Obviously a "green decoy"


Long Time Member

The most important voice we have as hunters. Period. The guy has huge reach into communities too many in our groups just want to fight with.
Responsible for Joe Rogan, who positively interject hunting into places we never have been.

For DW, Rinella is a member of BHA, I know how obsessed you are with that group.

You want to keep hunting for your kids and grandkids? Rinellas approach is how that is accomplished. Or keep slapping folks who don't agree 100% and we can lose hunting.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Power to Rinella. Sounds like a guy I would want to share a campfire or hunt with.

I get tired of the "facebook mentality": Hear a rumor and spread it far and wide without taking the time to research and find out the truth about it. Having an investor in a show/program that has some differing views than what we would like is DIFFERENT from having an advertiser on your show. The fact that this person/company invests in this show, if anything, should be attacked from the left/ anti-hunting crowd, not from us.

Sounds like Rinella is a kindred spirit and with a title like "Meat eater", he is not backing away from the issues at hand. I see no reason for hunters to be attacking him. If anyone doubts that after listening to his podcast, they just aren't listening.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
>Fake News should never be legitimized
>as "context" it should be
>ignored for the trash that
>it is.

Seems like Rinella disagrees with you.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-19 AT 12:57PM (MST)[p]
>Seems like Rinella disagrees with you.

No. He said he was upset enough that it warranted him writing down his words into a response. That wouldn't be necessary if people like you didn't spread the filth. In no way did he call it context or give it credibility in any way. You did.

You link to it, get more clicks, and legitimize it. It only gives the purveyors of garbage more incentive to do it again knowing people like you will drive traffic to their website.

Do you think every time Huffington Post or Media Matters writes a hit piece on Trump, you should link to it "for context".

Wise up. As he alluded to, people like you need a new way of thinking. This is chess, not checkers.

>Wise up. As he alluded to,
>people like you need a
>new way of thinking. This
>is chess, not checkers.

Like reeducation camps?

>AT 12:57?PM (MST)

>>Seems like Rinella disagrees with you.
>No. He said he was upset
>enough that it warranted him
>writing down his words into
>a response. That wouldn't be
>necessary if people like you
>didn't spread the filth. In
>no way did he call
>it context or give it
>credibility in any way. You
>You link to it, get more
>clicks, and legitimize it. It
>only gives the purveyors of
>garbage more incentive to do
>it again knowing people like
>you will drive traffic to
>their website.
>Do you think every time Huffington
>Post or Media Matters writes
>a hit piece on Trump,
>you should link to it
>"for context".
>Wise up. As he alluded to,
>people like you need a
>new way of thinking. This
>is chess, not checkers.
A new way of thinking? That's what Cortez says
>Don't want MM to go down
>this road. mtmuley


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
All of the sudden their instagrams are peppered with pictures of them holding black rifles, shooting black rifles and pistols. I think they got the message.
I really liked that show now it's gone or at least it will be different.

Maybe Meatliker, or Meathead, Meatlicker, Meatpounder? it just won't be the same.
We are already down this road, Hoss you're pushing BHA and Rinella constantly on here, I do not watch many hunting shows I have seen the Meat Eater a couple of times and gotten a good laugh out of his follies. I am not going to bash Rinella. Then again I have never been one to follow poster type hunting boys. I have been heavily involved in game and fish meetings , legislators, season settings and this summer reconstructing guzzlers on the desert for my daughters high school project. I love to hunt and I always have. I don't take vacations and every spare minute I have, I am out looking for animals. I come on MM because there is a lot of good info here and I like talking with like minded people. I like the fact that the seniors will call bs on someone?s post until they come back or disappear. I am a simple guy, I am conservative and a straight shooter. I would go out of my way for anyone in need. There was a day when a Replubicon and Democrat could disagree, and it was no big deal. Today the Democratic Party seems to be heading to the far left, I am not for Socialism nor am I for big government. In fact I will never practice Socalism. So now that it is out on the table that BHA is a liberal hunting organization is there any chance that they can work with other hunting groups or is this going to turn into a #### show like Washington DC.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-19 AT 09:36AM (MST)[p]You know "land transfer" hasn't always been on the republican platform, why did they add it? So what would be a way to work with the republicans on land? Let them sell half? Would you work with the dems on guns and let them ban half?

