Ocasio-Cortez Tax Raise


Founder Since 1999
90% tax?!?! Unreal some of the stuff politicians come up with. She's as unfit for office as Trump.

I don't quite make $10 million a year (ha ha), but when she says everyone should pay their fair share, I think she's crazy to think a 90% tax is a fair share for anyone.

She'll probably be our new, crazy president in the near future.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
>90% tax?!?! Unreal some of the
>stuff politicians come up with.
>She's as unfit for office
>as Trump.
>I don't quite make $10 million
>a year (ha ha), but
>when she says everyone should
>pay their fair share, I
>think she's crazy to think
>a 90% tax is a
>fair share for anyone.
>She'll probably be our new, crazy
>president in the near future.
>Brian Latturner
>@mm_founder on Instagram
>LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
>on Facebook!

You'd probably hate her less......TDS is powerful...


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
Why does this surprise you coming from the Democrat socialist party?

I thought it was 70% tax raise to pay for all the welfare programs she wants. She also wants all carbon fueled power to be banned by 2030 that will drive up our heating-cooling bills by a large amount.

The woman is a freaking nut case that have endeared themselves to the Democrat party of bent wrist liberals.

She wants to turn this country into a socialist country like France or Germany or Italy. Of course we would have to pay the high taxes that they pay to fund all those socialist programs to reward the lazy citizens that do not want to work.
Big problem is that Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren are in that same boat with Ocasio-Cortez. Which one will the Democrats put forth in 2020 for President?

She won by a majority vote unlike our president. so you can disagree with her but you can't delegitimize her.

her type of thinking will prevail in time. every generation gets more liberal and we're not going to stop it.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
You're just wishing Trump would dance like that . the chumps wouldn't need their blue pills for a week if they could see that.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Maybe. but she was elected
>by the majority.
>something Trump can never say.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Trump was elected the exact same way the 44 presidents before him were elected.....get over it


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
>Actually, she's not talking about
>anything we didn't do for
>many years. not a
>good idea in my opinion,
>but not crazy in the
> Those rates were back in
>the days when we paid
>our bills. now that we
>just charge it to future
>generations I don't see any
>going back.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends


Do you ever read?



Kind of an easy chart, but 89% debt to GDP with a 90% tax rate. But "that's when we paid our bills".

Youre the perfect AOC fanboy, just make chit up with no basis in reality.


Just read something, anything, once in a while

>Maybe. but she was elected
>by the majority.
>something Trump can never say.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Active registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans 214,000-33,000 in the 14th Congressional District.

Yup, she really shocked the world getting a majority. Nearly 8 dems per republican, who could have seen that coming?

Again, ever actually read anything?

Go ahead, Trump.....Blah, Blah, Blah.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
That's a dumb argument. so if a republican gets elected in Utah it's an illegitimate win? of course there are more democrats in NY no chit. and there are more democrats in the US that's why Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million. and no, that is not how all the previous presidents were elected. only a few other republicans

All polls show the majority of americans would rather see the president elected by popular vote. Trump no doubt ran those numbers up considerably. someday it will be done.

Our leaders moved home base to 3rd for the slow and weak. something you'd expect more from someone like Ocasio - Cortez isn't it ? if giving the loser kids political affirmative action isn't something a phuking liberal would do you tell me what is.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude your stupidity shows no bounds based on what you said above.

The 14th. Congressional district is comprised of
46% Hispanic
11% black
16% Asian
25% white

Even then that left wing socialist nut case only turned out 13% of the voters to vote her in. She is like Maxine Waters in that she would be a flat loser if she ran for a office outside of her present district.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-19 AT 01:26AM (MST)[p]It's hilarious that ultra-conservative stances on debt and financial responsibility are shunned when they come out of the mouth of a Democrat or Independent.

First, it was (D) Julian Castro who mentioned 90%, he was only agreeing with Cortez who believe a marginal tax rate of 70% should be placed on the earners of income over $10 million.

Think about that all you "entrepreneurs", this is after you have come up with every hair-brained idea to write off you gas, car, phone, clothes, travel, food, or gifts. So let us not BS ourselves, this is after, the after, this is when you have a crew of tax attorneys having multiple corporate shelters, moving money through 10-31 transfers, constantly deferring,...after that, then everything that's left, everything you could not defer or expense prior to Dec. 31st over $10 million will be taxed.

