Ochoco archery Hunt.



Hello everyone. I drew a archery ochoco hunt and was wondering if any of you had hunted it. Im not looking for anyones spot just a idea of what kind of hunt I can expect. Im gonna head down there next week for a few days to start scouting. Thanks for any input.
use to hunt there every year for archery! Seen and killed some monsters! PM me and I'll help you out

That's my back yard, I don't bowhunt but the guys I know who do say it's 100 times better since it went LE. there isn't a spot in the unit that doesn't have elk, the quality isn't what it used to be but it's decent. most of the low lands are private and they are sticklers about trsspassing so be sure you know where you're at.

About all you have to do is get on the public land and look for the terrain and cover you'd like to hunt. you're not going to find anyplace other hunters don't go so don't even worry about it just pick a spot and give it a try, you'll be in the elk it's just a matter of getting a look at one in range.
it cracks me up how this board can go from "there ain't a dammed animal in oregon" to " you'll find them behind every tree"

fact is, if your a hunter you'll do well. but i do know guys who have had the tag every year since it went to a draw who still complain " stupid ODF, there are no elk here"

qoute KILLERBEE " as long as you hunt hard, you will have a GREAT hunt" if you have fun , drive around and drink beers-- not so much.

i'd be glad to help out to, shoot a p.m.
Well I can tell you if there are Elk I will find them. I got lots of time this summer and almost the whole month of september to kill one. I'll try to get some pictures next weekend and Ill post them.
Yes, the elk situation is not as good as it used to be, but if the deer were doing as well you'd hear no gripes from me.

Bee do you know how to tell the difference between deer and elk? maybe that's why you don't see the problem.

You'll have no problem finding elk, the northern half of the unit is the heavier cover and where most bowhunters go, it's all good but the little summit and Pisgah areas are always great bets. if you know how to hunt you'll have a good hunt, I hear they're a little spooky from the years of over hunting in the rut so that will be your major challenge.
>Yes, the elk situation is not
>as good as it used
>to be, but if the
>deer were doing as well
>you'd hear no gripes from
> Bee do you know how
>to tell the difference between
>deer and elk? maybe that's
>why you don't see the
> You'll have no problem finding
>elk, the northern half of
>the unit is the heavier
>cover and where most bowhunters
>go, it's all good but
>the little summit and Pisgah
>areas are always great bets.
>if you know how to
>hunt you'll have a good
>hunt, I hear they're a
>little spooky from the years
>of over hunting in the
>rut so that will be
>your major challenge.

oh, oohps. i always thought they were the same... stupid me;)

i will dissagree on the elk not being as good as it used to be. the elk are doing pretty good. i took some buddies on their elk hunt 2 yrs ago, they pulled the trigger on at least a 5x5 bull or bigger EVERYDAY of their hunt. but only ended up killing 1 6x6. but after a couple missed opportunities at less than 100 yrds, there was noone to blame but the shooters. it was an awsome hunt.
the same guy who killed the bull that year had the tag again last year and killed a beutiful 325" 6x6.

alot of times i wish i didn't have so many points to chase the big units in the northwest, so i could just drop down and start hunting this unit again. i personally think it's coming up in a hurry.

but sorry for not jumping on the "oregon is the worst hunting state" bandwagon.......again

VANHORNHUNTER, did you get my message?
I havent hunted the Ochoco unit since it went to a draw. Is it any better than it use to be for elk? We always had great success with deer, but the elk we got into were never that BIG (rag horns).

I thought next yr I would put in for it (achery) and see whats out there now...

How long have you been hunting elk in eastern Oregon? if it's less than 40 years don't tell me if it's the best it's been or not. I will tell you the quality peaked in the 70's and early 80's for the Ochoco, Grizzly and Murderers creek units, quantity peaked in the 90's. it's still a good hunting, but not the best it's been for quality or quantity.