The North American Model is socialist. The animals belong to THE PEOPLE. They aren't subject to property rights.

What does conservative mean?

I'm not seeing any small gov. Not seeing less spending. Obama care still legal. Abortion still legal. Republicans banning bump stocks. Rubio introducing gun control.

You are getting played. Those "conservatives" use buzzwords to get you to look past your own personal interests. No different than those dems that do the same.

Don't forget, Roosevelt got thrown out of republican party because of his conservation efforts. Sure is good for all of us that he didn't "get along"

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Post up the entire plank hoss. Dont let the utard reps fog your vision.

Nowhere does it say all federal lands should be immediately returned to the states. Only the utards are advocating this. We should stay vigilant while being intellectually honest.

The federal government owns or controls over 640 million acres of land in the United States, most of which is in the West. These are public lands, and the public should have access to them for appropriate activities like hunting, fishing, and recreational shooting. Federal ownership or management of land also places an economic burden on counties and local communities in terms of lost revenue to pay for things such as schools, police, and emergency services. It is absurd to think that all that acreage must remain under the absentee ownership or management of official Washington. Congress shall immediately pass universal legislation providing for a timely and orderly mechanism requiring the federal government to convey certain federally controlled public lands to states. We call upon all national and state leaders and representatives to exert their utmost power and influence to urge the transfer of those lands, identified in the review process, to all willing states for the benefit of the states and the nation as a whole. The residents of state and local communities know best how to protect the land where they work and live. They practice boots-on-the-ground conservation in their states every day. We support amending the Antiquities Act of 1906 to establish Congress? right to approve the designation of national monuments and to further require the approval of the state where a national monument is designated or a national park is proposed.

It'll be interesting watchin you BHA'rs come unglued since you chit all over Zinke on his way out. Keep yer dog on the porch.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-19 AT 05:18PM (MST)[p]It's like talking to Tri about his BLAAM post. You can't answer a simple question. Instead you want to attack everybody else to change the subject.

How is stateing facts attacking? No it won't change my viewpoint. I'm confident in the system and knowing the position doesn't have that power.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-19 AT 08:47PM (MST)[p]Google how your state is paying to keep open national parks. How is your state going to finance "owning" public land?

Cost $110million to fight fires in Utah this year. The feds covered 2/3. Meaning Utah can't cover the cost of fires, let alone maintenance.

And you know it, your not stupid. Math is math.

Which means it starts selling ground.

Which you know.

I'm sure the Wilks and BP petroleum will share your concern on wolves and bears. But then you'll be home, so who cares?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
The state would have to lease every gas and mineral extraction option available, and have those markets be near top dollar to break even if they owned and kept the land. Oil rigs and other extraction equipment and enterprises dotting every ridge is not what I call an enjoyable outdoor experience. The likelihood of them breaking even, even with all that, is very low.

The reality above is the reason I am against state ownership of all public lands in Utah. Sportsmen will not be a priority for the land if the state owned it, and I can't be on board with that.

But sometimes I feel like that topic is just a distraction. It's a threat we have to keep on our radar, but not every single issue comes back to that. It is possible to be for public lands, and against hunting. Lots of folks are that way, actually. I'm worried about what they're trying to to do me too.
>It is possible to be for
>public lands, and against hunting.
>Lots of folks are that
>way, actually. I'm worried about
>what they're trying to to
>do me too.

It is also possible to be for hunting and against public land. I'm worried about what they're trying to do to me.

I can't name a single person in Utah's controlling party trying to get rid of hunting, but I can name plenty trying to get rid of public land. The most clear and present danger is obvious to me.

