Obama's Qualifications


Long Time Member
I have heard time and again that Obama is all show and no dough. Time and again Obama is portrayed as a man that delivers inspirational speeches in an effort to distract voters from the senator's lack of experience.

The next time somebody make this unfounded claim that Obama is inexperienced or unqualified for the Office of the President, point them to this site.


Granted that this is a blog site, however it does provide a well detailed list of verifiable accomplishments in public office.

Obama seems to have a real talent for bi-partisanship in that he has co-sponsored legislation with many Republicans including John McCain. If lil George sets any bar for qualification, Obama certainly appears to be well above it.
Sorry FTW, he still gets an F on gun issues, and that can be proved over and over by his record. He wont get my vote.
That link is nothing more than a complete load of hog wash.

You do realize the site is ?The Drudge RETORT? not the ?Drudge Report.?

It's a left wing propaganda machine that will say anything to steer readers away from the truth. Fact is Obama has one of the most liberal voting records of any politician. He never compromises with republicans, even when other democrats do. Since being in the senate, he has compiled a record of supporting the Democratic Party 97% of the time.
Are you accusing FTW of posting something not fair???? Hogwash.....cornhusker declared him the most unbiased on MM.....and cornhusker teaches school so he should know....

Last time I looked at that site, first and last, the only other thing than it being a propaganda machine I noticed was that you'll see it riddled with profanities.

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan
LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-08 AT 10:27PM (MST)[p]FTW, most here haven't fallen for the media-engineered God that is Fauxbama. Some of you guys' undergarments must be positively damp from listening to this guys spew. Ever watch people watching this guy speak? Automatons.

Golden Boy proposed one piece of legislation in his 2 years as an elected Senator, the rest of the time has been spent peddling "hope" and "change" in his bid for the presidency.

Google the underlying base for Socialism. Fauxbama is operating right out of the playbook, Das Kapital (and yes, I've read it). His handlers are polishing up the rhetoric and feeding it too him as needed.

Ask yourself these questions: Who is going to pay for all of these promises?

Why should you be responsible for my healthcare, or me for yours?

Why should we have to pay Global poverty Taxes, when we all know that the poor will get maybe 3 cents on the dollar after all corrupt politicians take their cuts?

Why, as a sportsman, would you want liberal supreme court judges selected?

The questions are legion, friends.
That's pretty funny, but not very fair.

If we're going to play that game what's McCain accomplished that matters?

For the bonus round what had Bush accomplished before becoming president? for extra points what has he done ( positive ) since being elected? just facts, no theoretical accomplishments.

None of them have done much so Obama fits right in. he needs to bore people like McCain and then they won't expect so much from him.
Anaconda read the post, I'm the first to note and warn that this information is taken from a blog site. However, the list of Obama's accomplishments are not subject to opinion. So if you feel the information is false, by all means expose it as such.

1911 I'm not quite sure what you meant by riddled with profanities. What is your definition of profanity?

D13r, I hear he is as much white as he is black. Perhaps we are just splitting nappy hairs on his ethnicity. I for one, don't see skin color so I will have to take your word for it.

As a state legislator, Obama worked with both Democrats and Republicans in drafting successful legislation on ethics and health care reform. He sponsored a law enhancing tax credits for low-income workers, negotiated welfare reform, and promoted increased subsidies for child care. Obama also led the passage of legislation mandating videotaping of homicide interrogations, and a law to monitor racial profiling by requiring police to record the race of drivers they stopped.

During his 2004 general election campaign for U.S. Senate, Obama won the endorsement of the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police, whose president credited him with having been "immensely helpful in working with police organizations" on death penalty reform.

Obama sponsored 152 bills and resolutions brought before the 109th Congress in 2005 and 2006, and cosponsored another 427. Obama took an active role in the Senate's drive for improved border security and immigration reform. Beginning in 2005, Obama co-sponsored the "Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act" introduced by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ). He later added three amendments to S. 2611, the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act," sponsored by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA). S. 2611 passed the Senate in May 2006, but failed to gain majority support in the U.S. House of Representatives.

