Obama's hate team.


Very Active Member
These are words from Obama's pastor of 20 some years. Sounds like an angry black man that hates America or the people in it, it sounds very racist to me. It's people like this and people Obama has surrounded himself with including somethings his wife has said that have convinced me a person would have to be crazier than a sh-- house rat to vote for him if he wins the dem. nomination. Of course I am sure the lib. dems. will agree with everything these people say, fools in my eyes, but thats just the type pastor Wright and the Obama people need....

In a sermon on the Sunday after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, Wright suggested the United States brought on the attacks.

"We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye," Wright said. "We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost."

In a 2003 sermon, he said blacks should condemn the United States.

"The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, God damn America, that's in the Bible for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme."
This is already being beat to death in the political forum.

Obama has already denounced the statements as not in line with his beliefs. I heard his auto mechanic used crack once too, so that has to mean Obama is a crack dealer. and his newspaper boy was caught shop lifting so Obama must run an organized crime ring. my, my, I'm very frightened.
Maybe your right dude, but why in the hell would OSAMA/OBAMA still attend this racist church?
Got me, I don't attend any church and don't want to.

Lots of people do so I don't worry about it, as long as they leave me out of it and don't hurt anyone it's not my problem. if Obama says the preacher didn't talk like that when he was there then what difference does it make.
Obama listened to the pastors rantings for 20 years and never questioned it until the media put him in the spot light.
I see alot of HATE comeing from the Obama side... Louis Farakon saying the white race is the skunk of the world, and givin an award from Obama's pastor, the pastor Wright. Obama has no other choice but to denounce Wright and his coharts now. I am glad I have been paying attention to this primary race because it has REALLY decided my vote. Any red blooded -true- American could never consider voteing for this scam artist! I love this country, my boys have fought for this country and I would fight for it again. I myself cant stand to see what this country is becomeing and alot of it because of this Bull S--- political correctness. I say stand up AMERICANS !!!!
My parents told me to be careful who you suround yourself with because they will ultimately define who you are.

The paster, his wife....
You are not thinking right if you cast a vote for this guy.
A racist and a socialist.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they will!
Obama isn't tied in with Farrakhan, and besides you'd be hard pressed to find a black guy in the USA that didn't have some resentment of whites. racism is a fact and both sides feel it, some are far more racist than others and some hide it better than others. to say Obama is too racist to be president is just what Jesse Jackson would say if Obama was white. nothing Obama or his wife have said or done makes me fear he'd turn the whitehouse into a crack house. give me a break, and here I was a racist.

Some people need to cowboy up and not be such sissys, blacks only make up 13% of the US population so one black president isn't going to have the power to send you packing. we want blacks to stop crying about how bad they have it and quit being so sensitive, listen to yourselves, you're just as bad if not worse.
When was the last time you heard/saw a white preacher danceing in front of the congregation claiming the US government created HIV AIDS as a way to elimenate the black race! And thats one of Obamas right hand men. No thats not racism thats HATE and it's not the blacks I am afraid of or think they will over run America it's the HATE against the white race that some high profile blacks and supporters of Obama spew.
I don't think we should be so PC and just sit here being quiet while people say the things they do. I damn sure don't tell my children to belive all that crap, I tell them to stand up and be proud of who you are and where you come from, and be proud of your history becaues the truth is everybody in the world wants what you got!
> Obama isn't tied in with
>Farrakhan, and besides you'd be
>hard pressed to find a
>black guy in the USA
>that didn't have some resentment
>of whites.

This "resentment" is due to what? Is it because that due to affirmative action a black guy has a better chance of getting a job that we are equally qualified for? We are so busy being politically correct that it is now the cacasian male that is being descriminated against.

Black Entertainment Television
Black only colleges
What do you think our politically correct world would do if we had an all white college? Hell, look what happened at Augusta National!

Point is that you are right, "racism is a fact and both sides feel it". I'm just damn tired of it being ok for a black man to be openly rasist and a white man better not open his mouth. Obama's paster is openly rasist and you are who you suround yourself with.

And his wife is "proud to be an American for the fisrt time in her life"?
Nice. Real nice.

Crack house? Give ME a break.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they will!
I didn't say I agreed with it, I'm saying if whites are going to hold a black guy accountable for what his preacher says and whine over a little comment his wife makes what right do we have to gripe about it.