NE Oregon has slashed cow tag numbers, they aren't doing that because the heards are growing. As I've said before the elk hunting in Oregon is still decent, the deer hunting is not.
yes it's less than 40 yrs, i'll give you that. i'm not 40 yrs old.
BUT-- i could be wrong, i will try and find some #s. but i believe the population is higher now than it has ever been.
as far as quality. =/- i will say they did kill some whoppers, hugh evens 411 bull, but FAR less succsess rate than they do now. so i can see in a way what your saying. but for overall, quality AND quantity, there no way you can say it's not better now.
but this is strickly an opinion your intitled to yours, same with me. but i'd rather have a tag right now than when i had my first ochoco elk tag in 1989.
deer, the "GOOD OL' DAYS " are gone
Elk, the "GOOD OL' DAYS " are now IMO.
Well nobody in Prineville is going to agree with you but you're entitled to your opinion. those of us who grew up here hunting and running cattle in the Ochoco's just have a poor memory I guess.

What I will say is the number of elk on the private land has increased, my ranch is in the Grizzly unit and it's not uncommon for me to have a couple hundred head on me where 20 years ago you never saw an elk. this holds true on all the central units and I'm not sure why, mostly a taste for alfalfa I suppose though it was here the whole time so go figure. still unit wide elk numbers are strong but off their peak, and the 350+ class bulls that were taken every year are very very uncommon anymore.
Having spent more than 40 years in this unit, I have a couple of opinion on the elk situation.

1. There was a higher percentage of big bulls throughout the 60's and 70's, but far fewer elk. Large areas had no elk some years, a few others. Some areas, such as Cottonwood Creek and Black Canyon were a little more consistent.

2. The best hunting for big bulls was probably in the mid to late 80's. Herd numbers were increasing rapidly, hunting pressure was low, and there were a lot of nice bulls.

3. As is typical in Oregon, tag numbers continued to increase, and there is no question the mature bull component of the herd was overshot in the early 90's. Can't remember which year it was, but rifle tags topped out at 1,900 during that period, and harvest approached 500 bulls all methods a couple of times.

4. Biologist started cutting back tags in mid 90's, and mature bull component has slowly improved. Big bull hunting on some of the larger private ranches, Guiterrez, Twin Buttes, Antone, etc. is probably as good as any elk hunt in Oregon, and was rated as the number one hunt in Oregon for several years by the Huntin Fool Magazine.

5. Over the last few years, we are starting to see a few 320 plus bulls on public land. During hunting season, they are sometimes on public, a lot of times on private. Hunting can be spectacular, or awful, depending on where th elk have herded up, and what hunting pressure there is on the private land.

6. Two years ago, we had four tags, went four for four, all decent bulls, no monsters, but were after a couple of 320+ bulls in large herds, just could not get the shot. Two years before that we went 0-3, but screwed up a chance at a monster, and one partner missed a 5 point. Two years before that, very few elk in our area, my son and i never saw an elk during the season. One of my partners found a small bunch 30 miles from where we usually hunt, and killed a nice bull that scored aroudn 315.

7. Last year, I was in the unit for three days during 1st and 2nd season, and talked to a number of hunters. Not a lot of elk in our area until it snowed second season, then a bunch came out of the private, and they killed several bulls.

From what I have experienced, I think Pisbah, Rock Creek, Lookout Mountain, and Bridge Creek Wilderness are more reliable as far as having good elk populations every year. Heavy road densities and human activity on the south and east ends put a lot of the elk onto private land, and you just have to hope they come back during your season.

The bad news, the elk herd has been slowly decreasing over the last several years, and the calf ratio is also down. I am concerned that we are at the front end of what has happened in Starkey, Desolation, Ukiah, etc, where calf ratios are consistently in the 20's. My opinion is that the lack of deer is forcing cougar predation onto the elk herd, and the decline is the result.

If I were a bowhunter, I would be all over ODFW about extending the Rager road closure to the start of antelope season. Nothing would improve the elk hunt on public land as much as limiting motor vehicle access would.

One final thought, anyone younger than 45 has no clue what truly great deer hunting on the Ochoco unit was like. By the late 70's, deer numbers were down considerably, and the over harvest of mature bucks on the unit was obvious. If I can find someone with a scanner, I will try to post some pictures from the late 50's and 50's. Unfortunately, nobody thought about taking pictues of live bucks, Actually, nobody went scouting much, so maybe that is why.

