy of a 'quad-copter' and GoPro cam. Awesome footage! ;-)

I absolutely think that folks can/will exploit the new technology to scout!



Edit: To answer your question; YES, IMO. The day will come.....
I don't see myself using a drone for scouting but it would be nice to have after I'm spent trying to match up a big shed. You know, get back to the truck when the legs won't go any further and start griding the next canyon remotely. I'm saying i'll do it, but I can see the benefit.
I would use a drone outside of hunting seasons. There use for shed hunting would be of great help, and lessen stress on the game if used correctly. No need to make a presence next to game when you can get the same result without disturbances. I can bet the idiots saying they would never use them are the first ones to buy one, heck they probably have 4 trail cameras on one water hole.
I guess I'm an idiot, but I can promise I will never use a drone for ANY hunting purposes (shed hunting included).
My first deer was shot with an open sighted a 32 special. We had to get within 200 yards for any success. Hunting was a personal quest to see if I could outsmart a very wise animal. We had no scopes, range finders, trail cams, ATVs, compound bows, long range ballistic charts, inline muzzle loaders, etc. etc.
Today we have tipped the scale so far in the direction of "the hunter" it's gotten totally out of balance, and in my mind we are ruining the experience.
If drones become common place for hunters, I will likely withdraw my passion for the sport and join the Anti's ranks.
And that would be a sad day for me.

Man I am sounding old! LOL
>I would use a drone outside
>of hunting seasons. There use
>for shed hunting would be
>of great help, and lessen
>stress on the game if
>used correctly. No need to
>make a presence next to
>game when you can get
>the same result without disturbances.
>I can bet the idiots
>saying they would never use
>them are the first ones
>to buy one, heck they
>probably have 4 trail
>cameras on one water hole.

Problem is that there will be too many idiots using them and will INCREASE the harrassament of game. After all, when the game doesn't come out of the timber, you can buz them and get them moving so you can see what is there, kind of like a helicopter survey. They will be outlawed for hunting and scouting by the public. Might be a tool that government agencies can use instead of bigger plane fly over surveys


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I am thinking a nice summer day going for a long hike and using it to see every nook and cranny of the 3 mile deep hunting area I plan on hunting in a few months. I would not be opposed to using them if there is not jack a's chasing game with them, and I would never use them for that. I can honestly say I probably wouldn't buy one as I have done so much leg work in my hunting areas that it would not be needed but you know they could be a great tool for learning the terrain. I have two trail cameras FYI, I have used them on my private land to see what is there, one on the front gate hidden in night vision mode to see who is entering and exiting (got some deer pics on that one) and another on a watering hole to see what is using it (wolfs, and elk). I am the type that wonders why people are so adamant about posting 5 trail cameras on one water hole but to each their own. I would use a drone to see the terrain if I seen game cool but that would not be my focus. When your out and about its always nice to see where the easiest or straightest place is for access and such.
The greater the use of technology, the less skill or effort required on the part of the hunter and there comes a point when all one could say about the season is "I shot a buck". I am not into it. I hope they are outlawed. Realistically, I do not guess they will ever develop the range to be useful to anyone in the field without also becoming prohibitively expensive to most.
Realistically, I
>do not guess they will
>ever develop the range to
>be useful to anyone in
>the field without also becoming
>prohibitively expensive to most.

About the same thing was said of computers. Now I carry one in my pocket and it cost me $100!
There is a line and these things cross it.
I will work toward a total ban for scouting or hunting.
> Realistically, I
>>do not guess they will
>>ever develop the range to
>>be useful to anyone in
>>the field without also becoming
>>prohibitively expensive to most.
>About the same thing was said
>of computers. Now I carry
>one in my pocket and
>it cost me $100!
>There is a line and these
>things cross it.
>I will work toward a total
>ban for scouting or hunting.
Zeke I guess it depends on what the idiots do with these things. I probably would never buy one but heck it would be cool to have it like a instant google earth for terrain usage. I am sure you are right tho because we both know we will have morons out there chasing game with them and such.
Unethical for sheds??? hahaha. A chunk of bone lying on the ground has to be found in fair chase conditions. Hahaha. gotta give these sheds a break. They get chased and harassed all year long. Now they will have terror from the sky! Those poor sheds will never be able to cope.
In all seriousness, I have seen some amazing videos taken with these things. And i'm not talking hunting videos. Outdoor adventure videos showing a whole new perspective.
>In all seriousness, I have seen
>some amazing videos taken with
>these things. And i'm not
>talking hunting videos. Outdoor adventure
>videos showing a whole new

I too have seen more than a few, some are definately utterly amazing. I do, however, concur with Zeke's comments.

I don't think scopes of any power are allowed on Muzzle loaders in CO.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
>Unethical for sheds??? hahaha. A chunk
>of bone lying on the
>ground has to be found
>in fair chase conditions. Hahaha.
>gotta give these sheds a
>break. They get chased and
>harassed all year long. Now
>they will have terror from
>the sky! Those poor sheds
>will never be able to

Oh boy! ...and you know all the shed hunters would never buzz the already-stressed animals, right? Maybe in your world but in the real world they'd be a poor excuse for the triumph of finding a shed....if that's your thing.
Drones will be used for locating animals. Might be legal, might not. Laws do not stop criminals. Look at ATV use where is illegal. We need to cull our own herd so hunters are not rubbing shoulders with crooks and poachers. You may have to hit them a second time though because they usually think they are special so the rules do not apply to them. Take the crime out of our sport. One moron at a time.
>>Unethical for sheds??? hahaha. A chunk
>>of bone lying on the
>>ground has to be found
>>in fair chase conditions. Hahaha.
>>gotta give these sheds a
>>break. They get chased and
>>harassed all year long. Now
>>they will have terror from
>>the sky! Those poor sheds
>>will never be able to
>Oh boy! ...and you know all
>the shed hunters would never
>buzz the already-stressed animals, right?
>Maybe in your world but
>in the real world they'd
>be a poor excuse for
>the triumph of finding a
>shed....if that's your thing.

The way I look at it, you can't ever stop Stupid. Some bow hunters shoot at deer over 100 yards away. Do we ban bows because of that? Some rifle hunters shoot at critters at over 1000 yards. Do we ban rifles because of that? New technology is always bringing out the Stupid in some people. While you are right about the idiots that may use these things for bad, I think they could also be used for good. Think about our wildlife managers doing counts without the expense of heli time as an example. And from a scouting tool perspective, they could really help. And if used right, what would be wrong with a shed hunter looking for that match that has eluded him? The ethics during hunting times would be no different that regular flying. Scouting from the air currently happens out of season. BC outfitters have been scouting sheep for years with fixed wing and heli. They have to fly supplies into their camps anyways. They know what rams they want to target long before the client ever shows up for their hunt.
I can see right now that I need the model that's equipped with twin .22 LR guns for shooting down other drones in my private scouting area.

Considering the distances and elevations we would be talking about if used for scouting, even if drones are cleared for domestic use around the country, the FAA would be involved with anything above a certain altitude, and that altitude would like be anything more than like 100 ft above the nearest building or something...

Anyway, I for one, wouldn't want them to be legal for hunting.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24

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