The way many blacks have played the race card and won is insane , look at OJ, tell me he would be free if he was white. I also won't deny we have reverse discrimination in this country a well, if McCain had stepped foot in a church that siad anything off key about blacks he'd be kicked out of the race that's a fact. the point is Obama has done nothing wrong and if we treat him like white Jesse Jacksons's then we're just the same, if it's ever going to stop somebody has change the path we're on . playing like big kids and either electing Obama or not electing Obama based on his merrits and not what somebody who knows him said is the perfect way to turn the corner. it may not change anything but it won't hurt , rational blacks will see he got a fair shake,if he wins I think he'll be an ok president if he looses fair and square then those who can't accept it are beyond hope and reason.
If Obama doesn't win, the black community will believe only that he lost because he is black, not because he is a far left revolutionary socialist. THAT is the reason I will not vote for him. If he loses a close election we will see the black left raise more hell than we can imagine claiming the election was rigged and the RICH WHITES wouldn't allow a black man to be president.....it is going to be chaos.

Do you think Obama is or would be friends to Robert Mugabe? That is who his long time friend, pastor Wright reminds me of (same kind of outlook).
your right, they will riot in LA

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they will!
Don't listen to the media. Read or listen to what Obama has said/done for the last 10 years. (While running hardly means much.) The man obviously hates every principal in the constitution.
Good grief, it's not the end of the world if wins or loses. if he lost the way Gore lost in 2000 I could see some problems alright but that's not likely. with this attitude we can't let any minority run for ofice for fear they may lose and cause trouble.

We're supposed to judge someone by their actions, Obama isn't an America hater or the anti christ he's a 1/2 black guy running for president. he may have a few less than perfect things in his past but who doesn't, you don't actually think Bush was a saint do you? coke, booze, lost his Air Force base and couldn't find it again,failed business ventures, and that's just a few things he screwed up before he was elected. Obama has a whacky preacher and his wife made an odd comment and life as we know it is over?

You guys are taking the " be afraid " far right thing too far, if you don't like him don't vote for him . no need to run for your bomb shelter either, stay out here and you'll see it's not that scary.
Thats comeing from a liberal dem. about a liberal dem. Say what you want about Bush but you can't say he spent half his life being spiritualy guided by a man that denounces America and seems to hate it, and married a women that seems to be the same way. What Bush did was what every hell raising American guys has done, fast cars, fast women, fast times then you mature and get on with life ...the American way....apples to oranges.
Yet you're the one who's afraid, we'll see if there are enough voters out there with your attitude. if not, the evil Obama will be your next president.

Is his preacher really the best you can do? lots of them preach about talking snakes, making a woman out of a rib, a world cruise picking up and dropping off animals and the earth is only 6,000 years old. and you're worried about Obama's preacher being a nut? I love it. what's said in church doesn't have to make sense and I've decided if you ask people to explain it they can't so just ignore it. I've never seen any christians I know talking to a snake, trying to create a girl friend out of a rib or doubting a fossil is more than 6,000 years old. I doubt I'll see Obama killing white people or waging war against America either, why does he have to act out on what he hears in church and you don't? give me a break.
"Lots of them preach about talking snakes, making a woman out of a rib,"
That makes it real obvious that you where telling the truth when you said you don't attend church. That statement is simply not true.

Since you are not a church goer let me explain something to you.
The paster does more than just deliver a sermon on Sundays. He is the shepard of the flock. He gives guidence to the members of the church on both spritual and personal issues.

This idiot is not the type of person I want giving our president guidence.

Again, there is a pattern to the types of people Obama surounds himself with, racist american haters.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
You are the company you keep.

We should not elect any person who associates with an open HATER of America. Who openely blames the US govt. for killing it's own citizens by manufacturing HIV. I at first was encouraged that Barak was unlike the Rev. Sharpton and Jackson. He seems to keep those inner feelings hidden.

Alan Keyes would be a man of color worth voting for.
Whatever, if Obama gets enough votes he'll win , if not he'll lose. that's about all that can be said and be known true, the voters will decide.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-08 AT 10:38PM (MST)[p]DUDE,

Here is your quote above: "The way many blacks have played the race card and won is insane , look at OJ, tell me he would be free if he was white.

Robert Blake is still a free man walking around now. What say now Mr. Know It All??

They may only make up 13 percent of america but they make up 90 percent of the pro basketball and pro football. I would guess they have more than 13% of television.
Nobody said the justice system only fails on black people, Blake got lucky. OJ would have hung if he had been white or hadn't had a mostly black jury that's a fact. if there was a way to prove it I'd take all the bets I could get on that one.

Even if Obama was as bad as some of you think he is he won't have a black majority congress. I think it would be pretty tough to get cracker extermination bills through congress so I'm not near as afraid as you guys. if Bush has no control over anything like you keep telling me how could one well spoken 1/2 black guy destroy the nation in one term? get real.

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