Obama statement on Sunday

?And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.?

So you own guns and/or you're religious because you're BITTER.

Finally a window into the mind of Obama. My only surprise is that he was stupid enough to say this. I just hope this gets the airplay it deserves and doesn't get swept under the rug.

Story is also on Foxnews.

What a douche. Some of the most successful and happy people I know are religious.

Reminds me of the Governor of MN Jesse Ventura saying that religion was a crutch for people.

Obama has a bunch of people fooled.

Typical liberal convinced they are so much smarter than anyone else.
You know I really think that all McCain needs to do is take the things Obama says to different groups of voters and put it out for everyone to hear.
Take the things he says to those small towm conseratives and play it for his rich liberal supporters, and the things (like this) he says to rich big city liberals and play ot for small town america.
Once everybody figures out he is scamming them, he's done.
i didnt hear obama say you own guns or are religous because your bitter. i believe people are bitter about the government being more responsive to wealthy peoples intersts and they dont use the power of our american democracy to help themselfs and what they care about. so when they hear something about taking guns away or killing babies, no matter how untrue its all that matters. did anyone know or care that in 2006 house member tom trancredo wrote a bill to sell off around 30% of our public lands it was cosponserd by western republicans b. otter,b.cubin and others. do you care? do you care that the US went into debt more than 300 billion during the last 6 months? in time these things and others are going to hurt hunting and wildlife habitat. things we should care about. there are specifics such as not ever funding the great basin habitat project,oil and gas projects rushed through and underfunded. you would think hunters would care more about that sort of thing wouldnt you?
I just can't stomach the USA being led by a man named Obama! Call me what you will, but this is "MY" feeling and opinion....He has flip flopped his whole campain....J.A.C.K.A.S.S.!!!!!
Hillary is pushing this mis-statement by Obama to the limits. It will cost him many votes in rural America U.S.A. He is saying what he thinks the audience in front of him wants to hear, not relizing what liberals in San Fransico want to hear is vastly different what they want to hear in Penn.
McCain is laughting all the way to the podem when he will use this infromation against Obama or Hillary that the liberal press was eager to offer this time around and he can not be accused with using dirty politics since it is already out there.


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