Eisenhower's administration gave us a 90% marginal tax rate over 1 million, yet he had low unemployment..why? People would rather expense that money by hiring labor, buying equipment, investing in Tax Shelters which can offset their tax burden and yield them more money.

I get it though, why should the generation that borrowed all that money, that benefited from it and elected all those politicians and re-elected them, why should those in 1%ers have to pay any of it back?

I do think it is time, sorry but if your army of CPAs cannot figure out how to expense or shelter anything over $10 million, yeah, you need to pay up, you don't need another friggen tax break. Time to take away the tax code sheltering Hedge Fund Managers too.

Nothing changes for those under earning under $10 million, hell you could even lower their current marginal tax rate of 24-37% for middle to high income earners, you know, us, the people that do the work.

Our kids fight and die to protect global shipping lanes and while maintaining stability in our country which invites foreign investment. Tax payers fight and die for the ability for a few folks to make unimaginable amounts of money. You have a choice, expense it on expansion, equipment, or labor by Dec 31st or pay the tax, what do you think most corporation/shareholders will do?

There was a reason people Liked Ike....check him out, what world do you want to live in? Eisenhower is more than a face on a dime, a great man, a great American, a great Republican, a great Leader.

I would highly recommend any self-respecting Republican to listen to the following Eisenhower Speeches. "Cross of Iron", "Chance for Peace" and "Farewell".

His marginal tax rate..90%.
These chumps are incapable of thinking beyond what the con man sells them. and why should they ? who doesn't want to pass their bills onto someone else.

90% would cause a freak out today just because it seems unthinkable to most. but a much higher upper bracket is doable. what will the rich do close up shop and move to Cambodia ? me thinks not. 50% of a lot is better than 100% of nothing.

These old farts who'll never see anything but the bottom tax bracket are selling their grandkids out for the benefit of the top 2%. must be something similar to how the Brits worship their royalty.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>AT 01:26?AM (MST)

>It's hilarious that ultra-conservative stances on
>debt and financial responsibility are
>shunned when they come out
>of the mouth of a
>Democrat or Independent.
>First, it was (D) Julian Castro
>who mentioned 90%, he was
>only agreeing with Cortez who
>believe a marginal tax rate
>of 70% should be placed
>on the earners of income
>over $10 million.
>Think about that all you "entrepreneurs",
>this is after you have
>come up with every hair-brained
>idea to write off you
>gas, car, phone, clothes, travel,
>food, or gifts. So let
>us not BS ourselves, this
>is after, the after, this
>is when you have a
>crew of tax attorneys having
>multiple corporate shelters, moving money
>through 10-31 transfers, constantly deferring,...after
>that, then everything that's left,
>everything you could not defer
>or expense prior to Dec.
>31st over $10 million will
>be taxed.
>Eisenhower's administration gave us a 90%
>marginal tax rate over 1
>million, yet he had low
>unemployment..why? People would rather expense
>that money by hiring labor,
>buying equipment, investing in Tax
>Shelters which can offset their
>tax burden and yield them
>more money.
>I get it though, why should
>the generation that borrowed all
>that money, that benefited from
>it and elected all those
>politicians and re-elected them, why
>should those in 1%ers have
>to pay any of it
>I do think it is time,
>sorry but if your army
>of CPAs cannot figure out
>how to expense or shelter
>anything over $10 million, yeah,
>you need to pay up,
>you don't need another friggen
>tax break. Time to take
>away the tax code sheltering
>Hedge Fund Managers too.
>Nothing changes for those under earning
>under $10 million, hell you
>could even lower their current
>marginal tax rate of 24-37%
>for middle to high income
>earners, you know, us, the
>people that do the work.
>Our kids fight and die to
>protect global shipping lanes and
>while maintaining stability in our
>country which invites foreign investment.
>Tax payers fight and die
>for the ability for a
>few folks to make unimaginable
>amounts of money. You have
>a choice, expense it on
>expansion, equipment, or labor by
>Dec 31st or pay the
>tax, what do you think
>most corporation/shareholders will do?
>There was a reason people Liked
>Ike....check him out, what world
>do you want to live
>in? Eisenhower is more than
>a face on a dime,
>a great man, a great
>American, a great Republican, a
>great Leader.
>I would highly recommend any self-respecting
>Republican to listen to the
>following Eisenhower Speeches. "Cross of
>Iron", "Chance for Peace" and
>His marginal tax rate..90%.

