Octomom Reality TV Show........?


Long Time Member
Alright! Something for all you single guys out there.

Octomom is getting her own reality TV show.

There is a "batchelorette" sideline to it and hopefully, some dolt, who needs some money, will step up to the alter with this freak.

This would be a major investment in the future for some guy.

Think of the possibilities!
2 basketball teams, with backup.
Your own Little League team.
Lawnmower operators 'till Hell freezes over.

As with all TV events, there is going to be some SERIOUS cash involved here.

As these kids get older, the media will resurrect their stories, on and on, thru college graduation.....imagine the income potential!

And just in case someone here at MM might be inclined to think that Mom might not be into outdoor sports....if you looked like a cross between a Largemouth bass and a cow moose, how could you not be "outdoorsey"?

Who says this is no longer the land of opportunity?

Sign up early boys, the tickets will be going fast!

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