If I were a bowhunter, I would be all over ODFW about extending the Rager road closure to the start of antelope season. Nothing would improve the elk hunt
You know what you're talking about, I think the biggest bulls were earlier than you estimated but I agree the quality dropped in the 90's. I think Will's bull was the last book bull to come from the unit and that was in '84 or '85, I saw the bull in deer season and was after him myself but he found him first. since then we've had some nice bulls come out but far fewer than in the 70's and 80's, as you say elk were few and far between but you could find a whopper.

The private land issue baffles me a little, in the past the elk always ran on and off the private but anymore they can camp on it making rifle season very inconsistant. I really don't know what is causing this other than since most of the ranches are now managed more for hunting and recreation than cattle maybe improved feed conditions and far less hunting pressure than there used to be on the private is drawing them down lower.

In any event yes the bowhunters should try to get some roads closed in season, if I was a bowhunter that would be my cause.
How Hard would it be to get permission to hunt on private? Thanks everyone for your help so far!! I really appreciate it.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-09 AT 03:32PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-09 AT 03:29?PM (MST)

Scout dog another factor is the cats up there last time we hunted there during archery season we had 6 guys in camp and every one of us saw a cat and several saw bears. We found five confirmed elk kills that season.

You can find private property to hunt the antone was about 10k last I heard.

We have asked several times about getting the green dot road system in place but I think they don't want to bear the burden of the cost to enforce. They have started to crack down on some of the 4 wheelers in there and that helps. Not having all the deer road hunters will help as well.

When we were hunting up there they used to run the elk onto private the first week of the season we have once saw a herd of over a 100 head crossing a fence. The other issue is you hit it the week they are herding cows out of there they will mess a area pretty quick for hunting. I don't think they mind pushing some elk down the hill at the same time.

The good thing is that later in the season some of the bulls cross back looking for cows after they get run out and some of those bulls are pretty decent.

If there is any proof of a man in a hunt it is not whether he killed a deer or elk but how he hunted it.
Getting on private would be near impossible, most of the ranches are large and owned by people more for the hunting and recreation than for cattle, most of them don't live here and none of them need the money a trespass permit would bring. the Antone used to take guided hunters, but it too has a new owner and the hunting is reserved for his group only now.

I wouldn't worry about getting on private, there is more than enough public land to keep you busy and it's great elk habitat.
I also drew the Ochoco tag. and I'm going to lay the smack down on killerBees bull that he found the sheds to. haha I'm wish but I'll settle for something less. :) From what i hear it should be a great tag to have. I'm excited and really looking forward to the hunt.

"Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid."
- John Wayne
Yeah im really excited about it to. I can't wait to get down there and scout.:7 As far as big big bulls go we'll just have to see. I've got my Washington tag to:)
I have the tag as well, everyone I know that had this tag last year told me it was great hunt. Saw elk everyday and they all had there chances at nice bulls.
Man you guys are getting me fired up to get back up there. Two partners have tags, plus a group of friends that we typically camp with.

As far as scouting, my experience on the south and east end of the unit is this is normally a waste of time from the standpoint of locating elk til right before the season. This is probably less true the closer to highway 26 and Prinville you go, but anywhere close to the forest service boundary elk will be moved dozens of times between now and the first bull season.

I have observed elk relocate during the fall round-up, and alfalfa fields certainly pull large numbers off the forest, but far and away the biggest reason elk end up on private land is excessive motor vehicle traffic, which now starts in Febtuary and continues til the Green dot road closure starts three days before the firle deer season. Even though there are almost 3,000 deer hunters, i think there is actually less disruption on elk than before the road closure starts. When we have tags, I normally start scouting the day after deer season closes, and several times have found nice herds that came out of the private land the last part of deer season. Another major factor is the cow youth hunt that runs the week before rifle season opens. They don't kill a lot of elk, but htey certainly can push herds back into private land.

The private land situation on the south side is very interesting. A number of properties have sold in the last few years, and there are some major changes in how they are hunted. Bonnieview was a guided operation for a number of years, now I believe is only hunted by family. Les Schwab seems to get a limited amount of hunting pressure, I have heard mostly ranch-hands, but don't know if that is true. Guiterezz and Twin Buttes are hunted hard by absentee owners and friends first season. The GI Ranch owns several nice chunks, but with all their property on Maury and silvies, they rarely bring their hunters to the Ochoco unit. Rich's sold their Paulina Valley ranch, don't know that is being hunted. Most of the ranches above Paulina towards Rager are owner operated, and most hunt, some first season, some second season. There are some significant sections that are not normally hunted, and there are certainly times where large numbers are holed up on those properties for the entire season.

