Obama protestors carrying firearms



Protesters in AZ at an Obama speaking event were legally carrying firearms outside the event and protesting Obama....awesome...love to hear stuff like this...

Exercising our rights as Americans and showing these liberals/marxists that we're not going to back down easily.

I have a feeling this is the beginning of things yet to come.


LAST EDITED ON Aug-18-09 AT 10:33AM (MST)[p]http://www.monstermuleys.info/dcforum/User_files/4a1df3ee0ef8dc53.jpg
While I support our 2nd amendment rights I don't think this is such a hot idea. Sooner or later it will rouse anti gun sentiment which could result in negative consequences. They made their point, now they should let it go.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-18-09 AT 03:14PM (MST)[p]I'll bet the dumbazz carrying heat had to change his pants after Secret Service got done babysitting him. Those boys are awesome. I have worked for a few retired ss and was not impressed but the active thugs put on quite the show. Some have no necks. This is not a battle to pick on my opinion unless you want the law changed.
Why is it not a good idea to be active w/ our ammendments? Nobody complains about women voting, or freedom of speech. But everytime the gun issue comes up there are weenies, on our side, saying that 's not a good idea. I think it was fitting, and as far as the SS watching these guy's- come on this is not a communist country, well, yet!
Maddglasser +1

I wonder if people in Australia thought the same way as their guns were being taken away as a lot of people think about gun issues in this country.

We do need to stop being weenies about this issue or someday it wont even be an issue. Hardcore protesting like that strikes cords with people and raises eyebrows and thats what we want.

I bet ol Ted Nugent had a big grin on his face when he heard that story.

Stinky I wondered how long your post would last...LOL...it was funny though.

>While I support our 2nd amendment
>rights I don't think this
>is such a hot idea.
> Sooner or later it
>will rouse anti gun sentiment
>which could result in negative
>consequences. They made their
>point, now they should let
>it go.

A free man, exercising his natural-right to bear arms, within the established law and in a manner that sent, what I assess to be, a critical and long overdue message to the politicos.

We need more of the same, more often and in just such a 'soft' confrontational, albeit peaceful, manner.

How's that for a concept?
Breaking news.........The RKBA is already a target and the antis will never cease, ever. Neither will the Fed retrench and retreat from the road to tyranny.

It is long past time to step up, man up and confront the threat openly and head on.

Nothing less will have any effect, except for the 'pussification' of more people and a continuing slide into tyranny.

"If it moves shoot it again"

I am a fervent supporter of our Second Amendment rights but that display is unnecessary and plays right into the stereotypes that we are irresponsible stupid hotheads.

I mean,why wag an assault rifle around at a Presidential event except to create stupid/crazy impressions? Crap like that does way more harm than good.

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