>The federal government owns or controls
>over 640 million acres of
>land in the United States,
>most of which is in
>the West. These are public
>lands, and the public should
>have access to them for
>appropriate activities like hunting, fishing,
>and recreational shooting. Federal ownership
>or management of land also
>places an economic burden on
>counties and local communities in
>terms of lost revenue to
>pay for things such as
>schools, police, and emergency services.

How does simply transferring lands to the states alleviate that economic burden? Dont the counties and local communities still have to provide those services? Only now they have to pay ALL the costs, like wildfire fighting, not just the services they provide now. Sometimes it's much better to let 300+ million other folks help pay for stuff.

>It is absurd to think
>that all that acreage must
>remain under the absentee ownership
>or management of official Washington.

Any part of a campaign platform that begins with "It is absurd..." is just an attempt to sensationalize the issue and talk down to those who might not agree. It's a common tool used by people who think they are smarter than others. There are plenty of those people around here.

>Congress shall immediately pass universal
>legislation providing

Very few things of this magnitude done immediately are done well.

>for a timely
>and orderly mechanism requiring the
>federal government to convey certain
>federally controlled public lands

Which lands, exactly, are they referring to?

> to
>states. We call upon all
>national and state leaders and
>representatives to exert their utmost
>power and influence to urge
>the transfer of those lands,
>identified in the review process,

Ahhhh... "identified in the review process,"... Reviewed by whom? Where? Based on what values and motives?

>to all willing states

Other than Utah what state would be willing to assume the cost and liability and management of all that land without real, comprehensive, informed, unbiased studies into the real implications. So far no one has done that. And if this will be done immediately, when would those studies be done?

>the benefit of the states
>and the nation as a

Is it really possible to benefit both? If so why can't it be done under current ownership?

The residents of state
>and local communities know best
>how to protect the land
>where they work and live.
>They practice boots-on-the-ground conservation in
>their states every day.

Really? Not always true. The Bundys come to mind. And what if the Koch or Wilkes brothers are those local land owners. Do you think they know best how to take care of your land?

>support amending the Antiquities Act
>of 1906 to establish Congress?

The dysfunctional Congress we have today? They cant even pass a budget.

>right to approve the designation
>of national monuments and to
>further require the approval of
>the state where a national
>monument is designated or a
>national park is proposed.
Point to the part where it says all federal lands must immediately be transferred back to the states, as some on here would have us believe.

>I can't name a single person
>in Utah's controlling party trying
>to get rid of hunting,
>but I can name plenty
>trying to get rid of
>public land. The most clear
>and present danger is obvious
>to me.

I guess we disagree on what is the most clear and present danger. I'm not worried too much about Utah gaining control of federal lands. At least not in this current political climate.
>Point to the part where it
>says all federal lands must
>immediately be transferred back to
>the states, as some on
>here would have us believe.


I haven't said it says "all". Your undying faith in the party is admirable. I don't have that kind of undying faith. No response to any of my critique of the platform?

So if I were to say the goal is to transfer millions of acres of the public land to the states, who would ultimately sell off large parts of the best of it to fund the management of the remainder and bail out budget shortfalls, would you then feel differently? Because THAT is the real goal. Don't stick your head in the sand on the issue because you dislike BHA and cross your arms to the transfer issue just because someone said "all".
As far as public lands go, just think about the future. When I was born, AZ had about 2 million people and one area code. Take a look at the growth since then. Think it will go down? People are attracted to the west. If the state owns all of it then they will have to maximize its revenue. That may mean more communities in the mild climate everyone wants. I've learned that we're growing too much and I try to get out and enjoy as much as possible because it's going to get worse and worse. I wish politicians would talk about this more. Soon the west will be as cut up as the east.
Resident population in millions
2018 7.17
2017 7.05
2016 6.95
2015 6.83
2014 6.73
2013 6.63
2012 6.56
2011 6.47
2010 6.41
2009 6.6
2008 6.5
2007 6.36
2006 6.19
2005 5.98
2004 5.76
2003 5.59
2002 5.45
2001 5.3
2000 5.13
1999 5.02
1998 4.88
1997 4.74
1996 4.59
1995 4.43
1994 4.25
1993 4.07
1992 3.92
1991 3.79
1990 * 3.67
1989 3.62
1988 3.54
1987 3.44
1986 3.31
1985 3.18
1984 3.07
1983 2.97
1982 2.89
1981 2.81
1980 2.72
1970 1.78
1960 1.3
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-19 AT 11:49AM (MST)[p]
>Don't stick your head in
>the sand on the issue
>because you dislike BHA and
>cross your arms to the
>transfer issue just because someone
>said "all".