There is really nothing like watching a herd of 100+ elk with several bulls come onto public land right before or during your hunt. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen very often, and sometimes when it happens we are off somewhere else scouting or hunting, and miss them, but, man-0-man, when it happens, there is nothing like it.

Good luck everyone, post pictures, and share stories.

A few years back we hunted a 7x7 for several days but he all ways gave us the slip. his nick name was Clyde...maybe because he was big as a Clydesdale. This was the far NW end of the unit.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-09 AT 06:50PM (MST)[p]sorry for missing out, i've been floating the johnday river for a couple days:)

SCOUTDOG-- you, my friend, know what your talking about!

i dont have one arguement with anything you have pointed out.
i will say that you do need to check into it now, this year. since they have made the archery a draw [which i'm all for, except for the fact that i have WAY to many points drop don to my absolute favorite unit] it has helped. since dropping the archery to 900 +/- tags, and both rifle hunts to 290+/- tags,ODFW is working to make the elk hunting in this unit better.AND IT IS WORKING! you are getting a little higher age class than in the past[ past 10-15 yrs, but the reaso back in the early 80's they did kill bigger bulls was AGE CLASS, but thats because there wasn't that many elk, but the ones that were there could get old] and your no question getting a better bull to cow ratio. i'm not taking that from numbers from ODFW, but i'm taking that from spending ATON of days up there allready this year and last year and seeing alot more than usuall [sp??] bulls. { this is compared to spending alot of time my whole life}and since the switch helping on multiple rifle hunts, i will tell you it's getting better. so much so that there are times i really think about just burning my 8 friekin points [ which really just have me chasing the units i started out trying to draw] and drawing the unit i know best and am very comfident i could have a good hunt on.

oh and one small, tiny,non-issue reply on the " unless your 45 yrs old, you dont know good deer hunting" i have some nice video tape, some good pics, and a few mounts that says i can be under 45 and know good deer hunting;)
oohps forgot a couple things

HUNTING_OREGON: did i say my sheds were from the ochocoes, or did you hear that? just curios

HUNTINGDUDE: i'm from prineville and i know a ton of guys who would agree with me + i know of some big bulls getting killed just past your place in the grizzly unit in the past couple yrs. dont think all the elk are on your place. there is nice hunting to be had in that unit as well;)
I just got back from Buck Point, didn't see any elk but lots of sign. been years since I've seen this much grass, water everywhere, doesn't get much better in this country.
>oohps forgot a couple things
>HUNTING_OREGON: did i say my
>sheds were from the ochocoes,
>or did you hear that?
> just curios

well Brian I was able to put together all the information you have given up about those shed and come up with the fact that they are from the ochocos. I don't live to far from where you found them.

"Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid."
- John Wayne
HUNTING_OREGON: it's not to hard to figure out, and i'm not the best at telling lies:), someone says where'd you find them, i say, uh,uh,well you know that place........ dang it,to much info:)
you ever want to check em' out, let me know.
and i wouldn't mind a p.m. on where your thinking just in case:)
Killerbee, I also had little trouble figuring out where that big shed came from. Will probably have to spend some scouting time to the North of where you found them before the season. They could also be back down on private land by then. I would also say the credit for improving the elk herd in the Ochocos goes to the local biologist, rather than ODFW as a whole.

Man,you are in a tough spot. I assume you plan on going bow hunting, so using 8 points in the Ochocos on a tag that is a guaranteed draw with 1-2 would be tough, but you are still a ways away from Mt Emily, and even further from Wenaha, etc. Is 8 points enough to draw Starkey Experimental Forest? If so, that might be an option, you are back in the Ochoco's a couple of years later.

I absolutely stand by my statement about anyone under 45 not having experienced great deer hunting on the Ochoco unit. I understand why you young bucks think that way, since you never experienced what it was like. My dad says the same thing to us about Colorado, which he got to hunt for three years in the late 50's. Not saying if you hunted hard, you could not find some big bucks, and be successful, but nothing like the 60's-early 70's. Other units held up much longer than the Ochoco, mostly because ODFW did not issue nearly as many tags on other units.

