Odor Control

Hiker of the Woods

Active Member
I have seen a lot of information out for hunters on scent with clothing, deodorant, and some showering products. There is so much more to eliminated scent to help out our hunting odds against the game we pursue. Here is a list of other home remedies that can help the hunter further their scent-free tactics for the hunt.

Body odor can be under control in 3 days by adding 5-10 drops of Rose Water to bath water and soak for at least 15 minutes. Serious body odor can be controlled by adding 3 cups of tomato juice to bath water and soak for at least 15 minutes. It is recommended to rinse and exfoliate after one of these or any bath/shower to rid dead cells off body and then use non-scented soap to finish showering. The following remedies below can also help total body odor.

Bad Breath


? Alcohol
? Stress
? Diet/Food
? Dehydration
? Milk intolerance
? Poor Digestion
? Imbalance of Good and Bad Bacteria in the Gut
? Dental Problems
? Smoking
? Medications like decongestants and diuretics

Changes to Make:

Oral Hygiene

? Brush teeth/tongue and floss
? Get teeth cleaned and cavities filled at dentist
? Use Hydrogen Peroxide as mouth wash
? Brush gums and tongue with powdered cloves or myrrh
? Brush tongue with antibacterial products like chlorhexidine


? Eliminate or reduce high-fat and high-protein foods because they can be hard to digest and give off gas.
? Eliminate acidic foods that create great places for bacterial growth.
? Eliminate or reduce sugars because bacteria feed off the sugar.
? Garlic, onions, and exotic spices (Ex. Curry) can have compounds exhaled for 24 hours in your breath.
? Cut out cheeses (blue, camembert, and Roquefort) and canned tuna and anchovies.
? Cut out acidic drinks like coffee and tea.
? Eat more fruit like kiwi, papaya, and pineapple along with vegetables (green is better).


? Vitamin B & C, along with Zinc can help bad breath.

Digestive System

? Yogurt, Acidophilus, or Bifidus can add beneficial bacteria and improve digestive system.
? Decreasing hydrochloric acid comes with age and can be fixed with taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before each meal or take betaine or pepsin tablets to help digestion.
? Drink plenty of water.
? Eat plenty of fiber.


? Apple cider vinegar before meals.
? Brush teeth with baking soda or baking soda/hydrogen peroxide paste.
? Take charcoal tablets.
? Gargle hydrogen peroxide or salt water.
? Take alfalfa tablets.
? Chew anise (licorice flavored seed), cardamom, dill, or fennel seeds.
? Take Chlorophyll and/or Spirulina in liquid or tablet form.
? Drink Wheat Grass with water on an empty stomach.
? Eating filberts (hazelnuts) absorbs bad breath.
? Chewing mint, parsley, basil, rosemary, thyme, and wintergreen help bad breath.
? Suck on a lemon with salt on it.
? Dissolve Silicea tablets under tongue twice a day.

Foot Odor


? Soak feet for 30 minutes in 1 teaspoon or Alum and 1 or 2 gallons of water.
? Soak feet in Apple Cider Vinegar with warm water.
? Pour Baking Soda in socks and boots.
? Take Zinc tablets.

Sweaty Hands


? Witch hazel or alcohol wipes wiped on hands will shrink pores and reduce sweating.
? Drink Sage Tea.
? Take Zinc tablets.
All good stuff!!!

In addition, i have found that not eating a whole pot of ham hocks n small white beans the night before a hunt also helps. :)

well.....all great advice...just like camo....works great if you are hiding from people.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Well, I will.

..........take ALL that stuff into consideration! You will find true success sneaking up on.....Sean Penn!

Learn to use the wind condition; it's part of hunting.
I understand we should all try and keep the wind in our face. That however is not always possible in every single situation. Anyone can kill/harvest an animal without these tips. I thought I would just share to help give a little edge to the hunter. I will not claim it will make anyone 100% SCENT FREE. Some of these things are very easy, don't cost very much money, and don't have a big company or hunting celebrity behind them. Can you handle taking a pill every day or right before you go out on a hunt? What about exfoliating before you use your scent free soap in the shower. A person does not have to do all of these steps but only pick out one or even a few of them. This is no gimmick, but it also will not make a person 100% scent free. That is because nothing can.
"What about exfoliating before you use your..."

No need to cuss, this is a family friendly website! :)

Just giving you a little teasing. For those that do need or want that extra edge, good stuff!! Myself, i'll eat the beans and head upwind! :)

All of those tidbits of advice are basically true, but as has been said before (I'm positive, 'cause I said it.), when one hunts out west, it doesn't take much uphill hiking until the only effective method of odor control is watching the wind....no matter what you ate. (Can't have hunting camp without stew!)

Within the shadows, go quietly.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-10 AT 10:44PM (MST)[p]just a bit of skunk juice and you can crap your pants!!!
who or what cares then?


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