In September 2006, Obama supported a related bill, the Secure Fence Act, authorizing construction of fencing and other security improvements along the United States/Mexico border. President Bush signed the Secure Fence Act into law in October 2006, calling it "an important step toward immigration reform."

Partnering first with Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN), and then with Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), Obama successfully introduced two initiatives bearing his name. "Lugar-Obama" expands the Nunn-Lugar cooperative threat reduction concept to conventional weapons, including shoulder-fired missiles and anti-personnel mines.

The "Coburn-Obama Transparency Act" provides for a web site, managed by the Office of Management and Budget, listing all organizations receiving Federal funds from 2007 onward, and providing breakdowns by the agency allocating the funds, the dollar amount given, and the purpose of the grant or contract. In December 2006, President Bush signed into law the "Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act," marking the first federal legislation to be enacted with Obama as its primary sponsor.

As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Obama made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. In August 2005, he traveled to Russia, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan. The trip focused on strategies to control the world's supply of conventional weapons, biological weapons, and weapons of mass destruction as a first defense against potential terrorist attacks.

Following meetings with U.S. military in Kuwait and Iraq in January 2006, Obama visited Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian territories. At a meeting with Palestinian students two weeks before Hamas won the legislative election, Obama warned that "the U.S. will never recognize winning Hamas candidates unless the group renounces its fundamental mission to eliminate Israel."

He left for his third official trip in August 2006, traveling to South Africa, Kenya, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Chad. In a nationally televised speech at the University of Nairobi, he spoke forcefully on the influence of ethnic rivalries and corruption in Kenya. The speech touched off a public debate among rival leaders, some formally challenging Obama's remarks as unfair and improper, others defending his positions.

In the first month of the newly Democratic-controlled 110th Congress, Obama worked with Russ Feingold (DWI) to eliminate gifts of travel on corporate jets by lobbyists to members of Congress and require disclosure of bundled campaign contributions under the "Honest Leadership and Open Government Act", which was signed into law in September 2007.

He joined Charles Schumer (D-NY) in sponsoring S. 453, a bill to criminalize deceptive practices in federal elections, including fraudulent flyers and automated phone calls, as witnessed in the 2006 midterm elections. Obama's energy initiatives scored pluses and minuses with environmentalists, who welcomed his sponsorship with John McCain (R-AZ) of a climate change bill to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by two-thirds by 2050, but were skeptical of his support for a bill promoting liquefied coal production.

Later in 2007, Obama sponsored with Kit Bond (R-MO) an amendment to the 2008 Defense Authorization Act adding safeguards for personality disorder military discharges, and calling for a review by the Government Accounting Office following reports that the procedure had been used inappropriately to reduce government costs.

He sponsored the "Iran Sanctions Enabling Act" supporting divestment of state pension funds from Iran's oil and gas industry, and joined Chuck Hagel (R-NE) in introducing legislation to reduce risks of nuclear terrorism. A provision from the Obama-Hagel bill was passed by Congress in December 2007 as an amendment to the State-Foreign Operations appropriations bill.

Obama also sponsored a Senate amendment to the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to provide one year of job protection for family members caring for soldiers with combat-related injuries. After passing both houses of Congress with bipartisan majorities, SCHIP was vetoed by President Bush in early October 2007, a move Obama said "shows a callousness of priorities that is offensive to the ideals we hold as Americans"

This information is not an attempt to sway any reader's vote towards Obama. It is simply a verifiable list of his accomplishments in office and a response to claims that he lacks politcal experience.
Forthewall.....all of the Senators in the US couldn't have sponsored, supported, voted on and co-chaired this ammount of BS, in that time period. Where did you come up with this crap?