How I see it....

Dont stick your head in the sand on the issue because you love BHA and cross your arms to the transfer issue just because someone said "all".

Step back and look at it objectively.

Edit: I see they're draggin RMEF through the mud today for their stance on wolves. SMH

>AT 11:49?AM (MST)

>>Don't stick your head in
>>the sand on the issue
>>because you dislike BHA and
>>cross your arms to the
>>transfer issue just because someone
>>said "all".
>How I see it....
>Dont stick your head in the
>sand on the issue because
>you love BHA and cross
>your arms to the transfer
>issue just because someone said
>Step back and look at it
>Edit: I see they're draggin RMEF
>through the mud today for
>their stance on wolves. SMH

I didn't say anything about loving BHA. My post wasn't about them. It was about the Republican platform.

I guess this creates the opening to start an every Friday post entitled "Have they transferred ALL public lands to the states yet?"
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-19 AT 03:08PM (MST)[p]>>LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-19
>>AT 11:49?AM (MST)

>>>Don't stick your head in
>>>the sand on the issue
>>>because you dislike BHA and
>>>cross your arms to the
>>>transfer issue just because someone
>>>said "all".
>>How I see it....
>>Dont stick your head in the
>>sand on the issue because
>>you love BHA and cross
>>your arms to the transfer
>>issue just because someone said
>>Step back and look at it
>>Edit: I see they're draggin RMEF
>>through the mud today for
>>their stance on wolves. SMH
>I didn't say anything about loving
>BHA. My post wasn't about
>them. It was about the
>Republican platform.
>I guess this creates the opening
>to start an every Friday
>post entitled "Have they transferred
>ALL public lands to the
>states yet?"

You and I were talking about the Republican platform, and then you brought up BHA. I pointed out that you could easily switch your BHA comment around and the point would be just as valid from my point of view when it comes to some on this thread. And like I said, my faith is in the system more than in the party, and knowing the position referenced doesn't hold the power some here fear. And if the new friday thread you referenced was started it would go on as long as the other. And theres truth in captain coues post on our population growth. Funny thing is as American citizens our population isn't growing that much, yet the population in our borders is growing rapidly. Maybe a wall would help stem the tide?

I'm against the states taking control but these liberals are not my friend and I think those who aline themselves with them are sell outs. Rinella sold out!!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-19 AT 11:48PM (MST)[p]DW your right. It won't be all over night. It will be those with best extractive value. Then those with best or most desirable to develop. Then the less desirable.

Book cliffs in Utah. Uintas. Wasatch.

Then out on the desert im sure will sit.

As you sit there, Utah has a war chest, a directive to the AG, and a law firm in Louisiana on retainer.

We have also begun to take inventory of every acre, via Ken Ivory bill(ya I know Vanilla thinks this isn't any big deal) in the hopes that the feds aren't paying the correct PILT. I believe this will be the catalyst to start the lawsuit, others don't.

There is no bill in aware if in Utah to eliminate hunting.

So, your wrong on which threat is more eminent

As for Broomer, your just the exact dude the "green decoy" lobby knows they can pick off by using buzz words and writing factually incorrect stories. Steve Rinella has ZERO power to dictate your hunting. Those "conservatives" you blindly follow are attempting to do it now.

Sure be nice if all the "conservatives" dictated to THEIR reps that land was as off limits as guns. Instead of being told what they will do.
Right now, the petroleum industry, via the republicans is dictating to you. You can be conservative, and not a republican. I've heard Sean Hannity say it a hundred times, or is he a lib too?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

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