

Hello All, haven't had a chance to checkout the content... should you find something that refutes the below please advise. Stay Safe.



Obama's Global Plan: [email protected]
I found out about this last night, so I Googled it today (The Global Poverty Act) & found out a lot of information (I suggest that each of you do the same .... many alerting forums), there is a Bill that's in Congress called 'The Global Poverty Act', this bill was written by Senator Obama & if it gets enacted, it will cost the American taxpayer $845 Billion & plus more funds every year...now, this Act has lots to do with the United Nations & it has clauses added in, like the ban of all small hand guns & there are a few others but the jest of this Act is that the United Nations will be taking over the laws of our country (think not, if they can ban all small hand guns, our ownership of these guns will be illegal...so if that flies, what's next that we're going to have to live with by the United Nations)...
The poverty that we have in this country will not be part of the aid that this bill will furnish, this bill covers only other countries, not ours.now with this bill costing so much money, where do you think that the money is going to come from to pay for it, Mr. Obama is wanting to let the tax breaks of 2002 or 2003 that the Bush Admin. put into effect expire, so your taxes will be going back up again & of course this is only one thing that's going to help pay for it & you can bet that there will be other increases in our taxes...I understand that there are quite a few other clauses added to this bill that is going to affect all Americans, not only in their pocket books but ours rights that are guaranteed in our Constitution, 'Like the right to bare arms' .another thing, why isn't the news media carrying this information before the American people, so that all of us can see what the (Congressmen) are trying to sneak by the American people..... I hope that I have stirred each of you & your interest enough to pass this around to all the people in your address books, I know I'm very concerned & I have sent it out to all the people in my address book.....scream out loud....we're being had again!!!

Global Poverty Act of 2007 (H.R.1302, S.2433)
a.. H.R.1302 introduced Reps. Adam Smith (D-WA) and Spencer Bachus (R-AL).*
b.. S.2433 was introduced by Senators Barack Obama (D-IL), Chuck Hagel (R-NE), and Maria Cantwell (D-WA).**
What the Global Poverty Act Would Do It seeks to eliminate extreme poverty by:
a.. Declaring it official U.S. policy to promote the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the U.N. Millennium Development Goal of cutting extreme global poverty in half by 2015.
b.. Requiring the president to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to carry out that policy.
c.. Including guidelines for what the strategy should include - from aid, trade, and debt relief, to working with the international community, businesses and NGOs, to ensuring environmental sustainability.
d.. Requiring that the president's strategy include specific and measurable goals, efforts to be undertaken, benchmarks, and timetables.
e.. Requiring the president to report back to Congress annually on progress made in the implementation of the global poverty strategy.
*The Global Poverty Act passed out of the House Foreign Affairs Committee on July 31, 2007 and was passed by a unanimous voice vote by the full House on September 25.
For more information, please contact Katy Quinn with Rep. Adam Smith at

[email protected] or (202) 225-8901 or Jason Britt with Rep. Spencer Bachus at [email protected] or (202) 225-4921.
** The bill was passed by unanimous consent by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 13, 2008.
Whether that's true or not, I think the UN and our leaders willing to follow them on their quest for a 1 world government will be the downfall of our country.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-04-08 AT 03:47PM (MST)[p]I am not attempting to throw water on the fire but I do think you should go read the text of the bill.

In addition the bill wasn't written by Sen.Obama it was introduced by Sen. Obama as well as Sen. Chuck Hagel and SenMaria Cantwell

Sen. Obama agreed to carry this bill if it passed out of the house.

Read the text of the bill, as well as the amendment and please point out where it says anything about $845 billion and even mentions hand guns.

While I am unsure whether or not I support this bill, it is not anything out of the ordinary. As with most of these the bill appears to be less of threat to the U.S. constitution or U.S. taxpayers checkbooks and rather it appears to an NGO Bureaucrats retirement program. It doesn't force us to really do anything other the attempt to help the G8 increase African aid to $50 billion by 2010.

There are so many other things that are easy to beat up Obama why worry about this bill? Most of this bill's component were proposed by GWB and his administration.


Does this guy make any sense and if you are outraged about what this bill does are you outraged that the Bush administration agreed to the framework at the G8 meeting? I don't think you can seperate the two.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-04-08 AT 04:31PM (MST)[p]There was a write up in Investors Business Daily about this and it is real. I haven't read the bill but we have to take it serious, its a bad bill for US sovereignty and yes they are taking our money and are going to give it away keeping marxist despots in power. Part of the bill also will take away the US veto vote so we would be subject to the anti US votes of the UN in general.

The best thing you can do for these poor countries is free trade. They already have access to our markets any way, but with free trade it brings outside investment so their industries can help themselves. It also opens up their markets to our goods, its a win win for all concerned. The dems are against free trade and would rather destroy the bright spot in our economy it seems while making us the subjects of the UN.
I think everyone that has spent any time debating on this sight knows I am not a fan of the Democrats but in this case the framework was agreed too by the Bush Administration. Read the bill it directly quotes GWB and Sec. Rice.

It is not so simple as just blaming the Democrats as the Republicans support the measure also.

Here is what I found:


"H.R. 1302 would require the President to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day."

MAYBE the key phrase is "and the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development goal........."

The bill defines the term ?Millennium Development Goals? as the goals set out in the United Nations Millennium Declaration, General Assembly Resolution 55/2 (2000).

So I looked up United Nations Millennium Development. Here it talks about the International Criminal Court, doing away with nuclear weapons, and controling "small arms".....

You can read it for yourself here


NeMont. You may not be a fan of the democrats but you are always fair and in this particular issue, with this bill which I have read you are exactly correct.

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