I truly believe EVERY American should lose withholding. When you scratch a check every quarter to pay taxes, you get a whole different view.

Like Brian, I ain't in that class. BUT, until you get to enjoy income tax, quarterlies, and then a lovely little gem called inventory tax, you know nothing.

I am a corporate president. Every damn day, including Sunday. My phone is never off. Buisness is never closed. I don't get paid holidays, insurance, etc.

You damn straight I'm avoiding as much tax as I can. Better than 50% of the "people who actually work" pay ZERO. If its so damn easy to incorporate and just take in millions, why haven't you done it? Because its not.

You and Bernie and aoc say "ten million dollars...." Its none of your damn Buisness. Zero. No one owes 90% of their life force to anyone, especially some politician.

Like I said. Get off your azz, go get incorporated. Go buy equipment, pay sells tax, then pay inventory tax on it(double taxation), then leave it in your estate and get taxed AGAIN(triple taxation).

Last, 90% at $10mil? Want to bet on How many $9.99999999 millionaires their will be?

"Actual working people", ill laugh at that all day as this corporate president/CEO hangs sheetrock for 10 hours, then spends the night getting all my paper ready to go visit the cap. Thsts if the 02 truck I keep "writing off" doesn't break down.

I'm sure the gov with help mechanic on it so I can go pull billions again tom.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Couldn't have said it better myself. When Reagan drop the rate from 70% to 28% we expanded our business. We wouldn't do it when .70 of every dollar earn went to the gov. We take all the risk they get the money. Hell no!
Someone needs to learn about tax rates. the rate was never 70% on every dollar you made for anyone. far from it. this is why you people can't have a intelligent debate on anything, you think you know it all and you know nothing.

When did our national debt really take off and when were tax cuts increased ? or do you even give a FF ?

do your homework and report back.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
combined rate in California 1978-80 if you were making real money. currently around 50% and that is just the income tax. Add sales tax and property it gets worse. Federal is 39%
>Someone needs to learn about tax
>rates. the rate was
>never 70% on every dollar
>you made for anyone. far
>from it. this is
>why you people can't have
>a intelligent debate on anything,
> you think you know
>it all and you know
> When did our national debt
>really take off and
> when were tax
>cuts increased ? or
>do you even give a
>FF ?
> do your homework and report
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

The rate can be 99.9%. WTF difference does it make if the ACTUAL PAID AMMOUNT is 35-45% since the beginning of income tax

Funny thing, Ocho, who I'm sure dodges taxes like the plague, in write offs, off sets, green belt, etc, argues for it.

Second. Any one making $10million has the resources to simply park the money overseas. Or to buy ag land and green belt it. Or invest in losing to offset.

Last. Does dude making $10 million get less potholes? More firemen show up when his house is burning? If his oil cheaper if he pays more to protect shipping lanes? Does he get the express lane at DMV if he pays more?

The rate has to be less than the a mount it takes to dodge it in accountants and lawyers in order to get it paid.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Do you even understand how income tax works?

You keep saying, "making $10 million", moron..this is for people making more than $10 million like professional athletes, movie stars, lottery winners, corporate CEOs, etc.

Once again this after an army of CPAs have sheltered, deferred, and expensed every last dime and still there is an amount of income over $10 million showing on the books. Cry me a river.

I guess a $10+ million salary is standard for all Presidents of sub-chapter S drywall install companies. After all being ceo, coo, cfo, corporate treasurer, secretary, oh wait, that's a real corporation, if your still hanging drywall I got news for you, you don't own a company, it owns you and you barely have a corporation.

"Simply park the money overseas"...oh, do please elaborate to the world how simple that is.

