Obamha 'yo mamma & Huck



Who would a thunk it! Hillary comes in 3rd and Gulianni doesn't even make a good showing! Woohoo! Bring on Bloomburg!!!

I'm surprised Edwards did as well as he did, he and Richardson are the of the best dems but I didn't think either had a chance. Obama is going to be the one to beat, if he takes NH look out he could take the front runner status from Hillary in both the primary and the general.

Experts say NH will be the end of the trail for either Mitt or McCain, I'll bet MCain loses NH, Thompson and the other bums will drop out as well. I doubt Paul will still be in the game when the OR primary comes in May, I guess I'll toss my ballot in the trash.

Even though the field is clutered with bums and losers as bad as an NBA court it's still fun to watch and bet on. it would be even more fun if I had someone to root for.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-08 AT 12:07PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-08 AT 12:06?PM (MST)

A black man walks up to Chelsey Clinton and said:
and YO MOMMA!!!!!
they played a little blurp on the radio of Hillary the "B" giving a statement over her poor showing. She acually was breaking up almost sobbing. Did my heart good! Of course she turned right around and started making personal attacks on Obama since he out showed her. It is going to get very interesting.

These two are fricken pathetic..........

In the middle of a town hall meeting for Hillary Clinton?s campaign in Henniker, the former president interrupted his remarks to answer a cell phone call from his wife.

?Is that me?? Clinton asked the crowd, amid laughter, as he tried to answer the call. ?Only Hillary has my number. It couldn't have been anybody else.?

After he missed the first call, the phone immediately began ringing again. Clinton answered it again.

?I'm at your meeting here,? the former president said. ?I'll them that. OK ? I love you!?

He then went on with his remarks.

For what it's worth, they're also Freak'n Done

I think it's History. But I'm worried that maybe
she's what we wanted in the oposition.


The good part is Hillary is on the ropes, the bad part is Obama is on his way to becoming your president. I'm not sure Hillary wouldn't scare me less, this is going to be interesting to say the least.
I think I'm going to feel a little like a Rock Ridge resident myself. although if the alternative is Huckleberry, the new sheriff is looking better already.

This thing is about to become like all spectator sports, I don't watch them because I don't give a crap who wins.
I agree, it's kinda comical to watch, but the real funny thing is this,

none of it matters for the republicans because NO MATTER what anyone can come up with on the republican side, the entire party is smoked and therefore there is a 100% chance that a democrat WILL be the next president of the USA.

Now, the only thing for the republicans to do is wait around and see where they will fall in line with both houses and the president are democrat.

Mark my words . . .

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).
True story, the republicans are just going through the motions.

Of the three people who actually have a chance Edwards is my favorite, if I was voting in the dem primary he would be my pick. it's funny how all the Hillary bashing and whining has slowed down around here, the realization that Obama has the best chance of becoming the next president makes Hillary not look so scary.

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