Every knowledgeable political commentator, liberal or conservative, agrees that the illustrious Senator lacks political experience and expertise. But he IS shiney, ain't he?

He has voted "present" 15 times to 1, rather than take a stand for or against anything. And when he states that he "supported" some project or another, half the time, he simply didn't vote AGAINST it. Politico doubletalk.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-08 AT 02:56AM (MST)[p]Nickman I listed it and stand by it, so you now have the names of the bills. Please take the time to look them up and prove my
BS wrong.

Like I said before I'm not trying to sway you one way or the other. I'm just providing the information in hopes of shedding some light between reality and rhetoric.

Please prove me wrong with something more tangible than what you heard from the media's political punditry.

I already provided a hyper-link in the post read it thoroughly, just keep in mind that it is a blog site, but the record stands on it's own merit. I've already cross-checked it, but by all means look for yourself.

The "present" votes you are referring to are not related to his time in the U.S. Senate. They are related to his time in the Illinois State Legislature.


The Illinois State Legislature has a different method of parliamentary procedures. As the article states many legislators vote present should the bill have problems which need to be fixed prior to a yes or no vote.

Given that you have noted the immense amount of involvement from this young senator, if you cannot prove me wrong would you say he has enough experience? Or are you going to tell me how Shiney he is again?
FTW, pretty funny. You avoiding the gun issue just as your hero Obama. Just admit it, it's a huge issue. This is a HUNTING site, we hunt with firearms, it's a major concern to most, and will probably be a deciding factor in November.
In my opinion Obama is not qualified to be the LEADER of the free world and most powerful man in the world.
He has never run anything. Two years as a senator does not a President make. He is an empty suit. The Republican machine will expose him for the farse he is.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Some of you forget what politics are all about. Obama doesn't have to be qualified, all he has to do is win.

What does McCain have over Obama that makes him a world class leader?
"What does McCain have over Obama that makes him a world class leader?"

Military service notwithstanding, congressional and senatorial experience since 1982. Many committees, bills, fights, and overall, experience of every political stripe. He's got a kid in the servie right now, in a war zone if I remember. He has a vested interest in this conflict being done right.

He has been beaten up by his base for his liberal stances and now knows that he better start pandering to the same base, or he will stand no chance in the political arena.

Sometimes he's a lib, other times conservative, moderate mostly. Sounds like your type of guy.

Personally I dislike the guy, but much less so than your boy Obama.
My boy Obama? I said I'll probably vote for McCain and for one reason only, taxes. the war and 99% of the rest of it I prefer Obama, but I'll vote my pocket book unless McCain really ticks me off.

McCain isn't a bad guy but being a POW or having a kid in the military doesn't get you a free pass to the white house, Kerry proved that when a drunk AWOL gaurdsman beat a decorated veteran.

Obama is qualified enough, more so than lots of past presidents. Obama will beat him, I wouldn't be surprised if he thumps him by the time elections happen.
Hardway I'm glad that you find my post a source of comedic pleasure. I'm sorry if you felt left out since I didn't address your thread on guns.

Unfortunately it is completely irrelevant to the context of this post. The context of this post is Obama's past accomplishments and whether these accomplishments qualify or disqualify him to be president. As well, has he accomplished enough in his political career and personal life to be or not be deemed "An empty suit or viable" by either the press, Clinton, or McCain.

Brain was kind enough to provide us with our own forum to discuss politics. I would hope that we can leave our biases aside to discuss the topics instead exchanging hyperbole, rhetoric, or partisan talking points. When we lose another veteran in action they and their families have paid the ultimate price for our democratic process.

Ironically, these soldiers, and those before them have served, been wounded, or died in hopes of fostering or protecting democracy abroad. One would hope the least we could do in their honor and our own tax paying dollar, would be to intelligently discuss our next possible leader.

Last week I put a thread or two in the McCain MYT story . So does this make McCain my hero too?