Your right Dude, for most in this crowd the discussion is way above their head. The very principles of the Republican Party lost in a fog of stupidity. It truly is nothing short of embarrassingly hilarious.
>Do you even understand how income
>tax works?
>You keep saying, "making $10 million",
>moron..this is for people making
>more than $10 million like
>professional athletes, movie stars, lottery
>winners, corporate CEOs, etc.
>Once again this after an army
>of CPAs have sheltered, deferred,
>and expensed every last dime
>and still there is an
>amount of income over $10
>million showing on the books.
>Cry me a river.
>I guess a $10+ million salary
>is standard for all Presidents
>of sub-chapter S drywall install
>companies. After all being ceo,
>coo, cfo, corporate treasurer, secretary,
>oh wait, that's a real
>corporation, if your still hanging
>drywall I got news for
>you, you don't own a
>company, it owns you and
>you barely have a corporation.
>"Simply park the money overseas"...oh, do
>please elaborate to the world
>how simple that is.
>Your right Dude, for most in
>this crowd the discussion is
>way above their head. The
>very principles of the Republican
>Party lost in a fog
>of stupidity. It truly is
>nothing short of embarrassingly hilarious.

I can drive 5 miles today and pass a number of construction companies whose owners pull $10mil. I can probably pass a number of accounting ocfices, lawyer offices, etc if I drive a little further.

Moron. How is any of what they make any of your business?? Did you go to law school and tutor them? Did you risk every dime they had and leverage everything to buy ground to develop? No.

But ill notice you didn't answer so ill ask again.

What extra service does $10 mil guy get for doubling his tax?

Also. Why do you think these folks have an army of lawyers and accountants? Are they evil?

My little Buisness, or "barely a Buisness" has 2 accountants.

I'm betting you deduct a pile in child credit. A pile in mortgage deduction. Etc, etc. Why? Why don't you just pay a straight 25%

Better yet. How about posting a screenshot of this years return complete with a pic of the check YOU WROTE paying 70%. What's stopping you? Why is it some dude making more than you job to save the country, why not start at home?

70% of your life force controlled by someone else, aka, the IRS is ENDENTURED SERVITUDE.

90% is slavery.

But again. Its so easy getting to that level of income. Why haven't you done it yet?

Because you can't. Or won't make sacrifices to do it.

I started with a company that had 3 employees. The boss, my dad, me. It took 15 years for him to get it to an $8 mil company. 15 years of 70 your weeks. 15 years of employee drama. 15 years of grind. He gave up vacations, he gave up hunting much, he gave up kids sports, recitals, etc. And at they "height" of success, he gave up his life to a massive heart attack in his 50' s when the recession hit.I was there the whole time. I wasn't willing to sacrifice to that level, therefore I also didn't get to be rewarded in the same manner. Guess who else wasn't there, THE GOVERNMENT.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>>Do you even understand how income
>>tax works?
>>You keep saying, "making $10 million",
>>moron..this is for people making
>>more than $10 million like
>>professional athletes, movie stars, lottery
>>winners, corporate CEOs, etc.
>>Once again this after an army
>>of CPAs have sheltered, deferred,
>>and expensed every last dime
>>and still there is an
>>amount of income over $10
>>million showing on the books.
>>Cry me a river.
>>I guess a $10+ million salary
>>is standard for all Presidents
>>of sub-chapter S drywall install
>>companies. After all being ceo,
>>coo, cfo, corporate treasurer, secretary,
>>oh wait, that's a real
>>corporation, if your still hanging
>>drywall I got news for
>>you, you don't own a
>>company, it owns you and
>>you barely have a corporation.
>>"Simply park the money overseas"...oh, do
>>please elaborate to the world
>>how simple that is.
>>Your right Dude, for most in
>>this crowd the discussion is
>>way above their head. The
>>very principles of the Republican
>>Party lost in a fog
>>of stupidity. It truly is
>>nothing short of embarrassingly hilarious.
>I can drive 5 miles today
>and pass a number of
>construction companies whose owners pull
>$10mil. I can probably
>pass a number of accounting
>ocfices, lawyer offices, etc if
>I drive a little further.
>Moron. How is any of
>what they make any of
>your business?? Did you
>go to law school and
>tutor them? Did you
>risk every dime they had
>and leverage everything to buy
>ground to develop? No.
>But ill notice you didn't answer
>so ill ask again.
>What extra service does $10 mil
>guy get for doubling his
>Also. Why do you think
>these folks have an army
>of lawyers and accountants?
>Are they evil?
>My little Buisness, or "barely a
>Buisness" has 2 accountants.
>I'm betting you deduct a pile
>in child credit. A
>pile in mortgage deduction.
>Etc, etc. Why?
>Why don't you just pay
>a straight 25%
>Better yet. How about posting
>a screenshot of this years
>return complete with a pic
>of the check YOU WROTE
>paying 70%. What's stopping
>you? Why is it
>some dude making more than
>you job to save the
>country, why not start at
>70% of your life force controlled
>by someone else, aka, the
>90% is slavery.
>But again. Its so easy
>getting to that level of
>income. Why haven't you
>done it yet?
>Because you can't. Or won't
>make sacrifices to do it.
>I started with a company that
>had 3 employees. The
>boss, my dad, me.
>It took 15 years for
>him to get it to
>an $8 mil company.
>15 years of 70 your
>weeks. 15 years of
>employee drama. 15 years
>of grind. He gave
>up vacations, he gave up
>hunting much, he gave up
>kids sports, recitals, etc.
>And at they "height" of
>success, he gave up his
>life to a massive heart
>attack in his 50' s
>when the recession hit.I was
>there the whole time.
>I wasn't willing to sacrifice
>to that level, therefore I
>also didn't get to be
>rewarded in the same manner.
> Guess who else wasn't
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