I also agree with you about the increase in older bulls the last few years. The only issue for us is if they are on public land. I was after a 340+ bull four years ago, maybe larger. Thought I had a great stalk going, but they moved on me, and I came up over the ridge in the wrong spot. My partner elected not to take a 500 yard broadside standing shot at him, bought a new flatter shooting rifle after that. We are planning on going back to the same spot this summer, set up a target in the same spot, and see if we can make that shot without a bench rest.

VANHORNHUNTER- i dont have any new messages, so if you sent another--i did't get it--send me another if you want

SCOUTDOG- the funny part about those sheds is how many people say "if your finding sheds in that unit, your on private property" i think they missed the boat a little:)but i do think that bull will be on private by hunting season, but it never hurts to look.

we all know starky exp.forest is out for me, but we'll see how a buddy of mine does on his mill creek watershed hunt this year, i think i might be able to catch up to it. after that i'm out of the points game and hunting the ochocos as aften as they'll let me.
good luck to you this hunting season, did you say you had an ochoco tag this year? my dad drew his rifle 1st season tag, i will take the whole hunt of to help him out, can't wait
killer, two of my partners have first season tags, so I will be up there from around the 16th of October through the season. Will probably make a couple of day trips back to Bend to clean up and catch up on some business stuff.

If five point is enough, I should draw next year. Hoping it does not go to 6 then, but won't be too much longer til that happnes.

So I thought id give an update on my scouting trip this weekend. I put on some miles in on my danner's and a lot on the truck as well. I saw a quite a few of deer no big bucks, lots of speed goats, wild horses, people looking for wild horses to count I guess? and I did see four branched antlered bulls one of which I think will be a very nice six. I had a good time though and I learned a couple areas. I started west end and moved east. Overall I was pretty pleased. Im gonna plan two more trips, one in july and one in august. I can't wait to get back down there! Here's a camp buck.
vanhorn hunter, glad to hear it went well.
on another note, my wife drew a ochoco antelope tag. did you see anything respectable? were going camping this weekend to do some looking. hope to see your pictures
Yes I saw two very respectable bucks. I had one walk down the raod in front of me. He did'nt want to get off the road. I'll try to post a couple of pictures.


My camera dosent have a very good zoom. Here's a couple others.


Hopefully they work.
very cool! looks like a greaat day in the good ol' ochocos! like i said, i'm camping up there this weeken so i'll let you know what i see. thanks for posting pics
Awesome pics. I like the one with the deer behind the campfire. See any elk?

"Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!"
Never mind I just read you previous post. I guess i'll go back to sleep now lol.

"Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!"
Man, this thread has been killing me. Great pic looking down on the Bridge Creek by the way, vanhornhunter. I'd have put in for this tag again this year but my wife is expecting Aug. 24th (cue sad music) and, well... I agree with you guys that going draw only has only made this unit much, much better. I was up there the last two weeks of the season the last year it was OTC and it was odd. Third week, awesome, elk everywhere, bugling, little pressure. Fourth week, three-ring circus, four-wheelers and people everywhere, couldn't buy an elk except down in The Nasty. I only started hunting up there in 2000 and it was pretty awesome even then. I've pretty much hunted it every year since. I had the archery tag last year and I was still surpised by the pressure. Still, elk everywhere and I tagged out in a day and a half (tiny bull, but I was in a hurry to get home). Anyway, vanhornhunter, good luck, I'm sure you're going to have an awesome hunt.
I love that area, I spent 2&1/2 months in Prineville last year. I worked in the Ochoco's everyday on some mine closures. Lots of animals and beautiful country. I had no idea that eastern Oregon had so much forests. I envy those of you that have that out your backdoor.

()_) ()_)---)_)

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
We'll I thought id give everyone an update on the upcoming hunt. I was down there the last three days and I saw 30+ deer mainly does,couple small bucks and I seen 7 branched antlered bulls two of which are nice six points. I didn't see a single cow though. Anyways I'm still looking for a hunting partner also so if any of you guys who drew and are serious about hunting let me know. here's my email: [email protected]
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