Like you noted Hardway, we are all hunters on this site. I believe this qualifies all of us as experts in B.S. There are some in this forum that would claim to actually have PHD's in B.S. So let us use our combined abilities to cut through this years election partisan B.S. by both sides.
I have to work an unlike some of you my day doesn't allow for time to buzz to this site. So I miss a lot of the action. I was just wondering d13er is your beef with me, my job, FTW or just a little sarcasm with your last jab. Doesn't really bother me just curious. I refering to when you wrote.

"Are you accusing FTW of posting something not fair???? Hogwash.....cornhusker declared him the most unbiased on MM.....and cornhusker teaches school so he should know....

Just curious why this didn't remain a political discussion of the qualifications of Obama. Instead of trying to make it a personal attack. By the way I also work construction in the summer maybe that makes me more qualified to judge character.
Forthewall, I beg to disagree on several points.
As reference to Obama?s talented bi-partisanship you link to a web site, claim disagreements are ?unfounded? and ?the list of Obama's accomplishments are not subject to opinion.?
First off, all of this based on the web site has no credibility at all. Named ?The Drudge Retort? it clearly attempts to convince viewers it is somehow connected with Matt Drudge?s ?Drudge Report? (it isn't). This is an intentional attempt to capitalize on Drudges reputation, by a blog site with no reputation at all. Secondly a quick review of the site shows it to be filled with nothing more than left wing, liberal propaganda. Clearly your reference web site is worthless and the argument that Obama doesn't have the experience to be POTUS is more than founded. Most people, including Hillary believe it to be true, and there is significant evidence to back it up.
Secondly, the question if Obama?s accomplishments rising to the level of Presidential experience is a matter of personal opinion. To me, and millions of others they don't.
Last, the reference web site claims there aren't enough senatorial votes to make the case so it refers back to Obama?s time as a state politician. This is worthless because we don't know the nature of the compromise, or the real politics of the so called ?republicans? Obama worked with.
What we do know is that since he has been a U.S. senator Barak has refused to take a stand, voting ?present? more often than not. In my opinion, this is not a good indicator of Presidential performance.
Several non partisan groups have reviewed Obama?s voting record and made the determination that he votes liberal/democratic party line 97% of the time. The only compromise Barak is willing to make is when the republicans give him everything he wants on a silver platter.
>Unfortunately it is completely irrelevant to
>the context of this post.
>The context of this post
>is Obama's past accomplishments and
>whether these accomplishments qualify or
>disqualify him to be president.
>As well, has he accomplished

How is his stance on gun issues "irrelevant" in deeming weather or not he's qualified to be president?

My jab was intended to get my point across being, that Obama is not the knight in shining armour that you are portraying him to be.
It's an opinion, I'm entitled to it, politics are based on them, and if you dont like it too bad. I'm just making sure that an issue thats important to all hunters is brought out into the open, instead of being covered up by liberal propaganda.

Nothing personal with you FTW, just trying to voice my opinion. Same as you.
LOL..don't over analyze it cornhusker, I'm only here for the opportunity to crack one liners.......

Hardway the lone issue of Guns in itself is not irrelevant. However this post is to try and encapsulate an overall picture of Obama's personal and political background.

I really wish you stop inferring that I am trying to prop Obama up or that he is my hero or knight in shining armor. All I am doing is trying to put some real unbiased information on the table. I am not trying to sway anyones vote or influence them in any way on Obama.

Nor I am trying to silence your or anybody's opinion or play a role in covering up issues with liberal or conservative propaganda.

I think Issues are worthy of their own posts to be discussed as a main topic instead lost as a side issue in a off-topic post.

That being said, I have given this matter it's very own post so that it can be viewed and discussed directly.
>AT 10:27?PM (MST)


JimNv, now that is funny. I hope you don't mind if I borrow it.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-08 AT 02:38PM (MST)[p]Funny all my friends cite snopes.com as the authority of all truth!

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