Simply park the money overseas"...oh, do please elaborate to the world...

The 3 developers I can drive past. They have land holding companies in Brazil. Ranches in Argentina, in sure a lot of other stuff I don't know.

What republican principles?

High taxes?
Corporate punishment?
Buisness stagnation?

Easy to sit on the sidelines and yap about the evil rich, or "barely a Buisness" guys.

But other than theory, its pretty obvious you have zero practical experience in what it takes.

BTW you should check the tax rates on lottery winners.

You should also really learn about taxes.

Don't forget, after your 70% FEDERAL income tax, the state wants its cut. And so do some counties, and some cities.
Meaning at the 90% rate, an individual will be over 100% of income in taxes.

That I'm sure to you seems more than fair. He'll why don't we just get it over with and guillotine them?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
hoss you have to understand that ocho and FTW like high taxes they are on the receiving end of the tax payers.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-11-19 AT 07:51PM (MST)[p]I hate politics. But this B*tch scares me. A good chance she will be elected. When that happens I hope you have plenty of food stashed and guns/ammo. Forget France, Italy and Germany. She straight up wants us to be like North Korea or Venezuela. I know I'm prepping are you?
"The 3 developers I can drive past. They have land holding companies in Brazil. Ranches in Argentina, in sure a lot of other stuff I don't know."

No, no, no, stupid, you said it was easy to offshore money yet once again you have no idea what you are talking about, seems to be a consistent pattern for you.

C'mon Mr. worldy CEO/Installer at a multi-million dollar sheet-rock company surely you can do better than stupid.
I'm not against raising taxes on the super rich but what good would it do? Pay down the national debt? Raise our credit score so we can raise the debt ceiling and borrow more?

We have a spending problem. We better get that under control first. Otherwise we're just giving heroin to a junkie.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-19 AT 09:33AM (MST)[p]>"The 3 developers I can drive
>past. They have land holding
>companies in Brazil. Ranches in
>Argentina, in sure a lot
>of other stuff I don't
>No, no, no, stupid, you said
>it was easy to offshore
>money yet once again you
>have no idea what you
>are talking about, seems to
>be a consistent pattern for
>C'mon Mr. worldy CEO/Installer at a
>multi-million dollar sheet-rock company surely
>you can do better than

Feel free to explain how hard it is then. Maybe ask your boss, "who did build that", how he feels about it.

Never said mine was multi million company, but if u was fortunate enough for it to be, it would be because I chased that. The same opportunity YOU HAVE, or anyone else.

What's your tax rate? If it ain't 70% why not? You can volunteer to pay more. Why aren't you? Lead the way.

The Laffer curve proves how "stupid" you are, but get on with it.

Stop virtue signalling and DO SOMETHING.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
> hoss you have
>to understand that ocho and
>FTW like high taxes they
>are on the receiving end
>of the tax payers.

I get it. Its just funny how quick the tax education comes when you don't get a check with withholding, and start writing them, paying folks to file them, dealing with them.

Makes me laugh. Studies show high tax rates, low tax rates, government takes in 17% either way.

But facts don't matter, virtue signalling does
From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
The fact is our tax rates are historically low in post war America, and our debt is an all time high with each new day . so it's working ? if you think so please explain.

We had a 92% rate at one time, 70% for years. is this the answer ? maybe not but it warrants revisiting. it is not in the slightest bit crazy. we did it. it worked.

now with the rails off the big get bigger and the small get smaller so fast we're almost down to just the mega everything. the rich get richer and the poor get poorer every day .

I have millions, not really rich by todays standards but I'll never have any problems. what I absolutely cannot understand is how struggling and even poor people are willing to let the top 1% have it all. how many Leer's do you need ? how many super model hookers are enough ? why does the idea of 70% on TAXABLE ( after deducting their Leer's !! ) income over 10 million make you want to support republicans lowering taxes on them even more?

This is not really capitalism at this point . it's servitude. the monopoly game is ending and the winners are established. this is the America you wanted you're going to have it.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
When we had a 92% tax rate the effective rate that was paid was only 33% due to write-offs and no one was trying to take away wealth you had already earned and paid taxes on. I hope we see a Warren/Cortez ticket.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-19 AT 11:27AM (MST)[p]I don't believe in a wealth tax that goes too far . an estate tax is not a wealth tax it's money being transferred from one tax entity to another.

This shouldn't dominate the income tax debate.

You're correct nobody ever paid 92% or anything near it after deductions. let's say your numbers are correct, 92-33 . roughly 1/3.

So today the top rate is 37% on everything over a half mil. taking your 1/3 number that means the top 1% pay 12%, and the middle class rate is 22%. who can argue the top 1% isn't getting a killer deal at the expense of everyone else ?

Hell I legally write off many of my expenses. new pickups, 4 wheelers, insurance, horses, trailers ext ext ext. all business needs. I don't have the money for leers or I'd write that off too. the more you have the more deductions you an take. I think most dumbchits in America are clueless as to how this works.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
And that's just it Dude, for those in the game you know there are 2 different worlds between check writers and time clockers. Have hobbies? Open a corporation that has "needs", fund it and let the write-offs begin.

Offshoring money is like a spider building a web, it starts with a host of offshore shell LLCs writing fictional invoices to a parent company onshore. Those companies once funded open numerous offshore subsidiary LLCs who in turn trade paper. There are requirements such as a physical address in the host country. Which is why there are entire office in buildings in the Caymans that serve as nothing more than oversized P.O. boxes.

These offshore companies then pay for a host of expenses to support a lavish lifestyle while avoiding U.S. taxes. Buy or lease a mansion, jet, yacht, through a chain of offshore shell companies. You as an individual never "own" these items, but they exist for your personal use. Washing money offshore like this falls under the watch of the Treasury Department.



To make it all work you need lawyers, LLC agents, and of course a good deal of money. This is vastly different than a developer simply buying real estate out of country. That type of purchase is verified through a banking system in 2 countries and fully documented.


Ann Coulter agrees with Ocasio-Cortez on a 70% marginal tax rate
on income after expenses of $10 million.
True story. and all the time Welfare Willy and Joe the plumber are crying big sad tears for the poor picked on billionaires.

I have to wonder if they really think someday they're going to be billionaires too ? or are they just as ignorant as it appears they are.

Anthony Hopkins said " never feel sorry for a man with an airplane " . but so many people still do and vote themselves into deeper debt.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
The chumps must all be researching what a deduction is.

Maybe Bill Gates isn't as abused as they thought he was ?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Soba dude busts was and make big coin and he's greedy for wanting to keep it? But wanting to steal it from him, that's not greed?

Plus it doesn't work, but why let facts stop you.

Maryland tried the millionaire tax, IT LOST MONEY. Seems folks smart enough, or driven enough to be worth $10million, are smart enough or driven enough to protect it.

Besides, they will just do what OCHO does, buy land, hide it in the green belt.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

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